Monster Refining System

Chapter 1354: where you from?

The seventh universe...

After Xia Fukun was taken away by Lord Nabirus.

Thirty-two universes indeed set off a storm.

However, there is nothing in the seventh universe.

After all, the seventh universe is not only far away from the third universe, but more importantly, the seventh universe is also far away from the thirty-two universe.

If it hadn't been for the passage opened by the Lord's father, this summer, I am afraid that he would not be able to come to the seventh universe so soon.

And at this moment--

In this seventh universe, in a city called the Great Desert.

Xia Xia sat in front of a wooden table, in front of him, placed a plate of beef and a few pots of good wine.

This desert is what the father father of the gang said to him, the city where his two previous brothers were located, and the place where the force called Jiapi that they co-founded was located.

As for why it is called Jiapi, I don’t know in summer...

After all, before he came, he didn't know that the name of the force created by this group of master fathers and others was called Jiapi, and after he came, naturally no one was going to confuse this summer.

However, after coming to this desert, Xia could feel that this seventh universe was just like the Nine Nether Continent in the thirty-two universes.

It's like ancient times on earth.

The people here are all classically dressed.

Even some buildings are a bit like ancient times on earth.

When summer came to this desert, she wanted to find out about Nagapi first.

And if you want to find news about a strange place, in fact, a restaurant is the best place to go.

Because you can hear some news from the conversations of others.

Although it may be some sidewalks, but, I have to say, we can understand this strange environment better.

As for whether there is money from the Seventh Universe this summer to pay for the drinks and side dishes ordered in front of him, it has nothing to do with summer.

the first……

He has never said that he wants to eat the King’s meal, nor has he said that he will not give money. Second, although he does not have the circulation currency of the seventh universe, he has the circulation currency of thirty-two universes...

As for...

If the merchant of the seventh universe admits it, it doesn’t have much to do with him...

What Xia didn't expect was that he had just picked up a piece of beef, and in front of him, sat down an old man in sloppy clothes.

Looking at the old man, Xia Xia was stunned for a moment, and immediately asked the other person:

"Hey, old man, are you sitting in the wrong position?"

"Hey! Another young man who dislikes old and sloppy."

After hearing Xia's words, the old man couldn't help but laughed bitterly, and then he said with a touch of emotion.

Xia Xia was taken aback when he heard what the other party said.

When did I say that the other party was sloppy? Besides, you are so sloppy, do you need others to dislike it? Your hair style is almost the same as the bird's nest. How long has it been since you have been freshened up? !

Xia Xia was a bit speechless, but if the old man said so, he was too embarrassed to drive him away. So, he picked up a piece of beef and ignored the old man.

I don't know if it was because the old man didn't get rid of Xia Xia or because the old man didn't look at Xia Xia like a local, so he felt that Xia was a bully.

The old man actually reached out his hand directly, in front of Xia Tian, ​​grabbed a piece of beef on the plate in front of Xia Tian, ​​and threw it into his mouth, immediately. In front of the summer, he ate with gusto.

Seeing the old man's appearance, summer was fascinated.

Does this old man think he doesn't exist?

If this tiger doesn't show off his power, how can he be pinched in the mud?

Pat the chopsticks on the table in summer.

"Old man, what do you mean?"

"Hey, another young man who dislikes old and sloppy!"

The old man glanced at Xia Xia, and then couldn't help but smile wryly, with tears in his eyes.

Seeing that old man like this, summer was going crazy. He took a deep breath, resisted his violent temper, poured a jug of good wine in front of him into the glass, just about to drink it.

I saw that the old man directly picked up a jug of wine in front of him, and the mouth of the jug was directly inserted into his mouth, and immediately, he poured the jug of summer wine into his abdomen.


It's endless, isn't it?

Xia sneered.

"Old man, you!"

"Hey, another young man who dislikes old and sloppy."

The old man glanced at Xiaxia and gave a wry smile.

Xia squinted his eyes when he heard the old man's words.

If it weren't for this old man to appear in front of him alive, he would even think that the other party was an Npc...This is so special, how to say it is exactly the same? Ok? !

But this time, Summer didn't want to bear it anymore.

He looked at the old man in front of him. Sneered.

"I don't dislike you for being sloppy."

"I just simply think you owe you a beating!"

Xia Xia's voice fell, and he hit the old man's eye with a punch.

The old man couldn't help sighing as he watched Xia Xia throw a punch at him.

At this time, the summer was also taken aback.

The old man’s body did not show any power fluctuations, so he still took a part of his power, but he did not expect that when he threw this fist, the old man just stretched out a hand. Easily, he grabbed his fist and wrapped his entire fist in the palm of his hand.

"Hmm. The realm of the great god?"

After the sloppy old man felt the power of Xia Xia's fist, he couldn't help but froze for a while, then suddenly raised his head and took a close look at Xia Xia.

At the beginning, Xia Xia was still bound to win this punch against himself, but when the old man took it, he couldn't help taking a breath, and immediately looked at the old man in front of him.


"Who are you on earth?"

Xia Xia listened to the helper father said that in this seventh universe, there were two strong ancestors.

With his strength, under the ancestral realm, he basically walked sideways. but now……

This guy has just arrived in the Seventh Universe, and as a result, an old man he meets casually can stop his punch? !

Is this helping the main father to deceive himself, or is it said that in these billions of years, the seventh universe has developed to such a terrifying point?

An old man who is dressed casually and sloppy is also an ancestral realm powerhouse? !

Of course, whether this old man was an ancestral realm powerhouse or not Xia Xia didn't know, he was just guessing, after all, Xia Xia couldn't spy on the strength of this old man.

"You don't have to worry about what status I am, but you, at a young age, can actually reach the realm of the great god. It's amazing. Are you a Japi?"

Xia Tian was still stunned when he heard Gapi, but soon he reacted and shook his head.

"I'm not from Gapi."

"Not from Japi?"

The old man showed a thoughtful expression. Soon, he took a look at Xia.

"If you are not from Japi, then you must not be a native of the seventh universe? Which universe do you come from?"

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