Monster Refining System

Chapter 1219: Tun Tun

Looking at the Void Longsword in Xia Fukun's hand, it constantly zoomed in and zoomed in as it bounced toward them like lightning.

The terrible coercion and momentum made all the disciples of the Great Shrine tremble in amazement.

the reason is simple!

If this is a sword, they will all fall!

And, it's not just them.

Just because Xia Fukun’s moves were so powerful, the disciples of the Grand Shrine felt that the power of this sword was enough to destroy the entire Grand Shrine, even the first domain, under Xia Fukun’s sword. ...

"Junior Brother Xia Fukun..."

But at this time, the eyelids of the tombstone in the Fulinmen twitched crazily. He looked at Xia Fukun not far away and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

To be reasonable, when Xia Fukun had just entered the Fulinmen and became a holy son, Xia Fukun was not his opponent at that time.

At that time, in order to appease himself, Xia Fukun had to accompany him to fight the landlord...

But now, just a few years later, this Xia Fukun has grown to such a terrible degree that even if he only needs a thought and a look, he can die without a place to bury him!

"Why is the gap between this person and person so big..."

The tombstone gave a wry smile. Originally, before Xia Fukun appeared, he was also the proud man of heaven, a dragon and a phoenix among people. It is even the first candidate for the successor of the barbaric system in the eyes of Master Tsing Yi.

However, when Xia Fukun appeared, all this changed...

Xia Fukun not only took the Wild System, but also received all the systems scattered across the Thirty-Two Universes in other areas...

"Boy, don't be discouraged."

The helper father looked at the tombstone with a sad look, and patted the tombstone on the shoulder.

"Helper father."

The tombstone showed a sense of war in his eyes.

Although the helper father often appears now, it is not as mysterious as before.

However, if you can get a compliment and encouragement from the helper's father.

That is definitely an exciting thing!


The tombstone did not expect it.

After the gang of master fathers finished taking pictures of the shoulders of the tombstones, they coughed and muttered for two seconds before saying:

"Some people's achievements are something you won't be able to catch up in your entire life."


The black question mark looked at that group of master fathers with a stunned face, these group of master fathers, what, are, you, what do you do? Is this encouraging yourself? what? !

It was also at this moment that Xia Fukun's sword fell directly on the site where the Great Shrine was located.

That moment.

The whole space seemed to be still.

Only the figures of the master fathers suddenly appeared in front of all Fulinmen's disciples. Then, with a backhand shake, a mask fell on the heads of Fulinmen's disciples, wrapping them up.

"You fellow, are you still doing things so carelessly, don't look at it, the same sect brother is behind you."

The voice of the helper's father reached that Xia Fukun's ear, and Xia Fukun glanced at the helper's father.

"have a finger in the pie."


The gang leader’s father was stunned for a moment when he heard Xia Fukun’s words. Then, he realized that the power of Xia Fukun’s attack seemed to spread in all directions, but in fact, he did not come to the Fulinmen disciples. Yes, it spreads unilaterally towards the Great Shrine.

Divine rank skills were originally able to be displayed by the strong in the ancestral realm.

Because it is difficult to meet the conditions of the magical skills. Need to have multiple systems.

And even in the ancestral realm, it is very difficult to control the divine skill.

However, this Xia Fukun is not in the realm of the gods, but can he control the skills of the gods? ? ?

"It seems that the tempering in the Ten Thousand Realms system, your harvest is greater than I thought."

It was also the kung fu of chatting with that gang of master fathers, that big shrine, starting from the direction where Xia Fukun’s emptiness sword landed, everything around was annihilated...


It was also at this moment, Xia Fukun's body suddenly felt an irritable force.

Xia Fukun was taken aback for a moment.

"Godfather? What's the matter?"

Release the monster beast within the body.

"Xia Fukun, did you forget something?"

The Demon Swallowing Beast didn't dare to talk to Xia Fukun's attitude, after all, the current Xia Fukun's strength has surpassed it too much. but……

"Forgot what?"

Xia Fukun was taken aback for a moment.

"Tun Tun is still in this Great Shrine!"


Then Xia Fukun was taken aback.

It reacted immediately.

"Fuck, trough..."

At this moment, Xia Fukun's magical skills covered the entire Grand Shrine, and following this rhythm, the Grand Shrine would be annihilated within a moment.

At that time, everything in the Great Shrine will disappear, including, that Tun Tun...

"Ma, Dan, how can I forget this one."

Xia Fukun patted his forehead, and immediately disappeared in place. Reappeared again, already in front of the bell tower of the Great Shrine.

Looking around, above the clock tower, he saw Tun Tun who was trapped.

At this moment, Tun Tun's expression was also extremely painful.

"Tun Tun..."

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