Monster Refining System

Chapter 1317: Shot!

"Hehe, you little cute."

Billus glanced at the gang of master fathers.

"What I said, you just believed something, didn't you?"

"I said I won't leave this deep well, so you believe it? Then you are too naive, right."

"Maybe you don't know enough about me than Ruth. It depends on my mood. I can tell you clearly, I regret now. Why do you want to jump up and hit me on the knee? "

The helper father took a deep breath and looked at Birus, who was a head shorter than himself, this guy, doesn't his face hurt when he speaks? !

They all say that you don’t have dogs, and the father of the helper didn’t expect that Birus would be able to interpret the antonyms of words as words.

Master Nabirus glanced at the helper's father.

"Oh yes, and..."

Billus said lightly:

"Do you really think that instant noodles are really so good? I am embarrassed in front of your noodles before eating them. What do you think I have waited so long for? Haha, I am totally Give this Xia Fukun face."

Xia Fukun and the leader's father were both stunned when they heard Lord Birus' words.

Is this Billus giving Xia Fukun face?

Xia Fukun didn't know why, although he shouldn't be excited or happy at this moment, but at this time, he still has a little bit of joy in his heart...


Lord Billus came for himself? ? Ok?

Is it to give yourself face?

You still have such a big face?

"Hey, the kid who is still yy."

Master Billus glanced at Xia Fukun, and found that Xia Fukun was giggling there, and couldn't help but froze for a while.

This stuff...

What are you laughing at?

Don't you know that his mood should be very serious at this time?


Xia Fukun heard Birus call to herself, and immediately took his smile and looked at Lord Birus in front of him.


"Hehe, if I remember correctly, it was you who called me out in the first place?"

"not me……"

Xia Fukun shook his head quickly.

I asked myself about this before. At that time, I also insisted that I was not my own. Now, Master Birus asked again, if I said that I was myself, wouldn't it be a ghost? These master fathers are still on the sidelines!

"Hehe, don't pretend, I remember the breath on you."

"To be honest, if it wasn't you at the beginning, maybe I didn't wake up so early, and if I didn't wake up, then the seal of the enchantment wouldn't loosen so quickly. Haha, I wouldn't be so fast either. Get out of that **** deep well, make sense, and you still did me a favor."

The more Lord Billus said, the more gloomy the faces of the master fathers...

Xia Fukun looked at the face of the helper's father, and couldn't help feeling aroused.

He bit his head and looked at Lord Birus in front of him.

"I said it wasn't me, stop talking nonsense!"

"Haha, don't you admit it?"

Lord Birus saw that Xia Fukun was unwilling to admit it, but it didn't matter, he was very willing to be the beauty of others.

So, he waved his hand.


In front of Xia Fukun and the father of the gang leader, a light and shadow appeared. Above the light and shadow, the image slowly formed.

The scene where Xia Fukun summoned Lord Billus appeared above the light and shadow.


Xia Fukun's face became like pig liver...

And the master fathers of the group also made the "crack" of their teeth.

"Xia Fukun, didn't you mean... wasn't it you?"

The helper father took a deep breath, squeezed out a smile, and said to Xia Fukun.

"This is not the point, now is not the time to discuss this, help the lord father!"

Xia Fukun quickly changed the subject.

"Hehe, kid, don't worry, you helped me. I won't avenge my gratitude or kill you."

Master Billus watched Xia Fukun and his helper father fighting in a nest, and said with a smile on his face.

"Then... Since I helped you, can I make a small request?"

Xia Fukun tentatively asked Lord Birus.

"Huh? Tell me about it."

Master Billus said with a grin.

"Can you let go of these thirty-two universes and leave these thirty-two universes?"

Upon hearing Xia Fukun's words, Master Billus pondered for two seconds before saying:


Xia Fukun: "???"

Didn't you still say that you are his benefactor in front of you? How come this last kick...

There is too much difference...

"Forget it, Xia Fukun, don't tell him, this Birus, known as the **** of destruction, is not unreasonable. In his world, everything that can be destroyed should be destroyed as much as possible. This is his purpose."

The helper father looked at Birus in front of him warily.

To be honest, Lord Birus in his impression was that kind of resolute and resolute.

Just say it, just do it.

It won't be the same as it is now, mother-in-law, now Lord Birus has not directly destroyed the thirty-two universes.

Is it possible that these thirty-two universes have also assimilated this Lord Birus?

The helper father shook his head. This statement is not very realistic...

How could this Lord Birus be assimilated? The heart of killing is so heavy, how can it be assimilated?

"Helper, didn't I tell you before?"

"I am a kindhearted god."

"But if others wronged me, I might not like it that much."

As soon as Lord Birus’ voice sounded, Xia Fukun felt that a figure passed in front of him. Even with his current strength, he didn’t even see that figure clearly at all, but felt like he had been beaten. The same as ear scrapers.

When I turned back, I already saw that the master fathers flew out with their hands touching their chests...

"Oh Huo, it seems that in the past few years, you are not without gain. The system in your body should have increased again?"

Lord Nabilus stood in the original position of the main gang leader's father, and there was some icy debris on the retracted hand.

Looking at the icy crumbs, the fangs in Master Billus's mouth were also exposed, he licked his lips, and his smirk smile covered his entire cheek.

At this time, the fathers of the gang stopped in mid-air.

He took a deep breath and looked at Lord Billus in front of him.

"Ha ha……"

"Master Billus, although your strength is stronger than mine, you were in the seventh universe because I didn't take precautions. Now, you want to kill me. I'm afraid it is not so. easy!"

The helper father sneered, and immediately, his whole body was wrapped up by the silver light. And when he saw the silver light on the father's gang, Lord Birus also sneered.

"Are you free to work hard?"

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