Monster Refining System

Chapter 1230: Super artifact

"Not bad."

The old man nodded, and a little confidence appeared on his face.

Indeed, being able to create a super artifact, that is, the system, is enough for him to be proud.

"Then logically speaking, in your divine tool village, it should be easy to give birth to an ancestral realm powerhouse, right?"

Xia Fukun's words are true.

Being able to build a system, isn't it easy to give birth to an ancestral realm powerhouse?

Who knows, just as he said this, the old man gave a wry smile.

"If there is a hero who said it is so simple, then that would be great."

"The hero may not know that, although everyone in our village can build artifacts, there is a big demon in our village."


Xia Fukun was stunned, the devil? What the hell?

"In our Sacred Tool Village, there are probably hundreds of villagers who can create super artifacts, and there are almost a dozen people. However, if the super artifact is to be created, it will take a very long time. So, although we feel that super artifacts are not so precious, we still cherish every super artifact that is born."


At this point, the old man gave a wry smile.

"Since the Great Demon King came to our Sacred Tool Village, every time we created a new Super Sacred Tool, he would ask for it. Knowing that we have the ability to build that Super Sacred Tool, so if we don’t follow Do what he says, the big devil won't kill us, he will attack the villagers in the village who are not capable of creating super-sacred tools..."

"You should have seen this super artifact in my hand. In fact, it is still a prototype. After all, the super artifact is not that easy to create. But even so, the prototype in my hand has already been The big devil fell in love with it."

"For the super divine tool, every master craftsman who creates it treats it as his own child..."


The old man gave another wry smile.

"The time limit given to me by the Great Demon King is three days...Within three days, I will hand in this super divine tool, otherwise, my offspring will lose one person."

After hearing the old man's words, Xia Fukun narrowed his eyes.

"and so--"

"If I didn't guess wrong, do you want to use me as a spearman? You gave me your super magic weapon, then, you big devil, turn around, don't you find me?"

Upon hearing Xia Fukun's words, the old man's face was a little embarrassed.

"Uh, you can see through it."

"But isn't it the same?"

"Anyway, a hero, you also need this super artifact, and, aren't you also a strong man in the ancestral realm? I think you should be fearless of the great devil, right?"

"You mean, that Great Demon King is the Ancestral Realm?"

Xia Fukun asked the old man.

"Uh, yes, aren't you?"

The old man looked at Xia Fukun's display of magic skills, so he always thought that Xia Fukun was also an ancestral realm powerhouse.

who knows……

Xia Fukun shook his head calmly.

"Sorry, I'm not..."


The old man froze for a moment.

This Xia Fukun, didn't he just show off his supernatural skill? Isn't it that only the strong ancestors can use that magical skill?

"Then, are you?"

"The realm of the gods."

As soon as Xia Fukun finished speaking these four words, the old man's eyes were a little erratic, and even the hourglass was about to take it back.

Xia Fukun grabbed the hourglass, and immediately added a faint: "The Supreme Strong."

Old man: "..."

The realm of heavenly gods is the realm of heavenly gods, so why does the supreme powerhouse expand so much? !


Everyone, who is not in the realm of the gods?

The minimum requirement for these magical craftsmen to create super-sacred tools is to have the cultivation base of the realm of heavenly gods!

"Senior, reasonable, you don't meet our requirements very much..."

The old man frowned when he looked at Xia Fukun's hand on his hourglass.

He hoped that he would contribute a super artifact, and then use that super artifact in exchange for Xia Fukun to defeat the great demon king.


Unexpectedly, this Xia Fukun, like them, is in the realm of the gods...

It's all in the realm of the gods, so what's the point? Who is not in the realm of the gods, how to drop it?

"It's okay, you want to find an ancestral realm strong in a short time, it's not realistic!"

The style of painting has changed dramatically...

Originally, the old man was begging Xia Fukun, but now, it is a bit like Xia Fukun licking the old man...

"By the way, according to what you said, don't you have more than ten divine craftsmen in this divine tool village, that is, more than ten heavenly gods?"


The old man saw that Xia Fukun's hand was firmly grasping on the hourglass, but he had no choice but to take it back.

He felt that he might have paid his grandma's house.

After all, it would be better if Xia Fukun could solve the problem for them, but now, Xia Fukun, there is no way to solve any problem for them!

They are all in the realm of the gods, this Xia Fukun, how can He De, come out to take orders online?

I also heard the old man nodding.

Xia Fukun asked curiously:

"Then, you have so many gods in the realm, didn't you try to resist?"

Hearing Xia Fukun's words, the old man found it ridiculous.

"Do you think we haven't resisted? But it's useless!"

"The last batch of master craftsmen who resisted the great demon king has all died. We are the second batch of master craftsmen cultivated by the great demon king."

Xia Fukun: "..."

With an embarrassing cough, Xia Fukun said:

"Then, according to what you mean, the big devil should already have a lot of super artifacts in his hands?"

Xia Fukun is actually a bit suspicious.

Because the father of the gang said that in the hands of the father of the gang, at its peak, there were only ten systems, which was equivalent to those ten super artifacts.

However, Lord Biruth, although there are more systems than the main father, but there are more than a dozen, less than twenty systems!

According to the situation of the old man and others, they are not porters of nature! They are the production team!

"That's not true, just dozens of super artifacts!"


Xia Fukun took a deep breath. Dozens of super artifacts, what is this concept? Do you have dozens of systems? This is too scary, right?

"Well, dozens of them, how many?"

The old man looked at Xia Fukun curiously.

"Not much, not much..."

Xia Fukun's eyes rolled wildly at this moment, and he had a thought in his heart calling himself...

At this moment, he even wanted to bring the old man back into his own world, so he took the iron chain and pulled the old man every day to force him to build a super artifact?

In that case, maybe, when Nabirus-sama comes out, the super-sacred tool he possesses, I guess, will surpass Nabirus-sama?

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