Monster Refining System

Chapter 1257: admire

"real or fake?"

The table of people next to Xia Fukun, after someone spoke, the people next to him also began to ask the former.

to be frank……

In this first universe, the existence of the Blood Palace is already known to everyone.

This Blood Palace is different from ordinary forces. There are more than a dozen strong people in the ancestral realm alone. Generally speaking, no one dares to provoke a person in such a force.

Not to mention……

It is the ancestral realm powerhouse among this...

The ancestral realm powerhouse in the Blood Palace is stronger than the ancestral realm powerhouse among other forces. This is recognized by the entire First Universe.

"Then what blood palace is really so strong?"

I also heard someone say something about the Blood Palace, and the person at the other table next to Xia Fukun asked the former.

The people at that table, one by one, were very short in stature, and looked like dwarfs.

At this moment, those little people also jumped on the table.

They, from other universes, came to this first universe because they heard that a new central system in this first universe is about to come out, and they want to come and look for this system.


Now, hearing what the former said about the Blood Palace, and seeing other people's horrified expressions after hearing the Blood Palace, the little people at this table couldn't help but ask curiously.

The dwarves at this table are quite good.

The table in the lobby of the hotel where Xia Fukun is located is a square table with four sides, each of which can seat one person.

And among these four dwarfs, there are actually two, they are strong in the ancestral realm! There are two more, they are the supreme powerhouses in the realm of the gods!


Even so.

They didn't dare to be too presumptuous, because at this moment, the ancestral realm powerhouses that had gathered around here all reached double digits.

Moreover, they also know that in this first domain, the strong will come forth in large numbers.

However, even though they heard about the Blood Palace, they did not know the details of the Blood Palace.

"Haha, brother, you guys, haven't you heard of the blood palace?"

Seeing those dwarfs who looked like dwarfs even hadn't even heard of the Blood Palace, the table of people who spoke at the beginning couldn't help but laugh.

"I have heard of it, but I don't know. Compared with our dwarf gate, this blood palace is weaker and stronger."

"Gnome Gate?"

Upon hearing the name of this sect, the people at the table in front couldn't help taking a deep breath.

The Blood Palace has gained a reputation.

The reputation of this dwarf gate is also very loud.

It's just that this dwarf door comes from the Fifth Universe.

Of course, in the fifth universe, this dwarf gate is also one of the best forces.

There are also four strong ancestors in this dwarf gate.

Moreover, all of them are powerful beings with more than fifteen systems in their hands...

Such forces are actually very powerful. However, compared with the Blood Palace, it is still a bit far away...

"It turns out to be the brother of the dwarf door, disrespectful and disrespectful."

The people at the table who spoke at the beginning also brought a little respect in their tone.

And this cultivating world is different from the secular world. The secular world, perhaps, discriminates against others because of their age. But the practice world will not.

The reason is very simple. This cultivation world is more cruel than the secular world, and—

In this world of cultivation, all people pay attention to one truth.

That truth is--

Whoever has a big fist has the final say...

Although this point is also common in the secular world, it is not as simple and straightforward as the cultivation world, so simple and crude.

"Hehe, you are polite."

The four of the dwarf gate smiled softly.

"However, do you really have no idea about the Blood Palace?"

The former gave a wry smile and asked at the few people at the dwarf door.

"Well, since you know our dwarf gate, you know that when you want to, we rarely get involved in world affairs. This time we came to the First Universe because we heard that the central system is about to come out, so I wanted to come and try our luck."


Thinking of the characteristics of the dwarf gate, those who originally wondered how big powers like the dwarf gate did not know the specific situation of the blood palace, now they heard their explanation, and they all reacted.

"A few brothers may not know yet."

"This Blood Palace is the most powerful force in our First Universe, and it can't even be called the most powerful force in this world. In this Blood Palace, the powers of the ancestral realm have all More than ten!"

"Also, not to mention the three hallowed masters of the first three halls, but the fifth hall owner alone has thirty or forty systems! Do you think it is horrible?"

"Three or forty?!"

When the dwarf gate person heard this number, he couldn't help taking a breath.

Originally, they thought that although the Blood Palace was powerful, it should not be much better than their dwarf gate.

Their dwarf people are short in stature, and for this reason, they spend more time immersing themselves in cultivation.

The dwarf people still seldom pay attention to their appearance. The reason is also very simple.

In this world of cultivation, you don't need to rely on your face to eat!

There is no need to reach the ancestral realm, even if it is to reach the realm of the gods, in this world, what woman you are fancying is not just a hook.

Why do you bother to fall in love?

Of course--

This is also the opinion of a small number of people.

after all--

Some people are immersed in spirit.

There are others who like to be physically happy...

And the people at the dwarf gate originally wanted to touch the people in the Blood Palace...

Now I hear the background and strength of the other party.

Haha...well, excuse me! I am sorry!

It's also this time.

The dwarf man frowned.

"Xiongtai, listen to what you said just now, if this blood palace person makes a move, then what else shall we fight for? This central system, isn't it, it has been properly in the hands of the blood palace strong person?"

Hearing the words of the strong man in the dwarf gate, the supreme strong man in the realm of the gods who had spoken earlier smiled.

"Xiongtai, at this point, you don't know it anymore."

"This Blood Palace is certainly powerful, but it is not someone who does not leave a way for others to survive. In this outside world, no matter what treasure appears or the birth of a new system or something, the powerhouse of the Blood Palace rarely knows how to do it. Come to fight, they don’t seem to be so concerned about these, so you can rest assured and boldly fight for this treasure."

"It's just that, I still don't understand... who exactly is it, what kind of guts, dare to attack the people in this blood palace. If an ordinary **** of heaven dies, it will die, but, After all, this is an ancestral realm powerhouse! Even a force like the Blood Palace..."

"It is extremely difficult to cultivate a strong man in the ancestral realm..."

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