Monster Refining System

Chapter 1221: Zhan Yunliao

"Under the ancestral realm, above the pseudo-ancestral realm!"

The gang master's father looked at the Yunliao Palace Master and spoke indifferently.

"No, I didn't ask this."

Xia Fukun glanced awkwardly at the father.

"I mean, then, do you want to help the main father?"

Hearing Xia Fukun's words, the master father rolled his eyes.

"Palace Master Yunliao can't even compare to Nabirus's little bit. If you can't even pass the level of Palace Master Yunliao, let alone Birusi in the future."

"You go up first, if you really are not his opponent, I will go up again."

Xia Fukun murmured when he heard what the master father said.


At this time, the Yunliao Palace Master also sneered at Xia Fukun and the father of the gang leader in front of him.

To be honest, although the surface is calm, his heart is panicked at the moment...

The reason is very simple. Whether it is Xia Fukun or the father of the gang, they have always beaten him.

It’s just because I have been practicing with Nabirus for about a year, so at this moment, the Yunliao Palace Master’s strength has improved by leaps and bounds. Because he has sensed the changes in this great divine palace, the Yunliao Palace Master implores Birus. , Let him out.

For the Yunliao Palace Master, Birus didn't care too much. At the level of Birus, most of the people around him are chess pieces. And this Yunliao Palace Master was one of them.

He also never thought that using the Yunliao Palace Master, he could annihilate the gang of master fathers.

It was purely because the father of the master and that Xia Fukun were going to kill the palace lord of Yunliao. He saved the palace master of Yunliao because he was disgusting to help the father.

Sometimes, there is no reason for many things. If you want to do it, just do it...

And the enchantment of that dry well was only aimed at him alone. Therefore, the Yunliao Palace Master wanted to leave, and he could naturally leave. The previous talks with the Yunliao Palace Master were just for the Yunliao Palace Master.

It was also at this time that Palace Master Yunliao watched Xia Fukun take a step towards him.

Squinted his eyes.


Right now, he yelled at that Xia Fukun.

Xia Fukun: "???"

What does the Yunliao Palace Master mean, can't fight anymore?

"Although my current strength has surpassed your imagination, but according to the rules of the world, we should still be 1V1."

The Yunliao Palace Master said this, because he was worried that when he was competing with Xia Fukun, the master fathers would come over and intervene abruptly. If that were the case, it would be difficult for him to do it!

After all, if only Xia Fukun is alone, he still has a little confidence, but if it is two people...

"No, we didn't plan to hit you one by two, isn't this just 1v1?"

Xia Fukun looked at the Yunliao Palace Master like a fool.

"Hehe, that's good!"

The Yunliao Palace Master glanced at the people around him and found that those Fulinmen disciples looked a little weird when they looked at him, as if, a little bit of despising people? !

How to fatten four? !

I am also the palace owner of this great temple anyway, and now, I have surpassed the barrier of the gods that day, how can these people? Want to look down on yourself? Ok? !

"Ha ha."

Xia Fukun smiled disdainfully and just stepped forward.

That Yunliao Palace Master stretched out his hand again.


Hey there! I have a bad temper!

Xia Fukun couldn't bear it at that time, okay?

"Can you still fight?"

He frowned and looked at the Yunliao Palace Master.

"Fight! Of course."

Palace Master Yunliao nodded, it was also at this moment that the killing intent on his body slowly rose up, and stares were thrown towards the Palace Master Yunliao.

Because at this moment, the body of the Yunliao Palace Master, in amazement, turned out to be vain and ethereal.

"this is……"

Xia Fukun was taken aback for a moment.

"This Yun Liao sacrificed his soul to Na Birus, so to be precise, Yun Liao's current state is not a normal person."

The reminder of those master fathers gently sounded in Xia Fukun's mind.

After hearing this group of master fathers' words, Xia Fukun narrowed his eyes.

"Palace Master Yunliao..."

"Make yourself so innocent and innocent. Is it really worth it?"

"Jie Jie Jie--"

The Yunliao Palace Master sneered.

"It's not worth it to be able to kill you, kill those master fathers, and smooth out your blessings?"

That Yunliao Palace Master didn't care about Xia Fukun. The Misty Divine Art is displayed, although it is Misty Divine Art, but it is very different from the previous Misty Divine Art.


Around this time, all was enveloped by a black mist, and in that black, purple arcs flashed from time to time.

"Hey, it's really troublesome..."

Xia Fukun gave a wry smile.

"Pseudo-ancestral realm, that means it has not yet reached the ancestral realm."

"Then, you in this realm, can you use that magical skill?"

Xia Fukun grinned at the Yunliao Palace Master.

The next second-

On the palm of his hand, gray, purple, and blue light were jumping.

"Destroy the world..."

Xia Fukun's lips moved slightly.

It was also at this moment that the three-color jumping light was condensing a spear.

And above the spear, the power of destroying the world is slowly spreading.

The surrounding space, at this moment, is distorted.

Looking at this scene, the Yunliao Palace Master couldn't help his face becoming serious.

Because with this skill of Xia Fukun, he also felt threatened...

"Unexpectedly, you, in the realm of the gods, can actually release the skills of the gods."

Palace Master Yunliao licked his lips, a little unbelievable.

"How is it, isn't it a pleasant surprise, isn't it exciting?"

Xia Fukun sneered and asked.

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