Monster Refining System

Chapter 1262: World War I


Hearing the words of Murong Yunhai, the Lord of the Five Halls of the Blood Palace, those strong in the ancestral realm couldn't help taking a deep breath.

What does this Murong Yunhai mean?

Is this thinking about going head-on with all of them?

However, even if this Murong Yunhai is the head of the Blood Palace, he is too arrogant, right?

"Hehe, I can see some disdain from the look in your eyes."

Na Murong Yunhai licked his lips.

"This pill system, to be honest, my Blood Palace was originally not prepared to compete. The reason is very simple. I don't like the Blood Palace. But—"

Murong Yunhai grinned.

"The system that my first universe was born with, your other universes, come here too, wanting to dye their hands, huh, isn't it—"

"In these years, my Blood Palace has never asked about the world, so you are all a little drifting. I feel that no matter what you do in this First Universe, my Blood Palace will ignore it, right?"

When Murong Yunhai said this, his palm stretched out flat.

"Come on, today, I will let you see what will happen to my Blood Palace if it gets angry."

"You guys, let's go together."

Murong Yunhai hooked the ancestral realm powerhouses in front of him.

Also the voice fell.

Above his palm, some lights of different colors began to jump.

To be honest, no one in the room wants to make enemies with the Blood Palace, no one wants to attack the Palace Master of the Blood Palace, but there is no way. Now, the Palace Master of the Blood Palace has begun to attack first.

If they didn't resist, they could only watch as they were killed by Murong Yunhai from the Blood Palace.

"excuse me."

Upon seeing this, the ancestral realm powerhouses gritted their teeth and said to Murong Yunhai that immediately, they also began to seal.

At the level of the ancestral realm.

No one would use any of the great celestial skills.

Not because of anything else, simply, but because of disdain...

At the ancestral realm, almost all shots were the skills of the gods.

And the magic skills.

On the one hand, the competition is personal strength.

On the other hand, the competition is the number of great celestial skills that can be integrated...

It is also at this time.

Everyone was just about to resist. Suddenly, they found that it was on the palm of Murong Yunhai.

Eleven different colors of light jumped up, and then they merged together skillfully...

and so-

In other words...

Murong Yunhai of the Blood Palace, the lord of the Fifth Hall of the Blood Palace, is already able to fuse eleven great celestial skills together and merge them into a new...divine skill? !

Thinking of this, the strong people around couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath.

It's also this time—

The eleven different colors of light merged together.

A touch of dark golden light boiled from the palm of Murong Yunhai.

After the dark golden light appeared, it turned out to be directly in the palm of Murong Yunhai, condensing a dragon shadow.

After the dark golden dragon shadow appeared, he roared directly at the surrounding area.

This roar came out, and suddenly everything around him began to become trance.

Between the heaven and the earth, the space is constantly shattering.

One crack, another crack, tore apart from this space.

One piece, another piece of space, at this moment, began to collapse and shatter...


After seeing the power of the skills released by the powerful ancestors in the Blood Palace, everyone in the surrounding powerhouses took a deep breath, and there was a sense of disbelief in their eyes.

" the Blood Palace..."

Almost everyone is dumbfounded at this moment...


Even the few powerhouses of the dwarf gate, after seeing the methods of Murong Yunhai in the Blood Palace, there was a sense of disbelief in their eyes.

the reason is simple.

This Murong Yunhai's moves are really too cruel...

The fusion of eleven great celestial skills...

God, is there anyone in this world who is Murong Yunhai's opponent?

Including the two ancestral realm powerhouses of the dwarf gate, they can merge with at most seven or eight great celestial skills.

Even so, they are among the strongest in the Fifth Universe. However, Murong Yunhai of the Blood Palace is only the master of the Fifth Hall, but he can easily compare eleven kinds of great heavens. Product skills merged together...

Don't wait for everyone to be surprised.

The dark golden dragon shadow in the palm of Murong Yunhai had already escaped from the palm of Murong Yunhai.

With a touch of unmatched horror.

With the force of destruction, it spread in all directions.

Around, those strong men saw the dark golden dragon shadows swooping towards them, one by one, there was a deep fear on their faces.


This dark golden dragon shadow is too terrifying...


This dark golden dragon shadow touched the nearest supreme powerhouse in the realm of the gods.

The supreme powerhouse of the **** realm that day was originally a top powerhouse.


After being touched by the dark golden dragon shadow—

It turned out that he didn't even have time to make a scream, and he was torn into pieces directly.

At the same time, the dark golden dragon shadow didn't even stop at the slightest, it was the supreme powerhouse who had not passed the **** realm that day, and headed for the next goal...

Next second—

This dark golden dragon shadow touched an ancestral realm powerhouse again.

That ancestral realm powerhouse, at this moment, even the sacred skill has not had time to condense. After being touched by the dark golden dragon shadow, he uttered a screaming scream. Suddenly, his breath was visible to the naked eye. At this moment , Faded quickly.

The whole person, the breath that was originally extremely prosperous, at this moment, became sluggish...




Along with this dark golden dragon shadow lashing out in all directions, screams of sorrowful screams sounded all around this time.

That Murong Yunhai swept everything around him with cold eyes. At this moment, his eyes seemed so cold.

And speaking of it, if it wasn't for the questioning of the dwarves of the dwarf gate, he didn't want to turn around and kill these people again.

The reason for the kill is also very simple, simply because he was unhappy when asked by the dwarf door...

And everyone in the world knows that the Blood Palace rarely intervenes in external affairs, not because the people in this Blood Palace, one by one, are so soft-hearted, but simply because...they don't bother to take care of external affairs.


In this Blood Palace, most of the people's personalities are similar to those of Murong Yunhai, one by one, they are extremely bloodthirsty...

after all…

When most people go through that journey of reincarnation, they will choose to give up something...

And among the things that are given up, there is kindness, emotion...

Including this Murong Yunhai, at this moment, Murong Yunhai's eyes only have the artifact village.

Because you have the artifact village, you can have a steady stream of systems, and if there are more systems, there will be more options for integration.

The attack power increased, and the strength naturally increased.

If both of these go up...

Then, let alone the lord of the fourth hall before him, even if it is the lord of the first three halls, he can do it. It’s a battle...

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