Monster Refining System

Chapter 1315: Universe Space


"The seventh universe, originally the place where I stayed..."

The helper father paused and explained his intention to let him go to Universe Seven that summer.

Xia Fukun's eyes narrowed after hearing the words of the helper's father.

He stepped forward and was about to grab the collar of the helper's father. As a result, the helper's father was very clever and avoided.

Xia Fukun's hand caught in the air, but he didn't catch anything. A little embarrassed, he stared at the helper father.

"Papa, what do you mean?"

"According to what you said, the seventh universe is undoubtedly Longtan Tiger's Den. You know how dangerous the seventh universe is, and you still let summer pass?!"

"That summer, aside from my child, wouldn't he also be your disciple? And, I remember correctly, he was your only disciple? Why is your heart so vicious?"

When Xia Fukun said this, all the Fulinmen disciples around him held their breath and dared not speak...

Although during this period of time, because of Lord Birus, they communicated more with the gang leader's father, and they could talk and laugh.


What do the four characters mean in Fulinmen?

What does this 32nd universe represent?

They are very clear!

Without the appearance of Lord Birus, these master fathers would be the heavens of these thirty-two universes!

and so--

Although you can laugh and laugh at ordinary times, no one dared to show disrespect to the helper father at the critical moment.

And at this time, when Xia Fukun said to help the father's father, everyone couldn't help taking a breath.


Master Tsing Yi coughed, ready to come and persuade Xia Fukun.

As a result, Xia Fukun stretched out his hand, and the head teacher in Tsing Yi was flung out. The Fulinmen disciples all took a deep breath.

What kind of strength is this Tsing Yi leader? Even if the system is gone, that is a strong man in the realm of the gods! As a result, now Xia Fukun waved him away with a wave of his hand? This is too bad, right?

"Xia Fukun, do you know what you are doing?"

The helper father squinted his eyes, looked at Xia Fukun faintly, and asked.

"I know what I'm doing, but you know, what are you doing?"

"If there are three long and two short in summer, hehe, don't blame me and you for being impolite!"

Xia Fukun looked at the helper father coldly.

At this time, the tombstone also bite the bullet and walked out.

He was ready to use the friendship between himself and Xia Fukun to see if he could say anything. After all, the disciples of Fulinmen are watching now! It's not good if it's too stiff! After all, everyone belongs to the same sect, isn’t it?

It was the tombstone that came out bitterly. Just about to speak. I saw that Xia Fukun suddenly turned around and glared at him.

"shut up!"


At least give him a line, give him a little care and concern, right?

This Xia Fukun...

Tombstone sighed inwardly, no way, and obediently walked back to where he was just now.

At this time, the entire Fulinmen was shocked!

the reason is simple.

The shock Xia Fukun brought to them was really too strong!

What kind of disciple is this?

With one palm swept away the Tsing Yi head teacher, and one sentence forced the tombstone Shengzi back...

Now, I have to be hard-headed with the helper father...

Seeing such mighty appearance of Xia Fukun, everyone even felt that Xia Fukun had never regarded this group of master fathers...

Everyone even thinks...

This Xia Fukun can already change the pattern of Fulinmen...

So at the moment, no one dares to speak...

"Mr. Kun..."

Of course, these disciples of Fulinmen dare not speak, it does not mean that others are the same...

Chang Yuxuan coughed, he felt that his friendship with Xia Fukun, this relationship, how did he come out and say two things? So, he walked out coaxingly.


Xia Fukun glanced at Chang Yuxuan.

Chang Yuxuan was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded, "Okay..."

Seeing that even Chang Yuxuan walked away, the surrounding Fulinmen disciples were even more shocked.

Oh my God……

This Xia Fukun is too fierce, right? What an idol!

"Did you go too far?"

The father of the helper looked at Xia Fukun in front of him, with a calm tone, as if he was not angry because of Xia Fukun's pretense just now.

"Why, I'm too much? You're not too much?"

Xia Fukun thought the words of helper father's words were quite funny.

This summer, it is his own son.

Why, this group of master fathers made the decision for him?

"Ha ha."

The helper father smiled.

Immediately, he raised his head slightly and looked at Xia Fukun in front of him.

"Do you think that if you let that summer pass, you are the only one who is worried and will not give up?"

The helper father said lightly:

"But, the risk of one person is better than the whole universe. It is more cost-effective to come, right?"

"Do you think that I am looking at Xia Xia to go to the seventh universe, and I personally opened up the channel for him, I feel very comfortable, right?"

"Xia Xia is my disciple, the only disciple who teaches me personally. They all say that I will be my teacher and my father for life. In fact, to some extent, I also treat him as my own child."

"and many more……"

Before the helper father finished speaking, Xia Fukun hurriedly stretched out his hand.

Stopped the leader's father from speaking further...

Xia Fukun:

"Hehe, helper father, you have already pushed my son into the sea of ​​flames, why, you have to say that it is similar to your child, and you want to grab his son with me?"

Helper father: "..."

How could this Xia Fukun's brain circuit be so strange?

He rolled his eyes and looked at Xia Fukun in front of him.

"You can't be **** right here. If it wasn't for you to come back so late, if it wasn't for you to have not ascended to the ancestral realm, do you still need to go to the seventh universe in summer?"

"In everything, don't always look for problems from other people, but more from yourself."

"Ha ha!"

Xia Fukun sneered, just about to speak.


The entire Fulinmen ground began to tremble.

The sky in this blessed lam door space also appeared a faint purple. The entire sky above Fulinmen was dyed purple.

And that--

Familiar smell...

Constantly impacting the nasal cavity of Xia Fukun and the helper's father...

Xia Fukun took a deep breath. He glanced at the helper's father beside him, and found that the helper's father's eyes were full of complicated expressions.

"All disciples follow the order."

"Enter into the universe space I prepared for you. Without my permission, no one can come out!"

It was also after the father of the gang master said these words, the disciples of the blessed lammen were all shocked, because the father of the gang master said that under what circumstances will the universe open...

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