Monster Refining System

Chapter 1273: Benevolence

"Isn't it?"

Xia Fukun glanced back at the child tied to the tree.

This guy, tell yourself, that's not a kid? Ha ha ha, is this mocking your IQ?

"of course not!"

The young man in the waistcoat rolled his eyes at Xia Fukun, seeming to think that Xia Fukun's brain was amused.

"Don't forget, here is the pill space. In this pill space, most of the tree creatures evolved from the pill. The child in front of him is the holy product's pill."

Holy medicine pill?

Xia Fukun was taken aback for a moment.

He actually listened to the Bliss system before and talked about the form of pill.

Those that were relatively common before, such as the pill on Jiuyou Continent, will not be mentioned for the time being.

The pill that reaches the higher planes, generally speaking, is divided into four levels.

Baopin Pills, Tianpin Pills, Shengpin Pills, and Shenpin Pills!

Generally speaking, the most remarkable pill that a cultivator can refine is the heavenly grade pill. This holy product pill can already condense into its own form.

Or human form, or monster form.

Before meeting the young man in the vest, Xia Fukun ignored one point, that is, here, the space of the pill system, and most of what is presented in it should also be made by the condensed pill.

In this way, Xia Fukun squinted his eyes.

"So, this is a holy pill?"

"of course!"

The young man in vest glanced at Xia Fukun.

"Do you know now? Get out of the way if you know, don't delay me swallowing the pill!"

Xia Fukun smiled vaguely at the former when he heard the words of the young man in the waistcoat.

This waistcoat youth is also interesting.

If he doesn't say so much to himself, he won't be so much.

But by the way, he told himself so much...


Can you still give this holy product pill to others?

Isn't this a joke?

There are people who want to divide the benefits from the Xia family?

At the moment, Xia Fukun's hands, three kinds of light beating.

The young man in the vest thought at first that Xia Fukun would leave after he and Xia Fukun explained it. He never expected that Xia Fukun would start to attack?

Seeing the light jumping in Xia Fukun's hands, the young man in the vest couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"this is……"

"Miracle skill?!"

"Damn it! Are you in the realm of the gods like me? How can you use magic skills?!"

Naturally, Xia Fukun wouldn't answer this vest young man, he waved out the magic skills in his hand.

The spear mixed with terror directly penetrated the body of the young man in the vest.

The cultivating world is going to be more cruel than the outside world.

Xia Fukun felt that this vest young man, before entering this pill-spirit space, should have completed the consciousness of falling. So, he came to the front of the young man in vest.

Kneeling down, he took all the vest youth systems in. This vest youth has six systems on his body. Unfortunately, there is no central system. Xia Fukun took the system and took it with him. He also took the vest youth space. The ring was also picked up. After all, the young man in the vest had fallen to the ground at this moment and vomited blood.

If you don't take this space ring, then, if it is eaten by those monsters, if you get stuck with those monsters, and those monsters are killed because of it, how bad is that?

Moreover, even if it wasn't eaten by those monsters, wouldn't it be trash if it fell on this ground? Does Xia Fukun resolutely put an end to this situation?

To protect the environment, we must start with everyone!

I patted the waistcoat youth on the shoulder, the vitality of the waistcoat youth at this moment is constantly passing by.

However, there was still a sigh of relief, and I was planning to say something to Xia Fukun.

But Xia Fukun went straight up just to wipe the opponent's eyelids and directly let the opponent close his eyes forcibly...

Young man in vest: "..."

It was also at this time that Xia Fukun came to the child who was hung in the tree. Xia Fukun, who had already known the identity of the other party, did not show much appetite to the other party like the young man in the vest.

To be reasonable, Xia Fukun was also very coveted for the sacred pill, but, just like the young man in vest, he swallowed the white and tender child in front of him in one bite. Xia Fukun was a bit unable to make it...

When the child saw Xia Fukun approaching him, his expression became a little frightened. After all, this Xia Fukun was even stronger than the vest young man!

At this time, Xia Fukun gritted his teeth and immediately waved his hand. Suddenly, the rope that bound the child broke.

Xia Fukun took a deep breath.

"Don't worry, it's okay. I won't eat you. There are a lot of people in this space. You can hide quickly."

After Xia Fukun said this, he turned his head and left.

It’s not because I want to be cool, but Xia Fukun can smell the attractive scent from the child. To be reasonable, Xia Fukun is afraid that he is not strong enough. In case, he will be the same as the young man in the vest. What should I do if the child swallows it?

Seeing Xia Fukun leave, the child was also stunned. Obviously, he did not expect that Xia Fukun could actually let him go!

You know, human beings are not all eager to have their own?

Not to mention it is the realm of the gods, even if it is the powerhouse of the ancestral realm, who swallowed himself, and helped him, it is also a big fry!

The child stared blankly at Xia Fukun’s disappearance in front of him, and shook his head. Then, he gritted his teeth, as if he had made up some kind of determination, and his figure was actually directly submerged in that tree. Among the trees...

Naturally, Xia Fukun didn't know that the kid had come out on purpose to lure others over.

The young man in the vest, the cultivation base of the Heavenly God Realm, if you really want to count it, maybe, he may not be able to beat the kid.

after all--

The pill of sacred goods is not common in this world.

If it weren't for the pill system, it is estimated that Xia Fukun would hardly see a sacred pill in this lifetime.

After walking a distance of a few miles, Xia Fukun only slapped his thigh.

"Hey! I'm really a sand sculpture. What is the Marilyn Virgin's Heart at this time?"

Xia Fukun wished to give herself a big mouth.

It's also this time.

The situation is rising again.

This entire pill space trembles tremendously at this moment.

Xia Fukun was taken aback for a moment.

"What's the situation again?"

"What happened again?"

Xia Fukun was puzzled, but still gritted his teeth and headed in a certain direction.

Because there...

There was a voice, as if calling him.

What Xia Fukun didn’t know was that it was not just him, everyone who entered this pill space felt the call at this moment...

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