Monster Refining System

Chapter 1361: Enter the arena

"Hit, I won't give you too much time to think, now, answer me, yes-or-no."

Hearing Master Xiangpa's words, Hit could not help taking a deep breath.

This is like Master Pa's danger, it is already so obvious, to be honest, in fact, Hitt's first choice in heart is Master Nabirus.

the reason is simple.

There was no one beside Nabirus-sama, but beside Na Hit was a big basket of younger brothers. To be reasonable, if you follow Master Birus, then you can definitely be regarded as Master Birus's confidant, but if you follow Master Birus, this is not the case.

After all, there is no shortage of brothers beside Master Xiangpa!

But now, here comes the problem...

This is the naked threat of Master Pa, how can he still resist this Master Pa?

No way, Hitt gave a wry smile and nodded at Master Xiangpa.

"I understand Master Xiangpa."


Elephant Pa patted Hitt on the shoulder.

"Russ can be taught."

"I think you are a smart person, besides, who you Hitt is, everyone knows, even if you beat the outsider beside Nabirus to death, Nabirus will not blame you. , Because everyone knows your character, not to mention, in this arena, there is no eye on it."

Hearing the words of Master Xiangpa, Hitt nodded with a wry smile.


The time of a day is in the past.

And that Xia Fukun, the spirit and spirit at this time, is obviously much better than before. Although these three days can be regarded as penance for Xia Fukun, but fortunately there are only three days, so Xia Fukun quickly adjusted Recovered.

With the guidance of Weiss, Xia Fukun felt that he was very different now from three days ago.

"Xia Fukun, I have taught you all the things that should be taught to you. Don't let me down on my expectations of you."

Xia Fukun gave a grumpy smile upon hearing Lord Birus's words.

"Master Billus, I can't guarantee. Didn't you say that, in this arena, there are masters like clouds. I can only say, I try my best, but the result is beyond my control. "

Hearing what Xia Fukun said, Billus rolled his eyes.

"I heard that Weiss taught you a skill at the bottom of the box. When that happens, I want to see what exactly is the skill at the bottom of the box that Weiss has made mysteriously."

Xia Fukun was stunned for a moment, and immediately smiled at Lord Billus.

"You will see, Lord Billus..."

Xia Fukun's voice fell, and Master Nabirus nodded.

"In this case, I will take you to the arena. Speaking of which, you should, and you should come back for the first time. Haha, Weiss, you go too?"


Weiss smiled and nodded.

In fact, Weis gave Xia Fukun the feeling that he was like a gentleman's persona, but his own persona was an angel, whether he was talking or doing things, he was gentle and gentle. Moreover, it is also very important that it seems that Xia Fukun has never seen Weiss get angry in that animation.

"Master King asked us to supervise you, Master Billus."

Weiss grinned at Lord Billus.

After hearing what Weiss said, Lord Billus was also embarrassed. After a grinning smile, he said:

"Haha, this Lord Quan King is really true, we are not kids anymore, and we still have to let people supervise us..."

Weiss rolled his eyes.

"Haha, Lord Birus is indeed not a child, but it is not much different. If it weren't for Master King's shot, I am afraid that Lord Birus and Master Xiangpa have already given this third universe to Destroyed, right?"

Hearing what Weiss said, Lord Billus scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Weiss, do you want to be so direct?"

"Oh, go to the arena now."

Weiss did not answer Lord Billus's words.

And speaking of it, the thing that made Lord Birus the most helpless was probably this Vis. After all, Lord Birus was completely in awe of the Lord of All Kings.

Soon, when Naves determined that there was nothing else to do in the space opened by Lord Birus, it was the staff in his hand that tapped lightly in the void.

Suddenly, under the feet of several people, a wave slowly spread.

Immediately afterwards, the figures of several people disappeared in place.

Appearing again, already came to the opening of the arena.

But this time, Lord Billus and the three of them were not hindered anymore. Just kidding, Master Birus just made a fuss a few days ago, and now this arena basically knows Master Birus is back.

Even if someone didn’t know him before, now... I know...

Therefore, at the entrance of the arena, the persons in charge of those venues hurriedly greeted Lord Billus, and also specially led Lord Billus to a special passage.

Lord Birus seemed to enjoy this kind of special treatment, and he glanced at Xia Fukun happily, and signaled that Xia Fukun, he is still very prestigious, and now the VIP channels are all gone.

Xia Fukun smiled awkwardly.

As Lord Billus, taking a special passage, is there anything worth bragging about?

Did Master Birus forget? A few days ago, he was not remembered by anyone. This shows that now, in this third universe, Master Birus has nothing to say...

Perhaps, in the eyes of the vast majority of natives in this third universe, their third universe has only one **** of destruction, and that is Xiangpa.

Regarding Lord Billus, that can only be retrospectively remembered...

Fortunately, this third universe does not need to engage in politics, governance, elections, or factions, just compare the size of the fists. Otherwise, based on the current situation of Lord Billus, wanting to be in position is simply idiotic.

Soon, following Master Billus, Xia Fukun came to a box.

And unlike the box in the Moulin Rouge before, under the oversized floor-to-ceiling windows in front of this box is a huge ring.

And that piece of arena is not the usual indoor arena.

It was a huge stone platform floating in the sky.

On the stone platform, the mysterious lines circulating, slowly exuding a burst of terrible coercion, all these kinds of things highlight the uniqueness of this ring.

Moreover, if it weren't for Xia Fukun's current strength problems, he would definitely have a feeling of being out of sight when he saw Shitai...

"Master Billus, is this the arena in this arena..."

Xia Fukun took a deep breath and asked Master Billus shockedly.

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