Monster Refining System

Chapter 1411: I have money


I don't know who was the first to shout, and then a group of people ran away in a hurry.

Xia Fukun looked at the dust rising on the ground, a little confused...

I'm not the kind of person with a serious heart to kill, these guys, what are they running...

However, he turned his head and glanced at the high priest and the other two powerful ancestors.

There was nothing valuable in the two ancestral realm powerhouses anymore, and now Xia Fukun's vision was also higher, and he couldn't look down on the wealth of the ordinary Celestial God realm.

But, as he said just now, he has to show these people a little bit of color.

and so……

Xia Fukun grinned and walked towards the three people...

After an hour...

In the residence of the elephant.

"Xiang...Master Elephant Pa."

An aides of Xiangpa knocked on the door and entered the residence of Xiangpa.

"what's happenin?"

At this moment, Xiangpa is closing his eyes and restoring his mind, and he is about to face Birus. Although his strength is better than Birus, he cannot be taken lightly. Therefore, a good sleep is the key to victory...

"The high priest and the two ancestral realm powerhouses..."

"Oh? The man who beat the high priest hasn't been caught yet?"

Xiangpa closed his eyes and asked faintly.

"Ahem, Master Xiangpa, you should go and take a look yourself..."

The staff member gave a wry smile and said.

Xiangpa frowned, and immediately opened his eyes.

The staff said that, Xiangpa always felt that something was wrong, so he got up from the bed and followed the staff to leave the residence.

After a few minutes.

Master Xiangpa came to the place said by his staff.


He saw...

On the concrete floor in front of him, three heads... are on the floor.

However, these three heads, breathing, are not dead...

"How is this going?"

Elephant Pa is addicted.

What kind of head is this special?

Who figured it out?

"Master Xiangpa...According to the high priest, the man who beat him made them like this. Now, the man ran away..."

"Neither did the two ancestral realms catch each other? There are such strong men in the Sky City? And, like a human being, isn't it obvious that it hit me in the face?"

Master Xiangpa's face became gloomy.

The staff said: "Master Xiangpa..."

"you shut up!"

Xiangpa glared at the aide, then walked to the high priest and kicked the high priest's head.

"Say it!"

As a result, Master Xiangpa ignored a little, the high priest was only in the realm of the gods... He just kicked the high priest and passed out...

Master Elephant: "..."

Taking a deep breath, he walked to one of the ancestral realm powerhouses.

"Say, who did it?"

When Master Xiangpa said this, his eyes were already angry.

This is provoking him!

"Xia Fukun..."

The strong ancestral realm finished speaking weakly and lowered his head.


It was also after the voice of this ancestral realm powerhouse fell, that the entire sky city trembled.

An indescribable terrible breath radiated from Master Xiangpa.

Master Xiangpa squinted his eyes.

"Xia Fukun, Xia Fukun, Xia Fukun again!"

"This kid is really going to be my enemy..."

"It doesn't matter if Billus is an enemy of me, this Xia Fukun is a chicken neck?"

"Master Xiangpa, what is the chicken neck?"

Next to Master Xiangpa, the staff member asked curiously after hearing Master Xiangpa's words.

There is a saying that curiosity kills a cat.

This staff is similar...

This is as angry as Master Pa is already at this moment, and as a result, this staff member has to ask one more question.

Master Xiangpa glanced at the staff.


The staff felt that a strong sense of suffocation swept over...

Immediately after...

The heart beats wildly...


Without beating a few times, the heart was completely shattered inside its body.

"Real chicken neck talks a lot."

Master Xiangpa snorted and prepared to leave.

It's also this time...

The two ancestral realm powerhouses buried under the ground were also fascinated.

"Master Xiangpa, please help Master Xiangpa!"

Master Xiangpa sneered when the two ancestral realm powerhouses asked for help.

"Save you guys? The two wastes have lost my face. What qualifications do you have for me to save you? Ha ha, this Xia Fukun is not ruthless enough!"

The voice of Xiangpa falls. Body shape flashed.

Immediately after--

Several heads on the ground exploded directly into the blood mist.

Master Xiangpa also squinted his eyes.

"Xia Fukun..."

"That Birus is already very troublesome. Now, this Xia Fukun suddenly jumped out again, and he acted so high-profile. Could it be that Birus meant it?"

What Xiangpa couldn't think of was that Xia Fukun was originally going to be a little low-key, but he didn't expect to meet the high priest like this, so it won't work if he doesn't want to be high-key.

At this moment, Xia Fukun had just returned to the residence provided by Lord Billus.

In that residence, Kagome was sewing some shabby clothes for Xia Fukun. Hao Ran looks like a housewife.

Upon seeing this, Xia Fukun was taken aback.

"What are you doing?"

"Are your hands used to sew clothes? Ah?!"

Kagome gave a wry smile when he heard Xia Fukun's words.

"But the benefactor...I can't do anything else for you, I can only do things that I can..."

Hearing Kagome's words, Xia Fukun took a deep breath and muttered for two seconds.

He lifted a skirt that Kagome had sewn, and opened it in front of Kagome.


"You want to sew, also look for my clothes to sew, you sew a skirt, obviously it's not mine..."

Kagome: "..."

The original touching style suddenly became comical.

And Xia Fukun also threw the skirt into the closet.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it yet. There are enough clothes in my space container. There is no need to mending at all. If it breaks, I will replace it with a new one."

Hearing Xia Fukun's words, Kagome frowned.

"But it's such a waste... Sewing and mending, isn't it still possible to wear..."

"I have money."

Xia Fukun rolled his eyes.

Kagome: "Well..."

She threw the needle and thread in her hand, ha ha, Xia Fukun said he was rich, so how about she sewing a chicken?

Poor people are hardworking because they don’t have food if they don’t work...

But Xia Fukun was different. After crossing, he took a different route, and he never took the initiative to do things that others could do for him...

Such a person, if it is a villain, will not survive three episodes, but, unfortunately, Xia Fukun has the protagonist halo...

"Let’s not talk about it yet, look, who did I bring!"

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