Monster Refining System

Chapter 1244: Not annoying at all


Xia Fukun couldn't help but asked excitedly when he heard the divine craftsman's words.

To be honest, he said that for ten days before, it was just casual.

The reason is simple, because he asked the big devil... how long was originally given to these master craftsmen.

And the answer of the Great Devil is...

One year.

In other words, these more than ten master craftsmen, every other year, only need to create a super magical tool for the big devil.

However, Xia Fukun directly shortened this time several dozen times.

To be honest, if these master craftsmen can really create it, then **** be a ghost!

And now, what Xia Fukun didn't expect was that these master craftsmen had already spent ten days on their own...

"My lord, do we dare to lie to you?"

"The reason why we have not been able to create a super artifact for so long before is because we lack some inspiration, but now, the problem of inspiration, you have solved it for us. To be honest, we are full of inspiration in our minds now! "

Seeing the excitement of this divine craftsman, Xia Fukun was also trapped.

and so……

Before, those master craftsmen spent most of their time meditating on how to create a super artifact?

And leaving aside inspiration, a super artifact, that is, a system, only takes ten short days to build it?

"Brother Lian, I seriously suspect that these master craftsmen are fooling me, but I have no evidence."

Hearing what Xia Fukun said, the bliss system sneered in Xia Fukun's mind, and immediately said:

"Then these master craftsmen fool you, what are they doing?"

What is the picture?

Xia Fukun was taken aback when he heard the words of the Bliss system.

"Maybe, just for fun?"

Bliss System: "Haha!"

After confirming that these master craftsmen can build a super magical artifact in only ten days, Xia Fukun did not waste time on these people. After all, time is precious. Let these master craftsmen take advantage of these ten days. Time is the most important thing to build a super artifact.

After Xia Fukun returned to the Great Demon King, he shared this situation with the Great Demon King.

Not because of Xia Fukun's generosity, but because this great demon will be himself in the future.


If you want to perfect this journey of reincarnation, and want to return to those thirty-two universes, you still need the help of this great devil.

Simply put, only if this great devil becomes powerful enough, and only if this great devil can figure out all of this, then he has the opportunity to return to his own world. Otherwise, if possible, you will be trapped in this infinite reincarnation...

of course--

Although this great devil is the self in the future. But it is impossible for Xia Fukun to give all the super artifacts to this great devil, right? After all, this doesn't match his personality!

The two people talked together.

Finally decided to open 50-50...

That is to say, the super artifacts created by the master craftsmen, one belongs to Xia Fukun, one belongs to the Great Demon King, and so on.

In fact, to put it bluntly...

There is absolutely no need for the two to share the spoils.

Because I got them around, the super divine tools were all in Xia Fukun's hands, but it was two Xia Fukun in different time and space...

"Brother Lian, I have a doubt."


After returning to his resting place from the Great Demon King, Xia Fukun asked the Bliss system.

"If I return to those thirty-two universes, can I take away the things I harvested here?"

Hearing Xia Fukun's words, the Bliss System was also taken aback.

after all--

At this time, it is no longer the powerful existence that can dominate everything around it...

Accompanied by the emergence of the central system. This bliss system also lacks the sense of mystery and power...

In the Thirty-Two Universe, the Bliss System may still be considered powerful, but in the First Universe, there are many central systems that are stronger than the Bliss System. To be reasonable, this bliss system is really not ranked here, it can only be regarded as a younger brother...

"This, I don't know..."

Hearing the answer from the Bliss System, Xia Fukun was taken aback.

Suddenly, he took a serious look at the Bliss System.

He realized a problem.

As the level of cultivation continues to elevate, this bliss system is no longer the one that can call the wind and rain, and can give oneself the strongest arms.

Take this journey of reincarnation as an example.

During this journey of reincarnation, Xia Fukun and the Bliss system asked more than one question.

However, this bliss system is asking three questions...

"What are you doing?"

And looking at Xia Fukun's eyes, Bliss System couldn't help but stunned.

The expression was more or less flustered.

The weak are destined to be eliminated. This is the same law in any food chain.

"Brother Lian..."

Xia Fukun pondered for two seconds.

"How do you rank in that central system?"

Hearing Xia Fukun's words, the Bliss System narrowed his eyes.

"What are you asking this for?"

Although the Bliss system is far superior to the ordinary system, it is not ranked high in that central system.

And there is one thing that Xia Fukun doesn't know yet.

The reason why the central system is stronger than the ordinary system is not only because the central system has its own intelligence. All can only be turned on.


Or because--

The central system cannot be built artificially. It is even a bit taller. This central system is co-existing with heaven and earth...

"I think your ranking in that central system must not be very high."

Xia Fukun’s words are straightforward.

After hearing Xia Fukun's words, the expression of the Bliss System suddenly pulled down.

It's also this time.

Another sentence from Xia Fukun reached the ears of the Bliss System.


"I made a decision."

"In the future. If you can."

"I want you to be at the top of the list in that central system."

"Let you, dominate all systems that day."

After Xia Fukun said this, the Bliss system was stunned.

These words, even the main fathers of the gang, hadn't spoken to himself before.

Listening to these words, although it gives people the feeling that this Xia Fukun is arrogant, but...

Very cool, very comfortable...

"Thank you……"

The Bliss System took a deep breath, and after a long while, it smiled at Xia Fukun.

For the first time, it felt that Xia Fukun in front of him seemed to be not annoying at all.

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