Monster Refining System

Chapter 1304: arduous task

"A hundred years, is it almost over..."

The gang of master fathers were still closing their eyes and concentrating. After hearing the words of A Li and the other girl, they couldn't help but froze for a while, then looked out the window and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Although he had strengthened the seal of Lord Nabirus before, but now, these hundred years will soon pass. And if that Xia Fukun did not return from the journey of reincarnation in time, then, until Lord Birus came out of the seal, the cliff would be a catastrophic catastrophe for these thirty-two universes...

"Then Xia Fukun, seems to have encountered some trouble during that journey of reincarnation..."

The helper father looked back at the place where Xia Fukun had disappeared.

In that place, the breath of Xia Fukun seemed to still be lingering.

And that kind of breath, at this moment, also seemed extraordinarily weird.

It's not that the father of the gang has never experienced that journey of reincarnation, he knows what that journey of reincarnation means to a realm of gods.

If possible, he even wanted to enter that Xia Fukun's journey of reincarnation to awaken that Xia Fukun.

After all, Xia Fukun, or in other words, the time left for Thirty-two Universes, is really running out.


The gang leader's father deeply knew that if Xia Fukun was awakened at this time, then Xia Fukun's promotion would be a complete failure.

Generally speaking, there is only one chance to advance to the ancestral realm in the realm of gods, and only one journey of reincarnation. In other words, if he forcibly awakened Xia Fukun, then Xia Fukun, basically, will bid farewell to the ancestral realm, and from now on, he will not be able to enter the ancestral realm again. This is why...

At this moment, the situation of these thirty-two universes is in danger, but there is still no reason for everyone to wake up Xia Fukun in advance...

"Can we enter the journey of reincarnation to awaken Akun?"

Ali asked the helper's father.

To be reasonable, she really had such an idea at this time. the reason is simple.

Because if this continues, Xia Fukun hasn't returned yet, then Lord Birus will come out early...


The helper father shook his head.

"This is not the Ten Thousand Realms System. This is Xia Fukun's own journey of reincarnation. You cannot interfere, and there is no way to interfere with his choice and his reincarnation."

"However, based on Xia Fukun's situation, this guy may have fallen into that endless cycle..."

The helper father gave a wry smile.

In a hundred years, he deliberately lengthened the timeline so that Xia Fukun had enough time to go on his journey of reincarnation. However, people did not expect that this hundred years from the outside world had almost passed, and this Xia Fukun still had no intention of coming out of the journey of reincarnation...

This kind of feeling, isn't it the situation of falling into infinite reincarnation?

To be reasonable, the gang leader's father didn't want to believe that Xia Fukun was trapped in that infinite reincarnation.

After all, this Xia Fukun gave himself hope again and again, and gave himself a bright feeling.

He felt that this Xia Fukun should be able to create that miracle...


The situation in Xia Fukun at the moment was precisely the situation in which he had fallen into infinite reincarnation.

And the vast majority of those who have fallen into endless reincarnation have not come out of that reincarnation.

There are those who are lost in that infinite reincarnation.

There are also those who stay forever in the infinite reincarnation...

To be honest, if it were not for various restrictions, the helper father even wanted to personally enter Xia Fukun's journey of reincarnation and bring him back.

After all, once you fall into infinite reincarnation, it will be even more difficult if you think about it again!

"Then, Brother Kun, can't he come back..."

Zhang Ling'er hesitated for a while, and asked the helper's father.

The helper's father was stunned for a moment, his eyes narrowed slightly, and when he was about to speak, he heard... Then Ah left his mouth and said:


"Ling'er, what bad words are you saying?! Hurry up and say bah bah bah!"

Zhang Linger: "???"

After a moment of stunned, she followed A Li's way, her head twisted aside, "Bah, baah?"

The helper's father also didn't understand what these silly women were doing. However, if Xia Fukun can't get out here, he must make second-hand preparations! However, at this time, it is indeed a little too rushed!

He hesitated for a moment, and disappeared in place.

Appeared again, has come to the front of that summer.

In the summer at this moment, the breath on his body is also very surging.

If you look carefully, it is not difficult to see that the strength of this summer has been reached, the realm of the great god!

The realm of the great gods!

The highest level in the realm of the gods.

To be honest, if you have a total of ten central systems in the summer at this moment, you can enter the journey of reincarnation at any time this summer and sprint towards that ancestral realm.

However, it is a pity that all the systems of the helper father are given to Xia Fukun, and Xia Fukun at this moment is still in the journey of reincarnation. Simply put, it is the current summer, even the conditions for entering the ancestral realm. nothing.

On the side of the helper's father, he wanted to help that summer, but he was also powerless.

After all, although he is still in the ancestral realm, his power is much weaker than the ordinary strong in ancestral realm. The reason is simple, because at this moment, he does not have a system in his body.

And if you want to break through the ancestral realm this summer, you must have the necessary conditions to break through the ancestral realm, otherwise, this summer, you won't even have the qualifications to start the journey of reincarnation!


When the helper father came to the front of Xia Xia, Xia Xia's slightly closed eyes also slowly opened.

Seeing the arrival of the helper's father in front of him, Xia Xia didn't need to guess what it was about.

"Master, my father, he hasn't come out of that journey of reincarnation yet, has he?"

"Well, that guy Xia Fukun, 80% has fallen into that infinite reincarnation, hey, I originally thought that the kid should not have that idea. After all, ten people who entered the journey of reincarnation were also dead. Only one will fall into that infinite reincarnation, and most of them are just a matter of the length of the reincarnation."

"But, if my father didn't come out of that journey of reincarnation, then Lord Billus, we should not be able to stop it, right?"

Hearing Xia Xia's words, the helper father nodded.

"You're right, but I can reinforce the seal of Lord Birus once more. Probably, it can add another year. In this year, I will send you to other universes, and You must break through the ancestral realm within a year."

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