Monster Refining System

Chapter 1378: There is no way to parry


Hualao and his party looked at the powerful energy fluctuations that flashed on the palm of Xia Fukun's palm. Everyone couldn't help but squint their eyes, and their eyes revealed a touch of shock.

after all……

Divine rank skills, even those in the ancestral realm, are quite strenuous to use, and ordinary ancestral realms, when they use three-star magic skills, it is as if they have exhausted all the power in the body.


This Xia Fukun...

The cultivation base of the Celestial Realm can actually display the five-star magic skill!

This had to make everyone feel extremely shocked!

At this moment, Xia Fukun, as the person involved, had barely allowed this five-star magic skill to take shape, but--

Really wanting to integrate these five great celestial skills together, but it is even more difficult.

Otherwise, those strong in the ancestral realm will not be most of them, and they will only be able to display three-star magic skills.

Xia Fukun looked at the five lights on his palm and took a deep breath.

In his mind, what the Great Demon King looked like when he used that magical skill.

He tried.

Combine the four rays of light, and then use the power of the free ultimate power, like a hamburger, to wrap the four rays of light in the silver light.

This is a painful process, but also a tense process.

Because Xia Fukun made a little mistake, or...

A slight deviation in the power control may cause these five great celestial skills to explode directly in the palm of his hand.

And if it's that time.

Xia Fukun himself was the first to be backlashed.


"It's almost, almost, it's all wrapped in it."

Xia Fukun looked at her palm nervously, the silver energy slowly enveloping the other four rays of light, she didn't even dare to breathe.

It's also this time--

The silver light slowly enveloped all the four colors of light.

this moment--

The space around Xia Fukun began to collapse in large areas.

The corners of Xia Fukun's mouth also rose.

"It's done!"

When he blurted out, Xia Fukun's gaze also turned towards the mountain range.

It was also at this time that the light in the hand, like a hamburger, came out.

"Come on, let me see, you restore the system, can you restore it immediately!"

Xia Fukun's voice fell, and the light on his palm was already concocted towards the mountain range.

The powerhouses around the mountains also screamed and fled.

It's also this time--

The five-color light drew an arc in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the arc fell directly on the mountain range.


A deafening sound resounded across the sky.

Immediately after--

The entire mountain range was smoothed instantly.

at the same time.

Above the location of the mountain range.

A lavender light appeared in front of everyone.

Purple Qi is coming from the east...

That is the meaning of recovery!

When Xia Fukun saw this, his eyes lit up.

Because he knows, then, it must be to restore the system!

After seeing the emergence of the recovery system, the powerhouses around them also reacted from the shock just now.

"It's the system!"

Almost an instant effort, all the strong are swarming towards the recovery system.

Only Na Hua Lao, standing dumbly.

It's not that he was frightened.


He just saw Xia Fukun's shot, he knew that Xia Fukun was bound to win this recovery system.

And under such circumstances, even if he shot, it was impossible to **** the recovery system from Xia Fukun's hands.


Not only that...

He may also have anger with Xia Fukun because of this.

Take a closer look at what Xia Fukun said just now...

"In this case, when I rob you for a while, I won't rob you..."

Hua Lao dared not make a move.

In his opinion, those strong in the ancestral realm are all old gods, and their auras are very ethereal and frightening.


Although this Xia Fukun was in the realm of heavenly gods, he possessed the strength of the ancestral realm, but he seemed...somewhat secular.

He didn't know what Xia Fukun was going to do later, but he could instinctively feel that what Xia Fukun was going to do might surprise his eyeballs.

It's also this time.

Xia Fukun, who watched the recovery system appear, discovered that the idiots around him also swarmed towards the recovery system.

Can't help but sneer.

"Do you dare to grab things from Lao Tzu?"

The voice fell.

Xia Fukun's figure turned into a flash of lightning, and instantly appeared in front of the strong men who were heading towards the recovery system. After intercepting everyone, Xia Fukun sneered.


The voice is flat and cold.

At the same time, Xia Fukun waved a palm.

After waving this palm, the strong men in front of Xia Fukun all showed horror in their eyes.

Even though it was a palm that Xia Fukun waved casually, everyone felt the terrible power in it.

Also at this time...

Xia Fukun turned his head and looked at the recovery system in front of him.


"Brother Lian, leave it to you."

"Do not worry."

The voice of the Bliss system faintly sounded in Xia Fukun's mind.

It was also at this time that Xia Fukun stretched out his hand and directly absorbed the recovery system into his body.

Then, turned his head.

Looking at those strong men who showed unwillingness in their eyes.

After all, the system is full of endless temptations for any strong person above the realm of the gods.

Those people looked at Xia Fukun and just took away the recovery system, no one was happy.

And Xia Fukun is not a bird of these people.


"You guys just wanted to grab something from Lao Tzu, didn't you?"

Upon hearing Xia Fukun's words, those strong men squinted their eyes.

If Xia Fukun said this, it would be a bit unreasonable.

This thing has been taken away by Xia Fukun, what else does he want to do?

"Haha, boy, although you are strong, there are so many people here..."

One of the middle-aged men with only three hairs left on his head touched his sanmao and sneered.

His meaning is very simple. With so many people at the scene, one punch, Xia Fukun is not good at parrying!

If he said this to other experts in the realm of the gods, perhaps the other party would be jealous and hesitate.

But there was one thing he didn't figure out. At this moment, the person standing in front of him was not someone else, but... Then Xia Fukun!

Xia Fukun sneered at the San Mao middle-aged man.

"No one dared to speak."

"It's just you, there's a lot of nonsense, isn't it?"

Xia Fukun's voice fell, his figure flashed, and he appeared in front of the middle-aged San Mao man.

Feeling the speed of the other party, the San Mao middle-aged man showed a touch of horror on his face.

However, at this time, Xia Fukun's hand was already stuck in his throat.

"Hehe, I am a person with a good temper, but I hate that others sing against me the most."

As Xia Fukun's voice fell, those strong people around heard a "click"...

A dignified strong man in the realm of the gods, turned out to be in the hands of Xia Fukun, without the power to parry, was directly crushed by... his neck...

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