Monster Refining System

Chapter 1289: Keep people under the knife!

And looking at Xia Fukun who was still in place in front of him, the powerhouses of the Blood Palace were also confused. One by one, staring at Xia Fukun with big eyes and small eyes.

Because at this time, everyone else had already escaped, and only Xia Fukun was left...

"Why don't you leave?"

To be reasonable, at the beginning, the powerhouses of the Blood Palace thought that this was an enemy attack, and the reason was very simple. Maybe some idle ancestors are not clear, but the blood palace, the strength that stands at the peak of the heaven and the earth, is the one who has the most knowledge of the news between the heaven and the earth.

In this world, there are dozens of central systems, which is no secret in the Blood Palace.

So, to put it simply, there is no accident that the strong in the ancestral realm can only be born into dozens of numbers in the same period.

The Blood Palace occupies nearly one-third of the ancestral realm powerhouses in the entire world.

This is also why the other strong people will be frightened when they hear the three words Blood Palace.

Including those ancestral realm powerhouses who had previously been with Xia Fukun, they were basically the top leaders in their respective universes.

And apart from these sects and forces, what is left is the idle ancestral realm powerhouse like the father of the gang leader and Lord Birus.

However, that kind of idle ancestral realm powerhouse occupies a minority after all...

Basically, the powerhouses who can reach the ancestral realm have either already been admitted to the top powers to serve as guests, or they have become a group of their own.

Take the gang master father, in fact, in a sense, he also opened his own sect, but he is relatively low-key, not like other strong men, how big the sect was built, but , In those thirty-two universes, this blessing can be regarded as resounding through the world.

Especially now that the Great Shrine has been wiped out. Simply put, this Fu Linmen can already be regarded as the top sect in the thirty-two universes.

Moreover, like Bangzhu's father, who contributed his own system to Xia Fukun to use to help Xia Fukun break through the ancestral realm, it did not happen to others, but it was relatively rare. Generally speaking, at most, it is passed down between direct lines.

For example, the inheritance between father and son...

Helping the master father to throw out his own system and find the most suitable heir is really a little fraternity...

At this moment, the strong men from various universes around him have dispersed and left.

Xia Fukun stood still and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the Great Demon King who was still in the Blood Palace at this moment, if it wasn't because he wanted to find the truth about some things in the Blood Palace.

He would not come to this blood palace if he was killed.

Even if it comes, it's not now...

And this time.

The powerhouses in the Blood Palace frowned upon seeing Xia Fukun in the same place.

They subconsciously thought that the previous people were all gathered by Xia Fukun.

To be honest, although there are many strong ancestors among those people, the aura of those strong ancestors is not particularly strong, and even these powerhouses in the Blood Palace feel that they don’t need the masters of the first three halls. , With the action of the hall master of their fourth hall and fifth hall, they would be able to solve the ancestral realm powerhouses who came to be surrounded.

However, I have to say that to be able to gather so many ancestral realm powerhouses, this Xia Fukun must have something more or less.

Although those strong men have now left...

But everyone in the Blood Palace did not provoke Xia Fukun in the first place.

Xia Fukun didn't know what these experts in the Blood Palace were thinking. He was still thinking about how to open this breakthrough.

This person-to-person communication, sometimes, is reasonable, but it is indeed a bit difficult...

Seeing Xia Fukun's delay in speaking, the leader of the Blood Palace powerhouse in the Heavenly God Realm frowned.

"Hey, I said you, are you dumb?"

Xia Fukun was taken aback, dumb?

He glanced at each other.

He knows that sometimes, he makes a lot of mistakes. If he arranges a dumb persona for himself, then maybe he can say a lot less naturally. If he can enter the blood palace, it would be considered as such. I added a protective color to myself...

Thinking of this, Xia Fukun nodded quickly.

The strong man in the Heavenly God Realm led by the Blood Palace frowned. Damn it, I didn't expect it to be really a dumb!

Just when he was a little entangled in how to communicate with this Xia Fukun, after all, he didn't know how to sign language.

Behind him, a breaking wind came.

These strong men in the realm of gods quickly turned their heads, and then saw a man with explosive head stepping on the waves.

Of course, this is not a real wave, but because the power of the star sea takes the form of a wave under its feet.

To be reasonable, Xia Fukun is also a little confused. Why is this guy doing this? Is it because it is handsome?

And when the man reached the top of the crowd.

The Heavenly God Realm powerhouse and others who had asked Xia Fukun earlier, all bent towards the other side.

"I have seen the Nine Palace Master..."

Hearing the words of these experts in the realm of heaven and gods, Xia Fukun also reacted. It seemed that this explosive head should be the lord of the ninth hall in the blood palace...


The explosive head glanced at Xia Fukun.

"Is it just this kid who made such a big influence? What about the other people?"

Hearing the words of the explosive head, the other blood palace experts in the realm of the gods quickly replied:

"The others have already evacuated."

Hearing the answers from the strong men below, the explosive frowned.

"They are all evacuated? Then why doesn't this kid leave?"

"Uh, we don't know, this is not, we are still asking, but this kid seems to be a dumb... so it's a bit troublesome to communicate."

Hearing the words of the disciple of the Blood King Palace in the God Realm that day, the hall master of the Ninth Hall, that is, the explosive head, narrowed his eyes and said immediately:

"Trouble? How troublesome? Since I'm a dumb, I don't bother to communicate with him, just kill it!"

Upon hearing this explosion, the disciple of the Blood Palace frowned.

"But... this person was able to contact so many powerful people before, in case he was killed..."

"Hehe, do you think, in this world, what power is stronger than my blood palace? You don't want to think about it, what do the first three halls of my blood palace represent? Kill it, what is there? I'll take care of things."

The explode was ready to go after speaking.

The more Xia Fukun listened, the more things went wrong, what happened? Kill yourself if you can't speak? What if you can talk? !

"and many more!"

"Keep people under the knife, brother!"

Everyone was stunned, what is it?

How can Xia Fukun speak again? !

Especially the strong man in the realm of the gods who spoke with Xia Fukun just now, his face was even more like pig liver.

Just now, he vowed to say to the Nine Palace Master of the Blood Palace, this guy is a dumb...

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