Monster Refining System

Chapter 1383: do not care?

"Forget it, it doesn't matter so much."

"If you are not the chosen one, it is impossible for you to enter the sea of ​​heaven, and I cannot look away."

"It's up to you, my own chance, I also want to see how long you can stay in this sky and sea."

The little elf's voice fell and disappeared in front of Xia Fukun.

Xia Fukun was also taken aback when seeing the elf disappear.


I'm leaving if I say you want to go?

Xia Fukun looked around and tentatively shouted:

"Hello, little fat man?"




As a result, no one around responded to Xia Fukun.

Well, it seems that the guy has really left.

Xia Fukun shook his head.

It is also at this time.

He called the bliss system.

"Brother Lian, what is the situation and what is going on? Where is it here?"


When Bliss System heard the name, it couldn't help but squinted.

"That guy just now, is it the messenger of this sky..."

This was a guess from the Bliss system, so he didn't tell Xia Fukun.


"That guy didn't make a mistake just now, you can see, the structure of your body has begun to change..."

Hearing the words of the bliss system, Xia Fukun was taken aback for a moment, and quickly took a look at the structure of his body.

turn out……

In his body, originally, among those colorful blood, there was a little more white in it.

Upon seeing this, Xia Fukun was shocked and almost cried.

"Brother Lian, I... have leukemia?!"

Bliss System: "???"

This Xia Fukun, what kind of brain circuit? !

What is leukemia?

I really don't know what Xia Fukun is thinking.

Rolled his eyes.

Bliss system said:

"This white blood is the same blood. It is the blood of the emperor."

"It's just that there are very few people who can get the blood of the emperor. It is estimated that the whole king also has the blood of the emperor."

"Master King?"

Xia Fukun was stunned for a moment, and said to the Bliss system:

"Then, Master King, is the strongest person in the world?"

Bliss System shook his head.

"The level of these secrets is too high, I don't know."

"However, you can travel in this heaven and sea. Maybe, as the guy said just now, it may not necessarily be true that you can really gain something."

"Why don't you come out and show me a way, Brother Lian?"

Xia Fukun was a little embarrassed.

The surrounding area was all white, and I didn't even know where to go.

This is different from the gray and black in the previous Dead Sea.

The gray and black color, if there is light, at least it can figure out a little route.


Under this pure white environment, it is impossible to tell the position at all.

Bliss System sighed.

"I don't know what is going on in the sea this day. It's also an attempt to come out. Hey, that's it, who made me stand on you."

As the Bliss System spoke, it walked out of Xia Fukun's body.

It's also this time...

A touch of white light directly covered the body of the bliss system.

"this is……"

Bliss System and Xia Fukun were shocked at the same time.

Before the two of them could react, Xia Fukun saw that the body of the Bliss System slowly fell.

"Brother Lian!"

Xia Fukun yelled anxiously, and grabbed the hand of the Bliss System.

at the same time--

He only saw that the eyes of the Bliss System were closed under the white light.

And the connection between him and the bliss system was directly interrupted. In his body, the existence of the bliss system was no longer felt.

"Brother Lian..."

"Are you OK……"

Upon seeing this, Xia Fukun suddenly had six souls without a master.

For so long, he has lost the Bliss system, but it was almost always in a prepared situation, and the Bliss system was only in a coma, it would not be the same as it is now, as if he was dead...

"Brother Lian..."

"Brother Lian, don't scare me!"

"Don't worry, I will never let go of your hand!"

As soon as Xia Fukun finished speaking, the hand of the Bliss System that Xia Fukun grasped directly turned into starlight and dissipated.

Upon seeing this, Xia Fukun: "???"

Isn't this special, is it going to be the opposite of yourself?

As soon as I finished speaking, this bliss system disappeared?

He took a deep breath and looked around.

However, in this sea of ​​heaven, there is nothing.

The so-called chance is like farting.

"Here, where is it..."

"Damn it!"


People are most likely to collapse when they are desperate.

And now Xia Fukun has fallen into such a collapse.

Someone once said...

In a confined dark space, people are most likely to collapse.

but now--

Xia Fukun used his own experience to verify...

In a space with white light everywhere, it is even more likely to collapse...

the reason is simple……

When it is white, it reaches a certain limit.

Even if I close my eyes, the front of my mind is still white.

But if it's black...close your eyes, the big deal, it's black...

The third universe, the city in the sky.

Wes looked at Lord Billus in front of him.

"In the sea that day, it seems that Lord Quan was the only one who walked out of it, right?"

Lord Billus was taken aback when he heard what Weiss said.

"what did you say?"

Weiss looked at Master Billus so surprised, and he was also taken aback.

"Is it possible that Lord Birus doesn't know?"

"The Heavenly Sea, from the beginning to the present, only Lord Quan King has emerged from it. There seems to be nothing else in the Heavenly Sea, which can only consolidate the cultivation base and recast the body, but if it is in the Heavenly Sea The collapse, most likely, will stay in the sea forever... If I remember correctly, the pathfinder at the junction of the Dead Sea and the sky sea was not able to come out of the sea before, so it has become forever. The slave of the sea that day..."

Hearing what Weiss said, Lord Nabirus stood up directly, without saying anything, and headed out of the sky city.

It was also at this time that Weiss stood up. Looking at the back of Lord Billus.

"But, if Lord Billus passes by, will it be against Lord Quan's meaning?"

Hearing Weiss's words ringing behind her ears, Master Billus took a deep breath, and immediately looked back at Navis.

"Then, don't you just leave Xia Fukun alone?"

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