Monster Refining System

Chapter 1385: Gold finger reproduction

"Aren't you nonsense?"

The elf gave Xia Fukun a white look.

"By the way, are you really going out?"


Xia Fukun nodded.

He has no interest in breaking records or anything. After all, in this sea of ​​heaven, it seems that he has not been increased in any way. Under this situation, it is useless to stay in this star sea.

The so-called record, on the basis of no profit, is of no value.

"What a weird person, I hope you don't regret it in the future. After all, this day, in the future, if you think about it again, you can't come by thinking about it."

Hearing what the little elf said, Xia Fukun didn't talk nonsense, and said lightly:

"Hurry up."

The little elf glanced at Xia Fukun, sighed, and immediately grabbed Xia Fukun’s arm, and then—

Xia Fukun felt that the surrounding space was shifting stars.

When I reacted again, the surrounding area had turned from that white light to gray and black.

"Is this, back in the Dead Sea..."

Xia Fukun glanced around.

Because it was at the bottom of the Dead Sea, there were not many dead objects around. Even Xia Fukun glanced around, but didn't see any dead objects.

"Hey, it's a pity that Brother Lian doesn't know where he is, or if he is dead."

Xia Fukun sighed.

It is also at this time.

The voice of the bliss system sounded in Xia Fukun's mind.

Voice, lazy.

"Xia Fukun, you can't see others, right?!"

Upon hearing this sound, Xia Fukun took a deep breath.

"Brother Lian!"

His eyes lit up.

"Aren't you dead?"

"You're special, you're dead! Bad luck is not bad! Hurry up and say bah bah bah!"

Hearing the words of the Bliss System, Xia Fukun: "..."

It was also at this time that the bliss system pondered for a moment, and immediately said to Xia Fukun:

"Xia Fukun, I want to tell you something."

"Good thing or bad thing?"

The Bliss system was so serious that Xia Fukun felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

"Yes, it's a good thing..."

Bliss system coughed, said.

"Then you say it quickly! What about the ink?"

Xia Fukun is also fascinated. Good thing, don't you have to say it, save it when you say Happy New Year when you are waiting for the New Year?

"I seemed to have a sleep just now. When I woke up, I found out..."

"The summoned beast summoned by me..."



"You can reach the realm of the gods..."


Hearing the words of this bliss system, Xia Fukun's head made a "buzz", and he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Although the Bliss system is a central system, it also has its drawbacks.

That is the monster beasts it summons, which must follow the laws of the universe, that is, the strength must not exceed the realm of quasi-god.

And speaking of it, at Xia Fukun's current level, the opponent's strength is either in the realm of the gods or the realm of ancestors.

Xia Fukun didn't bother to summon this quasi-god summoned beast...


Summoned out, there is no use for birds!

Attacking someone else is not painful or itchy, just like the little elf before, the summoned beasts he had summoned, they just ignored it...

but now……

The Bliss system told Xia Fukun that the summoned beast he had summoned could reach the realm of the gods...

For Xia Fukun, this is absolutely good news!

He didn't know, why this Bliss system should be considered good news.

"Don't be happy too early."

Bliss System glanced at Xia Fukun. Road:

"The monster beasts of the quasi-god realm require 100 million refining points to be summoned. The summoned beasts of the **** realm need one billion refining points to summon one. You want to summon a big one at once. I am afraid it is unrealistic to come out in batches. Because of you, the balance is insufficient..."

Xia Fukun also coughed when he heard the bliss system talk about such a straightforward topic.

"Brother Lian, I have also taken away a lot of precious treasures from those people in the realm of gods. I don't know, how much is it worth?"

After Xia Fukun finished speaking, in the space bracelet, the endless space containers were in the bliss system.

It was also when Xia Fukun lost so many spatial containers that the Bliss system was all trapped.

Xia Fukun can feel...

The refining point is soaring crazily...


When the refining point prompted 99999999999+, the growth of the refining point stopped.

But at this time, all of the space containers that Xia Fukun had scraped hadn't been exchanged yet.

After all, they are all the space containers scraped by the supreme powerhouses in the realm of gods. The treasures inside, the worst, can be exchanged for hundreds of millions of refining points, and exchange for more than 90 billion refining points. , It's easy. It's just that this doesn't grow anymore, and the remaining space containers are automatically returned to Xia Fukun, which makes Xia Fukun a little confused.

"Brother Lian, what's the situation?"

Hearing Xia Fukun's words, the Bliss System gave a wry smile.

"The upper limit of refining points..."

Xia Fukun: "..."

He always thought that there was no limit to this refining point, but he didn't expect that the 99.9 billion refining point would be the upper limit.

So it seems...

If you can summon the monsters of the ancestral realm, according to this rhythm, it should take 10 billion refining points to be able to summon one. But in this case, it is equivalent to that you can only summon the nine-headed ancestral monsters. beast?

Well, I have to say, this Xia Fukun is thinking too far now, after all, he himself is just a guy in the realm of the gods...

However, although Xia Fukun thought too far, but now he is in a good mood.

the reason is simple……

Now he can summon dozens of monsters in the realm of heaven and god.

Ha ha……

From this point of view, in this arena competition, even if he doesn't want to win the championship, it will be difficult!

To put it simply, at the beginning of each game, Xia Fukun made a dozen or so summoned beasts in the realm of the gods, surrounded by three and three layers, and those other strong players could still touch their toes and fail. ?


Xia Fukun seemed to be able to feel the respectful eyes of everyone...


Xia Fukun was still thinking.

Even if it's Lord Billus...

He summoned a ninety-nine monster beast in the realm of heaven and god, is this Lord Birus, right?

Originally, Xia Fukun was most proud of this bliss system, but because the monster beast summoned by the bliss system was limited, later, Xia Fukun reached the realm of the gods and almost never summoned monsters, but now , This golden finger has recovered again.

Xia Fukun thought there...


Don't say it's in this third universe...

Even in all universes, can I... walk sideways?

Of course……

apart from……

When encountering a particularly powerful existence like Lord Quan, I should avoid a little bit, even if it is a powerful existence like Lord Birus, I don't have to be afraid...

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