Monster Refining System

Chapter 1252: Moved

"If it's really your journey of reincarnation..."

The gourd baby took a deep breath and looked at Xia Fukun in front of him.

"If it is really your journey of reincarnation, then even if this artifact village is included in the space of Heaven and Earth Gourd, it will not be useful..."

"When you leave this journey of reincarnation, I guess..."

"All of those will be emptied..."

"It's just that what makes me a little curious is that your journey through reincarnation seems to be somewhat different from that of others. To put it simply... your journey through reincarnation seems to be a little more real."

Baby Calabash looked at the surrounding scene and couldn't help squinting his eyes.

"Everything around this is so real, it doesn't feel like that journey of reincarnation, strange... I have never seen such a journey of reincarnation."

The gourd baby shook his head.

"Am I asking you to analyze the situation on the field?"

Xia Fukun frowned. How did this gourd baby get fat? What it has to do now is just load the entire artifact village into the world of gourd on the day according to what it said. Do you need it to manage other things at all? It is thinking about this and that, what is it doing?

Xia Fukun was speechless.

On the side, the Great Demon King, after listening to the gourd baby's words, couldn't help but squinted his eyes.

To be honest, Xia Fukun said earlier that when this was his journey of reincarnation, he always had an idea...

Because neither he nor Xia Fukun, like this world gourd, felt that everything around him was too real...real, not at all like the journey of reincarnation.


If this is really a journey of reincarnation, if Xia Fukun is killed, then Xia Fukun will be the most, and it is just to return to the time when he just entered the cycle of reincarnation.

and so--

The Great Devil has always had a bold idea...

Just kill Xia Fukun...

See if everyone will meet again in that artifact village...

Of course, this idea is a bit too bold. and so--

Even this great devil did not dare to take risks to do such a thing, and besides—

If this Xia Fukun and his own world are really in common. If, between the two, they are in the same world, not in the journey of reincarnation.

Killing Xia Fukun is equivalent to killing yourself...

Once Xia Fukun has fallen, then he will definitely not be able to live...

and so--

Even this big devil did not dare to take risks.

At first, the Great Devil thought it was just that he and Xia Fukun had such an illusion.

Later, the Bliss system said that it also felt that everything around it was a little too real, and it was a little different from the journey of others' reincarnation.

At that time, the big devil was already a little suspicious.

Not to mention now...

The gourd baby suddenly appeared and said the same thing.


The big devil came to the side of this gourd baby.

"What you said is true?"

"What do you mean?"

Baby Calabash glanced at the Demon King.

"Do you also think that everything around here is illusory?"

The big devil asked the gourd baby.

"Yeah, everything around is too real, it doesn't seem like the journey of reincarnation at all."


The great devil gritted his teeth, and immediately, without Xia Fukun's consent, tapped his finger lightly, and suddenly a light appeared from his finger, and then directly pierced the palm of Xia Fukun's hand.


Xia Fukun screamed.

He turned his head and looked at the big demon in disbelief.

He doesn't know, what kind of wind this guy is smoking!

How can this be so good, and have you started it on yourself? wrong……

This Xia Fukun suddenly thought of one thing, this great devil is the self in the future! So, under the situation just now, would he also act on himself?

he does not know……


It was also after the Great Demon King penetrated his palm, what he could see was that his palm quickly began to recover.

In almost an instant, the entire palm was healed.

Upon seeing this, Xia Fukun was also stunned. What does it mean? Are you kidding me?

I pierced my palm, now healed myself?

As soon as Xia Fukun was about to ask a question, he saw the big demon raising his hand, and in his hand, there happened to be a mark of a small white lotus flower.

When he saw this mark, the big devil frowned tightly.

"what's happenin?"

Xia Fukun originally wanted to ask why this great demon king treated himself this way, but when he saw the great devil frown, he subconsciously felt that things, perhaps, were not as simple as he thought...

So, when he reached his lips, the words suddenly changed, and he asked the big devil.

"My move will leave a permanent mark on the arm, but there will be no life-threatening danger, but it will always leave a mark..."

"However, if you are on the journey of samsara, waiting for you to leave the journey of samsara, except for your xinxing, your body will not change at all, but, you see..."

When the big demon said this, he lifted his palm.

Xia Fukun could clearly see that on the palm of the opponent, a small white lotus mark was appearing there.

Seeing this scene, Xia Fukun couldn't help taking a deep breath, and immediately raised his palm and took a look...

And this time--

The big demon also gave a wry smile.

"If I didn't guess wrong, you should have gone the wrong way."

"Or, you, my journey of reincarnation is different from others."

"The journey of other people's reincarnation is to change something through the journey of reincarnation. However, no matter what, it is within the scope of their own ability. But your journey of reincarnation came many years later."

"After many years, with your strength, nothing can be changed..."

Having said that, the great devil sighed and raised his head slightly. The gaze, staring at, is the direction of the Blood Palace...

"The people in that place are too tough."

"The masters of the first three halls, one by one, are super supernatural in strength."

"I originally told myself that this is your journey of reincarnation. In this case, you know some things and you can prevent some things. But now it seems. This should not be your journey of reincarnation."

Having said this, the Great Demon King suddenly turned his head and looked at Xia Fukun seriously.

"Your journey of reincarnation should have been touched by someone."

"I want to send you away from here. Only if you leave here can you be safe. Otherwise..."

The big devil gritted his teeth, the implication is already very obvious...

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