Monster Refining System

Chapter 1300: Don't make it too easy

"It's too weak..."

Looking at Xia Fukun in front of him, that Murong Yunhai grinned coldly, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

"Do you think that you can pose a threat to me? Can your little means make up for the difference in level between us?"

Then Murong Yunhai grinned at Xia Fukun, and immediately.

Above his palm, countless rays of light were released.

Na Xia Fukun had just evaded the previous attack by Murong Yunhai. At this moment, he saw that Murong Yunhai's attack came towards him again.

Involuntarily, Xia Fukun's entire back was wet with cold sweat...

At this time, he gritted his teeth and couldn't help it. At this time, he can only choose to work hard!

In the hand, the five-color light condenses. The five-color lotus flower appeared in front of the sea of ​​Murong Yun.

Seeing the appearance of the five-color lotus in Xia Fukun's hand, Murong Yunhai couldn't help but stunned slightly. Immediately, there was a sense of astonishment on his face.

"Hehe, it's really interesting. In the realm of the gods, you can actually display the skills of the gods, and the appearance has reached the five-star gods."

Na Murong Yunhai licked his chapped lips.

"What is the relationship between you and the person who was taken by me?"

Then Murong Yunhai squinted his eyes and asked Xia Fukun in front of him.

"We have nothing to do..."

Xia Fukun gave a weak explanation.

"Hehe, dare to quibble?"

"You look exactly the same as that person, and the breath in your body is so similar. The most important thing is..."

Na Murong Yunhai glanced at Xia Fukun.

"I feel like I have seen you somewhere..."

Xia Fukun was taken aback when he heard Murong Yunhai's words.

Murong Yunhai said where he seemed to have seen him and that great devil? That should be, where did you see that great demon king? After all, he is a traverser, and the great devil is the one who has come to the present step by step.

It’s just that Murong Yunhai has seen the Great Demon King. Doesn’t that mean...

Xia Fukun narrowed his eyes.

If it is said that Murong Yunhai has seen the Great Demon King, it means that the memories that the Great Demon King lost, including everything of this kind, are possible, and have a very deep relationship with this Blood Palace! ?

I don't know why, Xia Fukun felt like crying at this moment.

the reason is simple……

Because this mystery seems to be revealed soon, but at this moment...

I can't stand it anymore!

This Murong Yunhai's anger was more terrifying than he thought...

He originally thought that he could easily escape from this Murong Yunhai, but according to the current situation...


Does not……

Moreover, not only can't, Xia Fukun at this time can also feel that the pressure of Murong Yunhai is getting stronger and stronger...

This kind of pressure made Xia Fukun's scalp tingling.

This kind of pressure is not something that a supreme powerhouse in the realm of the gods can resist.

"This guy……"

Xia Fukun gritted his teeth, and immediately, on the palm of his hand, the five-color lotus flower had also been condensed, and then he was directly directed toward the rays of Murong Yunhai that attacked him.

Those rays of light, after touching with Xia Fukun's five-color lotus flower, they immediately dissipated.

the reason is simple.

These rays of light were nothing more than the skills that Murong Yunhai used casually.

And this colorful lotus is the skill that Xia Fukun used all his strength to display.

Naturally, it is not too strange to be broken open.

Take that Murong Yunhai as an example. After seeing Xia Fukun break his skills, this Murong Yunhai didn't look too surprised. On the contrary, he looked at Xia Fukun with a calm expression on his face.

When the five-color lotus was about to come to him, Murong Yunhai stretched out his hand and squeezed it lightly.


The five-color lotus was directly crushed into pieces by Na Murong Yunhai.

That originally, the imposing five-star magic skill, in the hands of Murong Yunhai, turned out to be so vulnerable.

Upon seeing this, Xia Fukun couldn't help but smile.

"I said, you can't run."

Murong Yunhai squeezed a confident smile at Xia Fukun.

And Xia Fukun knew at this time that if he had to face Murong Yunhai head-on, he definitely couldn't be that Murong Yunhai's opponent. Therefore, at this time, I can only outsmart.

Xia Fukun narrowed his eyes and suddenly shouted at Murong Yunhai:

"The Lord of the Three Palaces, help!"

Murong Yunhai: "???"

He turned his head in a bit of astonishment, and found that behind him, there was nothing but a human figure!

and so--

Is this Xia Fukun fooling herself? !

Murong Yunhai gritted his teeth.

He didn't expect that he would be fooled by a guy in the realm of the gods.

Damn it!

Murong Yunhai felt that his IQ might really not be online just now, otherwise, when Xia Fukun called the Third Hall Master, how could he turn his head?

Lord of the Three Halls!

Haha, if these three hall masters really appeared in his hall, he would have known it a long time ago. What's more, the existence of the three hall masters, the dragon sees the head and the end, this Xia Fukun said that he knew the three hall masters, most of them were bragging.

It is also at this time.

Murong Yunhai turned his head and saw that Xia Fukun was at the doorway preparing to break through the teleportation formation.

"Hehe, kid, you're doing a good job of wishful thinking, but..."

Murong Yunhai sneered.

"I think you should have mistyped this abacus."

"Do you think you can escape under my nose so easily?"

"Do you think I, Murong Yunhai, are pinched in mud?"

As Murong Yunhai said, he waved his hand.

Suddenly, a transparent light net appeared at the location of the transmission port.

Above the optical net, there were bursts of "crackling" arcs. That feeling, terrifying!

That Xia Fukun was originally going to rush out of this place directly, but as a result, after the light net appeared, it directly blocked Xia Fukun's retreat, and moreover, Xia Fukun was surrounded by the light net.

Suddenly, that Xia Fukun was wrapped up.

Like a zongzi, it is tightly entangled, deadly, immobile!

"Damn it!"

Xia Fukun felt that this optical net was just like the lock in the Journey to the West, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't get rid of the optical net. Involuntarily, Xia Fukun took a deep breath.

"What the **** are you?!"

When Na Murong Yunhai heard Xia Fukun's words, he grinned.

"Haha, is this? It's a skill in my system. To deal with your strength which is weaker than mine, it is simply not too good!"

Hearing what Murong Yunhai said, Xia Fukun said: "???"

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