Monster Refining System

Chapter 1204: new world

Ten Thousand Realms System...

When Xia Fukun returned to the Ten Thousand Realms system, the whole person seemed particularly relaxed.

Because the top of the previous two worlds, it is reasonable, Xia Fukun is easy to get it. Moreover, it is faster than the required time, I don't know how much. Sometimes Xia Fukun doesn't know why he can be so good!

"It seems, it's not as difficult as imagined, hahaha."

Xia Fukun said something serenely.

"Hehe, it's easy, isn't it?"

The voice of the bliss system sounded in Xia Fukun's mind.

"No, Brother Lian, don't mess with me!"

Xia Fukun hurriedly said when he heard what the Bliss system had said.

"No, no, how could I **** you."

Bliss System smiled.

"Furthermore, I can tell you that the next world you are going to is definitely a huge benefit."

"What world?"

When the Bliss system said this, Xia Fukun quickly asked.

"Hehe, you'll know when you go."

At this time, Xia Fukun felt a flower in front of her eyes.

The next second-

He once again came to a strange world.

And when Xia Fukun opened his eyes, two **** of meat hit his face.

"I'm going, what weapon!"

Xia Fukun hurriedly opened the meat ball. Originally, he was prepared to use his skills, but found that in this new world, he was not even as good as the world of Detective Conan. His body was soft and he didn't have any strength at all. It's so ordinary that it can't be ordinary!

"This is, what world..."

Xia Fukun squinted his eyes, too late to look at the world in front of him, opened the cross section, and found out.

"Long live the girl in the world, the top of the list, help the father. Successfully found three wives in the girl in the long live the world."

Seeing the news on the cross section, Xia Fukun was taken aback.

"Damn, what kind of world is this..."

To be honest, Xia Fukun is a very serious man. On earth, he has never seen any comics before, but he reads very upright and respectable comics like Detective Conan. It's Xia Fukun's hobby to burn his brain and solve crimes when he is okay, but now, suddenly such an unscrupulous cartoon has come.

Xia Fukun was speechless at the time.

This is not a car to the kindergarten!

However, apart from being speechless, Xia Fukun was a little bit happy again.


Two-dimensional characters, really love...

It was also after returning to "reality" that Xia Fukun saw that a girl with pink hair was pressing on her body.

"Xia Jun, get up!"

Xia Fukun couldn't help but stunned when he heard what the other party said.

So, unlike the previous Detective Conan and my name is Bai Xiaofei, this time, I didn't travel through it, but was directly attached to the protagonist, right?

And this anime, reasonable, Xia Fukun has never seen it before!

If you haven't watched it, you don't know the plot, and you don't know the plot, there is no way to predict what you should do in advance!

But is it time to think about the task now? Ok?

Xia Fukun looked at the pink-haired girl with a red mark like rose petals on her forehead in front of her, and couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of water.

The corresponding information entered his mind at this moment.

The girl in front of me is called Miharu·Sena·Kanaka (Mikhalu·セナ·カナカ)

Xia Fukun thought that the name was too long, so he simply called the other party Mihalu.

"Miharu, what are you doing..."

This Miharu was wearing a light costume and pressing on Xia Fukun's body. To be honest, Xia Fukun was also a healthy man. If this was enough, he almost turned over and jumped on him, okay?

It was also this time, that Miharu smiled. Sweetly said to Xia Fukun:

"I want to get Xia Jun to get up."

"Hehe, wake me up? How do you call it?"

Xia Fukun licked his lips and turned over.

There was a shy cry from Namharu.

Xia Fukun was just about to do something.

The door of the room was directly pushed open.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a girl in school uniform standing at the door, and then looked at Xia Fukun and Mihalu with a stupefied expression, her cheeks flying up.

"I...I, Xia Jun, I want to borrow the bathroom for a while, my house has no water, you, you, didn't you bother you?"

The girl in the short skirt school uniform is named Kojima Tonge, and Xia Fukun has her information in her mind, and she has been ambiguous with the owner of Xia Fukun. However, the owner of my own body, it seems that there was a girl's phobia before or something...

"Borrow the bathroom?"

Xia Fukun coughed.

Although interrupted by someone, the latter seems to be even more tempting...

And although Xia Fukun is an upright person, there is no way, this is the task of the system!

If you want to be the top of the list, you need to find more wives, you have to surpass the helper father and become a scumbag!

Three wives and four concubines, three palaces and six hospitals!

Thinking of this, Xia Fukun smiled, and then got up from that Mihalu.

"I'll show you the bathroom, the shower in the bathroom seems to be broken, Mihalu, wait for me."

"Ah, good Xia Jun..."

I have to say that the girls of R Ben are very well-behaved, and their personalities are super good, although they are still very shy, but after Xia Fukun's words, Na Mihalu nodded obediently.

Soon, Xia Fukun took the small island Tonge towards the bathroom...

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