Monster Refining System

Chapter 1363: It's okay

Holding the two hands together, Xia Fukun could clearly feel that Hitt's palm was very cold.

However, what he didn't know was that this Hitt had been called by Master Xiangpa, because Lord Birus told him that Hitt could develop into an ally. In addition, in Dragon Ball Super, Xia Fukun In fact, he was more interested in Hitt, so Xia Fukun thought it was the beginning of a good friendship this time shaking hands, but what he didn't notice was...

After shook hands with Xia Fukun, Nahite turned his head and glanced at the box somewhere.

And in that box.

Master Xiangpa also stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, grinning.

"What is the kid next to Birus?"

"He actually went to befriend Hitt?"

Master Xiangpa grinned at Bados beside him.

And Na Bados also squinted his eyes.

"Master Xiangpa, are you afraid?"


Upon hearing Bados' words, Master Xiangpa sneered.

"Am I afraid?"

"You mean, I'm afraid of that kid, right?"

"Hehe, otherwise, how could Master Xiangpa's personality restrict the development of the outsider next to Master Birus?"

"You don't need to find Hit at all."

After Bardos had finished speaking, Master Xiangpa frowned.

"Bados, shut up! Stop talking."

"Hehe, the main reason I went to Hit Hit was that I didn't want to see the people around Billus jumping around."

"Oh, isn't it?"

Bados looked at Master Xiangpa with a smile.

If this were replaced by someone else and threatened by Master Pa, he would have closed his mouth obediently, but Bados would be different...

After all, she is an angel.

Moreover, she is still the teacher of Master Xiangpa, and her strength is far surpassed by Master Xiangpa...

The reason for maintaining respect for Pa is actually the same as the relationship between Naves and Lord Billus.

To put it harshly, the two destruction gods, Birus and Xiangpa, were all cultivated by Lord Quan, and she (them), if Lord Quan said something, don’t be the God of destruction, they I'll take it mercilessly...

The reason is simple, because they are the existence created by Lord Quan King!

Looking at the elephant in front of him, Bados didn't have the slightest fear.

On the contrary, it was like Par, after being struck by Bados for a few consecutive sentences, he couldn't help but feel a little pain in his head.

He scratched his head angrily, and he was still very comfortable, and it was a little uncomfortable to be beaten by Bados.

But what Bados said is not wrong...

Xiangpa is indeed a little afraid of Xia Fukun.

the reason is simple.

Birus knows him, and he also knows Birus.

If this Xia Fukun had nothing to excel, it would be impossible for Birus to bring Xia Fukun to his side, and even more impossible, to bring Xia Fukun back to this third universe.

At the beginning, it was not that Na Hit had not expressed his thoughts to Birus, but he was also prevaricated by Na Birus.

And now--

Although this Xia Fukun is only in the realm of the gods, it does not mean that this Xia Fukun will always be the realm of the gods.

If Xia Fukun reached the ancestral realm, would it be able to pose a threat to himself?

With the strength of Master Xiangpa, it is not difficult to see that there are at least ten systems in Xia Fukun's body that meet the conditions for promotion to the ancestral realm. and--

None of the systems in Na Xia Fukun's body overlapped with those in Lord Nabirus. In other words, those systems in Xia Fukun's body did not come from Birus.

In a realm of heavenly gods, how can He De, have more than ten systems in his body?

I think that after Birus came back, although his strength was a lot weaker than himself, but he was not afraid of himself, as Pa guessed, this Xia Fukun was very likely to be the secret weapon of Birus.

and so--

He will find Na Hit and let Hit secretly take action.

In this world, no one is stupid.

Master Xiangpa, who can be selected by the Lord King to appoint a **** of destruction, naturally does not need to say more about his wisdom.

And everything he can see and understand, Bados is naturally able to see clearly.

in particular……

As an angel, Nabados followed Master Quan King all the year round, and learned more about the new secrets.

Like Navis, after contacting Xia Fukun, she basically guessed the identity of Xia Fukun.

I also know why, Lord All King will transfer them all to this third universe.

the reason is simple……

It's not really because the two elephants, Par and Birus, have to select the only **** of destruction.

But because--

The appearance of Xia Fukun.

In other words, this Xia Fukun is also a person favored by Lord Quan...

Bados glanced at the elephant, and some careful thoughts of the elephant, as if they were all written on her face, she could see through it completely. However, at this moment, what she was thinking about, it was completely invisible to the elephant.

Because just like Weiss, there was always a faint smile on Bados's face.

Again, this is also because the realm between the two is really too different...

And the other side.

This is like the case in Pa's box, but the situation in Nabirus' box is different.

Nabirus could not help raising his fist when he saw Hitt stretch out his hand and shook Xia Fukun.

"Hahaha, Weiss, I'm not wrong. I don't need me to look for Hitt. It seems that Hitt's move was well buried at the beginning!"

Hearing the excited words of Lord Billus, Weiss pursed his mouth, and did not respond to Lord Billus.

Perhaps, Lord Billus didn't pay attention just now, but Wes did.

Just now, after Na Hit and Xia Fukun shook hands, the first direction to look was not the box on Lord Birus' side, but... the box on Lord Pa's side.

The reason for this can be figured out by Weiss with his toes, but Lord Birus did not think of one of them.

Of course, Weiss did not need to remind Lord Billus.

Whoever becomes the last **** of destruction has no influence on him.

As long as Lord Birus and Lord Elephant Phantom fight at the end, don't destroy this third universe.

This is also the meaning of his and Bados coming to this third universe.

It is not to give advice and cheer for Master Birus and Master Elephant, but to watch Master Nabirus and Master Elephant.

after all--

As Lord Quan, it is impossible for him to take action at any time. Sometimes, there are things that are not what Master Quan needs to do...

"Master Billus, seems very happy?"

Weiss smiled faintly and asked Lord Billus.

"Hehe, shouldn’t it be happy? Xia Fukun and Hitt joined forces, and the two joined hands. Isn’t it easy for Xia Fukun to be in the first place? Haha, after the first round of the test, I’m going to go with Na Hit Let’s have a chat, hahaha, didn’t he want to follow me before? I just see how well he performed this time."

"Hehe, I'm afraid it's not you that people want to follow now."

Hearing what Weiss said, Lord Billus was stunned for a moment.

"Weiss, what are you talking about?"

Weiss smiled and shook his head.

"It's okay..."

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