Monster Refining System

Chapter 1240: I heard it all!

Sinbad felt that this might be the darkest day of his life...

He originally thought that he might be a sinner in this Sacred Tool Village, so he handed over the Super Sacred Tool that he had been hiding for a long time and was unwilling to surrender it.

But never thought...

Xia Fukun never thought of slaughtering the village, but simply asked everyone to gather for a meeting...

are you crazy!

Sinbad cursed at Xia Fukun in his heart, summoning everyone to open a village committee or something, can't you explain it in advance? So I thought, what Xia Fukun was going to do...

Sinbad wanted to cry without tears.

Soon, he summoned all the villagers.

Because I heard that Sinbad said that this time the "Great Demon King" summoned everyone over, so everyone in this artifact village was very nervous.

Because the emotion of this great devil is difficult to control, and the mood is not easy to guess.

In case of a bad mood, it is very possible to slaughter a village or something.


Seeing that the villagers in this Sacred Tool Village were almost there, Xia Fukun cleared his throat.

"Let me talk about it."

When the villagers heard Xia Fukun's words, all of them bowed their heads, and did not dare to look at Xia Fukun, because they were afraid that Xia Fukun would take one of them first.

"Before I asked everyone to build a super artifact for me, I know that everyone is working hard, but the efficiency is still too low."

"From today onwards, all the artisans who can build super artifacts will be gathered together. We manage them in a militarized manner. You work hard together. We follow the schedule. Every ten days, we will provide me with a super artifact. If If you can’t provide it, I’ll randomly take your family members of the master craftsman. This is also for the good of you all. If you are all separated, some of you will be passive and the others will not know about it, right?"

Xia Fukun’s words sounded like the same thing, but in fact, Xia Fukun was squeezing the production time of those master craftsmen.

If the super artifact, that is, the system is so easy to create, then there are already as many supreme powerhouses in the world as Chinese cabbage flying all over the sky in the heavens. Super artifact, that is also an extremely difficult thing.

"What do you think about this?"

Xia Fukun asked the master craftsman among the villagers.

Although everyone has opinions in their hearts, they dare not refute this in front of Xia Fukun! All of them lowered their heads, expressing no opinion.

At this time, Xia Fukun looked at Sinbad: "Do you have any comments on what I just said?"

Sinbad froze for a moment, and he pondered for two seconds: "Do you think we can build a super artifact in ten days?"

Xia Fukun: "..."


In fact, he knew in his heart that even if all the master craftsmen were superimposed together for ten days, it was impossible to create super magical artifacts. The reason why the time was so short was to inspire these master craftsmen. Let everyone stop being passive!

"Then what's the point of your decision of this matter?" Sinbad asked again.

"Okay, you don't have to talk!"

Xia Fukun interrupted Sinbad, he couldn't let this Sinbad go on, and if he went on, he estimated that he would have no prestige in front of the villagers of these artifact villages.

In fact, these villagers in Divine Tool Village had already noticed that there was something wrong with the Great Demon in front of them.

Just kidding, the previous big devil, would he just do it right away if he didn't agree? But now, this big devil is still consulting their opinions? ?

"My lord, I think I still have to say a few words."

Sinbad felt that Xia Fukun had put him on the line before, so he was absolutely unambiguous when he could say a few more words.

It was just after he finished saying these words that Xia Fukun went up and stunned him with a punch.

Xia Fukun suddenly realized one thing.

The villagers in this artifact village are all cheap bones.

Discuss with them carefully, and they will have to make an inch of it. If this is the case, then, try not to discuss things that can be solved with your fists as much as possible.

"Does anyone else have an opinion?"

Nasinbad was stunned by Xia Fukun's punch, and she fell to the ground and foamed at her mouth.

Xia Fukun asked other people at this moment, and everyone else was afraid to speak.

Just kidding, if you refute this, isn't it you who will foam up next?

However, Xia Fukun seemed to still want to grab a thorn.

He walked up to a strong bald man.

"Do you have an opinion?"

The bald-headed man looked middle-aged, but in fact, he was the oldest one in this artifact village, but he might be well maintained, and his appearance was hard to see.

At this moment, I heard Xia Fukun asking himself.

The brawny bald man hesitated for a moment, and gestured at Xia Fukun.

"Abba, Abba!"

Xia Fukun: "???"

So it doesn't matter if it is the earth, or other domains, or other worlds.

Are all dumb expressions consistent?


Xia Fukun knocked the brawny bald man to the ground with a punch.

"I don't think you respect me."

People around: "..."

"Okay, today, I'm just explaining the task to everyone. Hurry up. Ten days later, I will ask you to ask for a super artifact. If you can't hand it over, hehe, at your own risk."

After Xia Fukun said this, his body turned into a smoke and dissipated in place.

Seeing that Xia Fukun disappeared in the same place, the villagers of the Sacred Tool Village also showed helpless wry smiles.

In the past, the big devil squeezed them, but still gave them the time to endure, but now, the big devil even compresses that time.

Every ten days, create a super artifact...

This is impossible no matter who it is!

As a result, the villagers of these artifact villages began to gather together, and the core area is the artisans who can build super artifacts.

"Everyone, it's a matter of life and death now! Do you still have stocks in your hands?"

One of the master craftsmen frowned and asked.

"I have one more."

"I have two more."

"Huh, here I am..."

These master craftsmen haven't finished speaking yet, where Xia Fukun just disappeared.

A figure slowly emerged.

The corner of that figure's mouth rose slightly.

A sly smile appeared on his face.

"What you just said..."

"I heard it all!"

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