Monster Refining System

Chapter 1397: I have a showdown

"I'm sorry, Dragon King, you and I believe in different gods of destruction, Lord Birus said, Xia Fukun, there must be nothing wrong, so even if I know that I am not your opponent, I will stop you."

Jack smiled bitterly at the Storm Dragon King.

When Jack said this, that Simon also took a step forward, and the two blocked Xia Fukun behind him.

Upon seeing this, Xia Fukun's heart suddenly felt an inexplicable move.

have to say……

He has been for too long too long...

I have never felt like this, being stopped by someone behind me, feeling protected...

He looked at Jack and Simon in front of him, grinning.


When the voice fell, he stepped forward and pulled Simon and Jack.

Neither Simon nor Jack expected that Xia Fukun's power would be so peculiar, but when they touched them, their bodies automatically moved behind that Xia Fukun.

And Xia Fukun, at this time, also licked his lips and looked at the Storm Dragon King in front of him.

"Storm Dragon King, hehe, then I will call you Xiao Wang, do you dare to be here and do something to me?"

When the Storm Dragon King heard Xia Fukun saying that he wanted to call his own little bastard, his face was completely gloomy.

After a cold snort, he was ready to attack Xia Fukun.

Also at this time...

A figure appeared and stopped in front of the Storm Dragon King.

Looking at the Storm Dragon King and Xia Fukun in front of him, the figure looked indifferent.

"Do you still need me to explain the rules in the arena again for you two?"

"If you have anything, you can do it again on the battlefield."

Looking at the frozen jelly head that appeared in front of the two of them, Xia Fukun suddenly felt a bit interesting...

This first layer is an ordinary jelly head as the referee.

The second layer is a fruit jelly head...

At this third level, it turned into a frozen jelly head...

It seems that the referees in this arena are all changed from jelly...

And the most terrible thing is that I don’t know why... Seeing the other person’s look, Xia Fukun wanted to bite it down inexplicably...

Of course, Xia Fukun is not a fool either.

First of all, not to mention the identity of the other party. As soon as the other party made a move, Xia Fukun felt that the strength of this frozen jelly head was unfathomable...

Although it is not as good as Nabirus and Xiangpa, it is estimated that it is even better than the Storm Dragon King.

After seeing the frozen jelly head, the Storm Dragon King's expression also eased slightly.

He glanced at Xia Fukun. Sneered.

"Boy, I really want to see, who else will save you after we get to the battlefield!"

When Xia Fukun heard what the Storm Dragon King said, he said nothing, and gestured a **** to the opponent.

Storm Dragon King: "..."

Helplessly, the latter left with a gloomy face.

And Xia Fukun also clasped his fist at the frozen jelly head.

"Thank you, senior."

The frozen jelly head gave a wry smile.

"Don't thank me. After arriving on the battlefield, you should be careful yourself. The strength of the Storm Dragon King is similar to mine. If it weren't for my identity, I guess he would directly attack you. Since ancient times, , This competitor who fought against the Storm Dragon King, except for the Jack the Ripper next to you, all have a miserable death."

Hearing the words of the frozen jelly head, Xia Fukun was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Jack the Ripper would have such strength?

Subconsciously, Xia Fukun turned his head and glanced at the Jack the Ripper.

Jack the Ripper also smiled bitterly:

"Don't mention it... I just abstained from the Storm Dragon King before, can I have something to do?"

Xia Fukun: "..."

However, the more Jack the Ripper said so, the more moved Xia Fukun was.

There is no other reason...

A person who had directly abstained from the Storm Dragon King before was actually willing to carry it in front of him.

"But speaking of it, the Storm Dragon King has also come under the dominance of Master Xiangpa. We guess it's not easy to fight."

Then Simon frowned, coughed and said.

"Hehe, whether it's good or not, I don't know until after I fight, don't you?"

Xia Fukun grinned.

It really doesn't work. When the time comes, he will summon a bunch of monsters to come out and lay the Storm Dragon King on his back?

Anyway, the rules didn't say that the summoning technique could not be used.

The high posture of the Storm Dragon King just now made Xia Fukun very upset.


The third round of competition began.

After Xia Fukun and his party went on the battlefield, those sharp-eyed spectators could see it.

Except for the more remote ones at the last station--

The remaining two groups of people basically stood by their side.

On one side is representative of Lord Billus.

On the other side, it represents Master Xiangpa...


When seeing the lineup, many people were still sighed.

"Master Xiangpa has been deposited in the Third Universe for a long time, and Master Birus has just returned after all."

"The Storm Dragon King has already reached Master Xiangpa's dominance. There is no need to continue this competition..."

"The winner is the Storm Dragon King!"

It was also at this time that different voices appeared in the crowd.

"Not always--"

"Then Xia Fukun, isn't he also a rising star?"

"He is also the biggest dark horse candidate in this competition!"

Hearing the sound that appeared later, the people who spoke in front of them all smiled contemptuously.

"Haha, brother, have you seen the battle of the Storm Dragon King?"

"That's not a contest at all, it's a 100% crush! I guess, in this arena, apart from Lord Birus and Lord Xiangpa, only Lord Quan is the opponent of the Storm Dragon King..."

Even after hearing such a high evaluation, the original voices that said Xia Fukun was also a dark horse were much weaker...

And on stage.

After the Storm Dragon King heard the voice from the audience, he turned his head and glanced at Xia Fukun, with all kinds of disdain and indifference in his eyes.

He directed at Xia Fukun and made a wiping motion on his neck.

It was Xia Fukun’s object to Master Pa doing this before, and now, it’s the Storm Dragon King’s turn...

Upon seeing this, Xia Fukun also licked his lips and smiled faintly. He didn't care about the other party's actions in the slightest.


The corners of his mouth indeed rose up inexplicably.

at this time……

If it was seen by those acquaintances in the world Xia Fukun was in before, he would definitely see that Xia Fukun was irritated.

Xia Fukun ignored the Storm Dragon King. Instead, he glanced at the frozen jelly. Faintly said:

"Referee, has it started?"

Hearing Xia Fukun's words, the frozen jelly froze for a moment.

"Oh, since everyone is so impatient to start, let's start, but the rules are still the same as before. Besides, on this iron prison ring, if unfortunately you are caught in the endless abyss, then, no Someone is here to save, so I hope that contestants can be more careful."

After finishing talking about the frozen jelly head, he floated and left the iron prison ring.

At this time, Jack the Ripper and Simon were just about to stick to Xia Fukun to discuss countermeasures. After all, the opponent was the Storm Dragon King and his party.

Xia Fukun directly reached out and caught the two of them behind him.

"Xia Fukun?"

Jack and Simon froze for a moment.

At this time, the last thing Xia Fukun should do is to be able to do it!

If you can do it at this time, it will be no different from a fool.

"Relax, I know what I'm doing."

"You don't have to do anything. Next, you just need to watch the show. I will guarantee you to be in the top three."

Hearing Xia Fukun's words, both Jack and Simon were dumbfounded.

The Storm Dragon King also looked at Xia Fukun with a look of astonishment, and immediately, hahaha laughed wildly.

"Boy, is your head kicked by a donkey? Let you say such a big thing?"

Xia Fukun glanced at the Storm Dragon King indifferently.

"Originally, I was going to compete with you, but now..."

Xia Fukun smiled faintly.

"I won't pretend, I'll have a showdown."

"Since you are so arrogant, then I will let you see what is even more arrogant."

"Sorry, little bastard."

Xia Fukun spoke downstairs.

In my mind, I have begun to call out the Bliss System.

"Brother Lian, let's first come to a hundred monsters in the realm of heaven and gods."

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