Monster Refining System

Chapter 1325: Castle in the Sky


Master Billus glanced at Xia Fukun. Xia Fukun's words surprised him a bit. He didn't know, where did Xia Fukun's confidence come from... It's just...

He didn't care too much either. After all, he didn't know that Xia Fukun's journey of reincarnation was going to be the time and space in the future... let alone Xia Fukun met, the future self...


When the two people penetrated into the aperture summoned by Lord Nabirus, the breath of Xia Fukun and Lord Nabirus dissipated in the thirty-two universes together.

As if, never appeared before...

Also watching Xia Fukun leave.

The eye sockets of the third daughter of A Li were more or less moist.

The corners of the eyes are red...

They also knew that Xia Fukun said that he would definitely come back, just to comfort them.

From the moment Nabirus-sama stepped into the aperture, Xia Fukun might not come back anymore.

Or, maybe, never come back again...

Some people, that's it.

When I was there, I didn’t cherish it, once I left, maybe it was goodbye...

Even at this moment, the disciples of Fulinmen, watching Xia Fukun leave, felt a different kind of sentiment in their hearts.

Especially tombstones...

Originally, when Xia Fukun was there, they thought Xia Fukun was mean.

It's not the same as before.

Before going on the journey of reincarnation, they had planned that Xia Fukun would definitely come back. It's just a matter of time.

And this time, Xia Fukun left with Lord Nabirus.

They don't have a bottom in their hearts, even, most people think that leaving with Lord Billus means...death.

Even if it hasn't fallen, it's almost the same...

"Papa, Xia Fukun, will you come back?"

The three daughters of Ali came to the side of the father.

Asked to the helper's father.

In fact, they already have the answer in their hearts.

The chance of Xia Fukun coming back is very slim.

Gangzhu's father's answer was not affirmative, but rather, they were given a tranquilizer.

Or in other words, they want to find some comfort from the helper father.

When hearing A Li's words, the fathers of the gang also looked back at the three women.

Immediately, the helper father took a deep breath.

Will Xia Fukun come back, or in other words, can Xia Fukun come back?

In fact, he didn't even count this question.

If Xia Fukun is really the one among the big population of Birus, then Xia Fukun will definitely come back.

But the problem is...

People with the same status as Xia Fukun are not unheard of in this world.

But in the end...

Most of those people are lost in their own way of finding the truth.


It fell directly on the path to find the truth...

The father of the helper glanced at the third daughter of A Li and took a deep breath.

"Then what did Xia Fukun tell you just now?"

The third daughter of A Li was stunned when she heard the words of the helper's father.

"He said he will be back, right?"

A smile appeared on the father's face.

"I think that Xia Fukun is not like a person who can break his promise. Since he has said that he will come back, then he will definitely come back. Ha ha..."

"I think."

"The time you spent with that Xia Fukun is longer than me, and you know Xia Fukun better than me."

"Don't you believe it, then Xia Fukun?"

Could it be...

you guys……

Don't believe it, then Xia Fukun?

As soon as the helper's father said this, the body of the third daughter of A Li suddenly shook.

Immediately, they looked at Xia Fukun in front of them.

Can't help taking a deep breath.


The relationship between the father of the gang leader and Xia Fukun is also a teacher and a friend.

But they are the lovers of Xia Fukun...

According to common sense...

They should know Xia Fukun better than the master father.

It stands to reason...

They should be more unconditional and believe in Xia Fukun.

after all……

Some people choose, then, it will last a lifetime...

At the moment, the eyes of Ali's three daughters showed a firm light.

"Xia Fukun..."

And seeing the reaction of the three daughters of Ali, the master fathers also sighed deeply in their hearts, and immediately glanced at the place where Xia Fukun disappeared...

The third universe was Xia Fukun's first level.

If Xia Fukun can't successfully get out of that extreme cultivation land, then...there will be nothing to do.

and so……

Xia Fukun, you have to come on...

Seven days later...

The distance between Universe Thirty-Two and Universe 3, even if Lord Birus is an ancestral powerhouse, even if this Xia Fukun already possesses the ability to display divine skills, but it is still a cost for two people to go on a journey. It took almost seven days...

"It's ahead."

Master Billus looked at the passageway in front, and when a strange light was shining, he pointed to the passageway and spoke to Xia Fukun.

And Xia Fukun, after hearing Lord Billus's words, also looked towards the passageway.


Is it the third universe...

Xia Fukun took a deep breath.

It was also Master Nabilus who plunged his head towards the passage of the Third Universe, and he followed closely behind.

And after both of them entered the passage of the third universe.

In front of two people.

The surrounding scene began to change.

Is no longer……

Just like the endless darkness, no longer, that space channel filled with space countercurrents and whirlpools everywhere.

In front of the two of them, a brand new world appeared...


When Xia Fukun saw the world in front of him clearly, Xia Fukun couldn't help taking a breath.

Because at this moment, in front of him.

The world in front of me, as a whole, presents a dark world...

The grass is jet black.

The liquid flowing in the river was also black and purple.

And in the sky, even the sky is weird purple...

"Here, is the third universe..."

Xia Fukun couldn't help taking a breath.


Master Billus nodded.

At this time, Xia Fukun discovered that there was a huge fortress in the sky.

The area of ​​the fortress is probably one-third of the entire third universe...

"what is that?"

Xia Fukun took a deep breath and asked Master Billus.

"Ha ha."

Lord Billus smiled weirdly, and immediately glanced at Xia Fukun.

"The huge fortress-like building that you saw was not artificially built, but was originally erected in the world of this third universe-the land of extreme refinement."

"Or, call it-the city of the sky..."

"Castle in the Sky?"

Xia Fukun couldn't help being stunned when he heard Lord Billus's words.


Master Billus answered indifferently, nodded and said:

"The reason why the environment outside this third universe is so bad is because all the residents in this third universe live in the city of the sky. The outside world has been abandoned by them."

"and so--"

"Next, you will spend a long time in that city in the sky, I am afraid."

Master Billus grinned at Xia Fukun.

"The city in the sky, besides being the residence of the native inhabitants of this third universe, there should be other things, right?"

Xia Fukun took a breath, and immediately asked about Lord Birus.

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