Monster Refining System

Chapter 1366: Really


Looking at Xia Fukun in front of him, the orc took a deep breath.

As soon as he was about to speak, Xia Fukun's palm was already in front of him.

In the next second, on the palm of Xia Fukun's hand, an energy ball suddenly appeared, and then it was sent towards the half-orc instantly.


The half-orc Heavenly God Realm powerhouse was directly headshot.

The head rolled on the ground a few times, and the body, after a pause, knelt down with a "bang"...

Looking at the appearance of the half-orc, Xia Fukun's surface was calm. The reason was simple, because this was the realm of cultivation.

It was even more weak than the earth where Xia Fukun lived before.

Even more... cruel.

After solving the two half-orcs in an instant, Xia Fukun was not idle either. He squatted down in front of the two half-orcs and pulled down the space container on the two of them.

After doing all this, Xia Fukun crouched, turned around and glanced at the blue rhino behind him, grinning at the other side.

The blue rhinoceros was stunned for a moment, and then reacted...

This Xia Fukun actually killed his two brothers? !

"Oh oh oh, bastard, you **** my two brothers again."

That Xia Fukun grinned.

"what's happenin?"

"The next one is you."

Xia Fukun's voice fell, and he moved his wrists and ankles. Then, his figure flashed and appeared in front of the blue rhino, and then, a punch...

Seeing this, the blue rhino hurriedly threw a punch at Xia Fukun.

"Ha ha."

The blue rhino sneered.

"I really don't know that a guy who is tall and thick, dare to punch me, ha ha."

"In the realm of the Celestial Realm in this arena, I dare not say that my combat effectiveness is the strongest, but at least, my defense is unmatched."

After the blue rhino sneered, that fist also collided with Xia Fukun.


There was an astonishing noise.

However, this sound did not attract much attention.

the reason is simple……

Because on this huge battlefield, fighting is erupting everywhere at this moment.

And the attention that Xia Fukun and the blue rhinoceros have caused by the two gods of the realm is naturally impossible to compare with those of the peak powers of the ancestral realm...

Therefore, in the auditorium, more eyes were still gathered on the battles of those strong ancestors.

At this moment, when Xia Fukun and the blue rhino hit each other, Xia Fukun gritted his teeth.

"Tip oh grass, is there lead in your arm?"

Xia Fukun shook his arm and cursed at the blue rhino.

"Hehe, I've said it all, my defensive power..."

The Blue Rhino sneered. Before he could finish speaking, he found out...

On his arm, unexpectedly... a slight crack appeared...


The Blue Rhino took a deep breath. Fortunately, this fine line was not very deep, so it was not obvious. He pretended to be fine, and sneered at that Xia Fukun:

"I am invulnerable!"

"I'm the best!"

Xia Fukun: "???"

Why are all these slogans shouting at a disagreement? This special, what makes it like MLM? ? ?

"Hmm, what you say is what you say, come on, come on, you are the fattest."

After Xia Fukun finished speaking, after shaking his fist, he rushed towards the blue rhino.

Seeing that Xia Fukun came towards him, the blue rhino was stunned.

"What are you doing??!"

"Hehe, fighting, are you going to surrender?"

Xia Fukun looked at the blue rhino like an idiot.

Blue Rhino: "..."

The Blue Rhino not only has cracks in his hands, but also has swollen.

But watching Xia Fukun attack again, this blue rhino can't help it!

Taking a deep breath, the blue rhino gritted his teeth and sneered at Xia Fukun:

"It's the same several times!"

"You can't break my defense!"

Blue Rhino and Xia Fukun punched each other, and this punch made the Blue Rhino feel a piercing pain.

"Oh, come here a few more times."

Xia Fukun squeezed his eyes at the blue rhino.

Immediately, a fiery red light covered the fist.

this is……

The battle spirit previously obtained in the God of War Mountain...

And this Zhanxuan, only slightly weaker than that system, is on the same line...

The power of this fighting spirit is not the comprehensive attribute that is promoted, but...

Pure power.

Against this blue rhinoceros, Xia Fukun didn't even want to use the system. The reason is simple. This blue rhino is a player of the same level as him...

As for Xia Fukun, he has always liked cross-tier combat. For players of the same level, Xia Fukun is not in the mood to go all out...

And seeing that Xia Fukun not only hit him with a punch this time, but also, when there was a mass of fiery power wrapped in that fist,

The Blue Rhino couldn't help taking a breath.

At the same time, he gritted his teeth.

"I was planning to use it again in the next round... I didn't expect it to be forced out by you little bastard..."

Xia Fukun was taken aback when he heard the words of the blue rhino. What does this blue rhino mean? Looking at this posture, it seems that you are ready to use the power of the system?

Xia Fukun thought for a while, too.

In this arena, there are a lot of powerhouses in the realm of heavenly gods, but not every powerhouse in the realm of heavenly gods has a system in their bodies.

Now, this blue rhino displaying the power of the system, it seems that it is also forced by himself...

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