Monster Refining System

Chapter 1347: Smoke of gunpowder

"Hehe, Billus, let me see what you have gained in these billions of years!"

After Master Xiangpa finished speaking, on the palm of his hand, seven dark rays of light gathered together.

That power slowly dissipated, and it turned out to be a wave of waves in this world...

After seeing the waves, Lord Birus also squinted his eyes.

"Seven-star magical skills..."

"It looks like you haven't made much progress in these years."

Lord Billus sneered after taunting.


Palm out.

In his hand, the same seven brilliance gathered, but that brilliance appeared dark purple.

It was also when he saw the brilliance in the hands of Lord Birus, that Xiangpa squinted his eyes.

But Xia Fukun and others couldn't help but took a breath.

the reason is simple……

Because these two gods of destruction, as soon as they shot, they were all seven-star magic skills...

You know, if these seven-star magic skills collide together, then, not to mention the third universe, at least, this sky city is abolished...

"Hehe, come on!"

Master Xiangpa sneered.

In his hand, the dark light has been condensed into an energy ball.

And the dark purple light in the palm of Lord Birus also condensed together at this moment.

The two completed the display of the seven-star magical skills almost at the same time.


Throw it directly towards the opponent.


This dark black energy ball touched the dark purple energy ball.

The whole world, at this moment, suddenly quieted down.

Immediately after--

The entire third universe began to tremble violently.

The air is also shaking...

The whole space was shining brightly.

The waves spread out in all directions...

"Birus, you are not afraid, is this the end of the third universe?"

Xiangpa frowned, after all, at this moment, he is still in charge of the third universe. And if this third universe is really destroyed, then, if Lord Quan is to blame, he must be the first to carry it.

It was also after hearing that Xiangpa's words, Lord Billus sneered.

"You seem to be telling me a joke."

"Although I was once the **** of destruction in this third universe, now, this third universe is not under your jurisdiction?"

"Jie Jie Jie."

"If this Third Universe is destroyed, Master Quan King will blame him, and he will also look for you instead of me. I am afraid of being a dick?"

Master Xiangpa frowned upon hearing Lord Birus's words.

He now knows, why Master Birus dared to face A with himself without fear, and the reason was very simple.

Because this is not something to worry about than Lord Ruth, but he is different, and he has to consider whether this Third Universe can bear this.

Moreover, it's a bit simpler.

This Lord Birus can release his skills at will, but he can't...

You must control the extent of this destruction within your own range of conditions.

Thinking of this, when the two energy **** collided, the terrifying power in it bloomed towards the surroundings.

When the surrounding space collapsed into pieces.

Master Xiangpa gritted his teeth.

Immediately, he waved his hand.

Suddenly, an indescribable horrible force blocked the power of the energy **** of both of them.


The collision of these two seven-star magic skills, even if it is Master Pa, it is difficult to completely digest it...

and so--

At this moment, Master Xiangpa's face was slightly pale.

And the terrifying force that wrapped two energy **** colliding together. It also constantly impacted the power that Master Xiangpa later displayed.

That terrible power even began to twist and deform the last power of Master Xiangpa...

And Master Xiangpa, also at this time, gave a cold snort.

Immediately, he waved his palm.


Before Master Xiangpa could speak, he saw Master Birus grinning.

"Xiangpa, you seem to be very afraid that this third universe will be destroyed."

Lord Billus's voice fell, and his palm stretched out, and on each of his fingertips, there was a dark purple light streaming out.

Seeing the power showing from the fingertips of Lord Birus, Master Xiangpa twitched his eyelids. He took a deep breath and said to Master Birus:

"No, Billus..."

"I, what, I advise you to be kind!"

Master Billus grinned his lips. He didn't want to listen to it like Par, okay?

"Hahahaha, Xiangpa, you are sometimes scared! You knew this a long time ago, why did you come out and pretend to be this?"

Lord Billus was so excited that even the Northeast accent came out.

He waved his hand.

Suddenly, five dark purple rays of light concocted from the fingertips.


Master Xiangpa cursed, and immediately, his body was divided into five, chasing the five dark purple rays of light, also after rushing to the five dark purple rays of light, and after removing them Great talent breathed a sigh of relief.

He touched the sweat on his forehead.

"Birus, it's too much!"

As soon as he turned his head to look at Lord Birus, it turned out...

Master Xiangpa almost scolded his mother!

the reason is simple……

At this moment, above the head of Lord Birus, the dark purple rays of light converged into thousands of dark purple energy balls.

The corners of Birus-sama's mouth were almost full of flowers.

"Hahaha, Xiangpa, aren't you a cow? Come on, come on!"

Lord Billus's voice fell, and his hands dropped.


Thousands of dark purple rays of light went in all directions...

And seeing the light on the head of Lord Birus spreading in all directions, Master Xiangpa couldn't help taking a breath.

"Master Billus, me, grass, and your grandma!"

Master Xiangpa is really weak.

After blocking hundreds of that dark purple light, his whole person was holding his thighs in both hands, breathing the surrounding air with big mouths.

Hey, it's been too long since I exercised.

Although the energy of Master Xiangpa is very strong, the amount of exercise and endurance of Master Xiangpa are not good.

So after a little bit of such high-intensity exercise, it's a bit awkward for Master Pa.

When Master Xiangpa blocked part of the dark purple light.

The remaining part of the dark purple light also fell to the ground in this arena.



There were waves of shaking noises throughout the arena.

That mushroom cloud, blossoming one after another.

The entire arena was filled with gunpowder...

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