Monster Refining System

Chapter 1335: Anything else to say?

"Hehe, touch and touch, do you think I am afraid of you? Huh? Billus."

Xiangpa sneered and asked Master Billus.

It was also at this time, Lord Nabirus narrowed his eyes.

To be reasonable, at this time, he wanted to fight this elephant phalanx.

After all, Lord Birus could be considered a militant person, but he thought that Xia Fukun was still next to him.

As a result, he does not know the strength of the two people between him and Xiangpa. If he really fights, he is the opponent of Xiangpa...

Secondly, it is also a very crucial point.

That is……

If you lose, then in front of Xia Fukun, wouldn't it be ashamed?

and also……

If the strength of the two people of himself and Xiangpa really fight, let alone the third universe, at least, the place right now must be destroyed.

This is the reason why Lord Birus is unwilling to do it.


Have no idea! This atmosphere has been raised to this point again. If this is not done, is there any other good way?

Thinking of this, Master Birus glanced at Xia Fukun squintly.

Xia Fukun didn't know what it meant when Master Billus suddenly turned his gaze toward him.

It's impossible for Master Birus to let himself go, right?

first of all……

I am sure that in any case, it is impossible to be the opponent of this elephant!

I can't even beat Master Birus, so how can I fight this elephant?

"Xia Fukun, you have to say a few words."

It was also at this time, Master Billus coughed and said to Xia Fukun.

Xia Fukun: "???"

What does this Lord Birus mean?

At this critical moment, let yourself say a few words?

Is this trying to push yourself out as a target?

It was also when Xia Fukun was wondering, that Xiangpa was also fascinated.

He also didn't understand what was going on with Birus. According to his understanding of Birus, Birus didn't agree with him, and he wanted to do it.

But now, there is no...

Instead, let a junior who he had never seen before, and who seemed to be in the realm of the gods at a glance, came out...


Didn't let this junior take action, but let this junior say something? !

How to drop?

These two words from Xia Fukun can still kill people? !

What this elephant doesn't know is that this Lord Birus has this idea...

the reason is simple.

Precisely because of his understanding of the object Pa, he knew that this Xiangpa is a person who is prone to emotional fluctuations, and once the emotions are fluctuated, the Xiangpa will easily fail to exert its due strength.

And this Xia Fukun happened to be a very good person, or to say something, a person who can make people angry. At this time, let Xia Fukun come out and say a few words, which has the effect of killing two birds with one stone...


Xia Fukun was originally prepared to hide behind Lord Birus, but now Lord Birus pushes himself out, he can't do anything without saying a word!

So, he looked at the elephant kerchief in front of him, hesitated, and stretched out his hand.

"Nice to meet you……"

Elephant Pa: "???"

What is this human kid doing? !

He glanced at Xia Fukun and snorted coldly.

To be reasonable, can anyone hold his hand?

Impossible, okay? He is like Master Pa, don't you want face?

Not to mention, this Xia Fukun is still from Birus, and there are so many younger brothers watching him behind him!

And seeing Elephant Par, Lord Birus also sneered.

"Why, Xiangpa, don't you even dare to shake a hand?"

"Hehe, who said I wouldn't dare?"

It was like Par heard the provocation of Lord Billus and sneered.

It's also this time.

He was just about to stretch out his hand, but thinking of Lord Billus' words, he couldn't help but his gaze fell on Xia Fukun again.

It's weird!

The cliff is weird!

This Lord Birus will never do anything meaningless. Since this Xia Fukun shook hands with himself, maybe, this Xia Fukun's hand is very poisonous!

The witty Master Elephant felt that he had seen everything through.

He sneered.

You want to hurt yourself with such a trick?

Lord Billus sneered, took out a pair of gloves from the space container, put them on, sneered and shook hands with Xia Fukun.

Xia Fukun felt the touch on the gloves and couldn't help but froze.

This is like Phra, what do you want?

"Okay, Birus, the hand that should be shaken is already squeezed, what tricks do you have?"

Xiangpa sneered at Billus, and said.

And when he heard the words of the elephant, Birus frowned.

its not right!

Isn't this Xia Fukun very good at stunned people? Why is there no answer after asking this Xiangpa?

Unable to help, Master Billus coughed "cough cough", and then said to Xia Fukun:

"Don't stop!"

Xia Fukun was stunned when he heard Lord Billus's words.

This Lord Birus, what does he want to do by himself?

So, he was still shaking hands with the elephant handkerchief. After Master Billus finished speaking, he began to gently shake the hand of the elephant handkerchief.

Why is it gentle, because... he didn't dare to use force!

And that Xiangpa is also fascinated.

He glanced at Master Birus, Master Birus was also fascinated...

What is Xia Fukun doing? !

"Xia have changed..."

Although Lord Birus was previously sealed in the deep well of the first domain of the thirty-two universe, after contacting Xia Fukun, he also learned a little bit about Xia Fukun's information here.


Now this Xia Fukun is no different from the Xia Fukun he knows.

And Xia Fukun was also very confused.

This Lord Birus, what do you want to do by yourself?

This doesn't say anything, it's completely on your own.

He saw that Master Birus seemed unwilling to do anything with Master Elephant Pa, which means that Master Birus was also afraid of Master Elephant Pa, then...

It is impossible to provoke this elephant.

On both sides, I can't afford it!

"Stop shaking?"

Although Na Xiangpa didn't know what Billuss-sama was going to do, but Xia Fukun shook his arm, and his brain hurt. So, he frowned and asked Xia Fukun.

Xia Fukun took a deep breath and quickly retracted his hand and wiped it on his leg.

He smiled sadly at the Master Xiangpa.

"Useless things."

Upon seeing this, Master Billus snorted at Xia Fukun, and immediately, with a hand inhalation, Xia Fukun came directly behind him.

At this time, Master Xiangpa laughed directly.

He thought that Xia Fukun had something to do with it, but he didn't expect it to be a counselor.

And this Lord Birus's person, in front of him, is so embarrassed, then this Lord Birus's face can't survive. Therefore, imperceptibly, he has already occupied the advantage, which makes him feel good.

"How about, Billus, what else do you want to say?"

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