Monster Refining System

Chapter 1394: Cheer up?


Xia Fukun looked at Hitt in front of him, with an extremely indifferent expression in his eyes.

"You are too conceited."

"When all your extraordinary things are not worth mentioning, are you still so conceited?"

Xia Fukun's voice fell, and in the palm of his hand, the five-color light group threw towards Na Hit.

The entire battlefield was trembling violently.

In that emptiness, large swathes collapsed, and then disappeared...


The power of these five-star magic skills, even those in the audience, felt a "buzzing" in their ears.

You know, the space on the second floor of the arena is isolated from them by a barrier.



The power of Xia Fukun’s skills turned out to be a direct breakthrough in the barrier, which had an impact on them...

I have to say that this five-star magical skill by Xia Fukun is far more powerful than everyone's imagination...

"It's horrible..."

"This Xia Fukun actually understood what you taught?"

"The realm of the gods, the five-star magic skills..."

In the box where Lord Billus was, Lord Billus squinted his eyes to watch the situation on the battlefield. At this moment, he slightly raised his head and glanced at the direction above his head.

"I'm afraid that one, when he was in the realm of the gods, didn't have such a proud achievement, right?"

Hearing the words of Lord Birus, it was rare that Navis didn't say anything to interrupt Lord Birus.

"Xia Fukun, can do this, indeed, not bad..."

In the box of Master Xiangpa, Master Xiangpa also looked gloomy.


He punched it and hit the handrail beside him. At this moment, the handrail turned into smoke and dissipated.

"Oh oh oh, Master Xiangpa didn't expect that Xia Fukun would do something like this?"

"Hehe, can you think of the guys in the realm of the gods that can display the five-star magic skills? However, in this case—"

Master Xiangpa sneered.

"That Birus, it can be regarded as revealing all his old things for me to see."

"It must be that he is going to arrange this Xia Fukun to win the championship, and then, when fighting me, let Xia Fukun secretly use the five-star magical skill on me."

"It's just that, now, I was forced out by this Hitt. Haha, this five-star magical skill, I want to come, that is, this Xia Fukun's last hole card. This Hitt's shot is not a loss."

Master Xiangpa said quite confidently.

"Well, do what you think."

When Bardos heard Master Xiangpa's words, he said with a smile.


Master Xiangpa was stunned by Bados and glared at Bados, but he only dared to yell like that, he still didn't dare to really let him attack Bados. First of all, he can't beat...

On the battlefield...

That Xia Fukun's five-star supernatural skill passed.

It collapsed everywhere.

The entire battlefield was also torn apart. The originally connected battlefield had been shattered at this moment, with only a few stones floating in the void. At this moment, Xia Fukun was also standing in it. Above a rock, looking at Hitt indifferently...

"bring it on……"

Hitt obviously never thought that Xia Fukun could display the five-star magic skill, but—

This does not mean that if Xia Fukun displays the five-star magic skills, he will give up!

after all……

This Xia Fukun is only in the realm of the gods...

The five-star magic skills displayed in the realm of the gods, if you want to come, should it, will it be greatly reduced, right?


Although Hit thinks so...


When Xia Fukun's attack really came to Hitt's body.

Hitt’s surprising discovery...

"Hold it hurts!"

That formidable force would forcibly tear Hit's body apart.

His three-star magical skill that was too late to throw out didn't even have the qualifications to bloom, and was directly swallowed by Xia Fukun's five-star magical skill.


Hitt's whole body flew upside down like a broken kite.

Moreover, all his clothing exploded.

The whole person is bloody.

Was directly dumped from this battlefield.


The audience is silent...

Only Na Xia Fukun squinted his eyes while looking at the direction Na Hit was flung away.

Lord Billus said that Hitt can be trusted, which means Hitt should be regarded as a person on his side. but--

Why would Hitt take action against himself?

Xia Fukun glanced at the box where Master Xiangpa was.

He is not a fool, so, guessing, it was the Master Xiangpa that threatened Hitt in 80%.

Licking his lips.

Xia Fukun made a bold move...

As soon as this action is done, the audience is boiling...

Because Xia Fukun...

Directly towards the box where Master Xiangpa was, he wiped his neck.

See Xia Fukun doing this action.

In the box where Master Xiangpa was, a violent breath came out wildly.

The spectators on the spectator stage all squinted their eyes, this violent breath is too wild, and also, too powerful...


While everyone admired Xia Fukun's boldness, they also expressed sympathy for Xia Fukun.

The same as the ancestral realm...


Like Master Pa and Nahit, one is in the sky and the other is on the ground.

If Hitt was killed, Xia Fukun would not have to bear any responsibility.


If you kill Master Elephant...

No, how dare you generate such guesses?

This Xia Fukun is absolutely impossible for Master Xiangpa’s opponent...


A cold voice came from the box of Xiangpa.

Then everyone saw it.

The body of Master Xiangpa floated out from the huge French window.

He looked at Xia Fukun, who wiped his neck on the battlefield, licked his lips, and swept his tail behind him.

Obviously, he was irritated by Xia Fukun...

And at this moment, it was also when Master Xiangpa just came out of the box.

Lord Nabirus also came out of his box.

"Why, the battlefield of the little ones, like Pa, do you want to intervene too?"

When Master Xiangpa came out, the entire arena was already a sensation. Now, Master Birus has made a strong shot again, and everyone's hearts are jumping wildly...

"Birus, you, think that your people provoke me, can you put out this fire?"

Xiangpa glanced at Master Birus indifferently, and others might be concerned about the threat of Master Xiangpa, but, Master Birus, how could Master Birus be afraid of Master Birus?


Master Birus directed towards the Master Xiangpa:

"Xiangpa, otherwise, you and me, for everyone, cheer up?"

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