Monster Refining System

Chapter 1417: Why

"Xia Fukun?"

Xia Fukun was smoking a cigarette, and behind him, a doubt came.

Xia Fukun turned his head and looked at him, and he was stunned.

There is no other reason...

Behind him...

A man with a double cream jelly head came over...

"You... must be the referee for the finals, right?"

Xia Fukun took a deep breath, smiled sadly at the other party, and said.

"Oh? Good-looking, you can see it all."

Xia Fukun: "Hehe..."

If he can't see this, then he has seen a ghost.

Isn't this all the jelly family dispatched?

"You don't stay in your own box. There are still a few minutes before the game starts. Are you waiting in the aisle so early?"

Because the game hasn't started yet, the referee of the double cream jelly head often chatted with Xia Fukun.

"Senior, I'm out to smoke a cigarette."


The double cream jelly head referee glanced at Xia Fukun, but didn't say much.

"Well, you are the first guy to challenge the Destroyer God apart from the Storm Dragon King. I don't know if you can succeed as a kid, nothing more, come on."

"Thank you senior..."

Xia Fukun clasped his fist at the former.

The double cream jelly head smiled.

"You don't need to thank me, but if you want to, thank Lord Quan Wang for it."

Xia Fukun couldn't help but stunned for a moment when he heard the referee's words of the double cream jelly head.

"If it weren't for Master Quan, you wouldn't be able to go now."

Xia Fukun was not a fool. He knew what the other party meant when he heard it.

Yes, if it weren't for the words that Lord Quan said for himself in the second round, with the character of Lord Xiangpa, it is estimated that he would be killed when he got out of the arena, then there would be no aftermath. Thing up.

Xia Fukun didn't say much, and once again clasped his fist towards the double-layered butter jelly.

"Hehe, outsiders say, you Xia Fukun is rebellious and difficult to communicate, but I think it's okay."

After the double cream jelly head referee said these words, he left the passage.

It's also this time--

With the double cream jelly head referee on the field.

This arena has changed again...

The surrounding scenery changed in vain.

That huge arena, also at this time, is clearly lit.

Be white light, separated into blocks of floor tiles.

And outside the ring, there is a transparent barrier visible to the naked eye.

According to legend, this enchantment was set by Lord Quan King.

and so--

Even the battle between Master Xiangpa and the Storm Dragon King could not destroy this barrier...


In the passage, Xia Fukun finished smoking a cigarette, threw it to the ground, and wrung it out with his feet.

It was also at this time, behind him, there were footsteps.

Xia Fukun turned his head and just happened to see Lord Birus and Lord Xiangpa walking out of their boxes.

The box for the two of them is facing the door, so—

When the two came out, their eyes touched each other...

In the eyes, sparks burst out.

"Tsk Tsk, Billus, I have endured you for so long, and finally waited until this day. I hope you can hold on for a while later, and don't kneel down too early to beg for mercy."

"Hehe, Xiangpa, you still have to tell yourself about these words. Oh, right."

Lord Birus pointed to Xia Fukun not far in front.

"I heard that you are eyeing Xia Fukun."

"Xiangpa, you have been in the ancestral realm for so long anyway, and even a junior in the realm of gods is not willing to let it go. Are you going back more and more alive?"

Master Xiangpa squinted his eyes.

He could naturally hear the meaning of Lord Billus's words.

"Hehe, Billus, you don't need to use any aggressive techniques here."

"I can tell you clearly."

"The information you got is not bad. After entering the ring, I will first eliminate Xia Fukun."

"after all--"

"After getting on the battlefield, whether it's you or that kid, it's my opponent. Whoever solves it first is the same. It's just—"

When Master Xiangpa talked about this, he stared at Xia Fukun's gaze, and the cold light flickered.

"This kid, who has been stumbling in front of me for so long, has made me faceless over and over again, hehe, I want to see, why on earth is he able to be so presumptuous."

Xia Fukun originally thought Master Birus and Master Xiangpa were just bickering.

Unexpectedly, while talking, he also involved himself.

Hearing that Master Xiangpa took a bite, He Dehe Neng, the kid.

Xia Fukun also took a few steps forward and leaned forward.

"Master Xiangpa, I don't know, you can't deal with the monsters in the realm of a hundred big gods?"

When Xia Fukun asked this, Master Xiangpa's face turned blue.

"Hehe, boy, are these hundred monsters of the big gods your hole cards? If so, I will show you in a moment how vulnerable your proud and indulgent hole cards are."

Master Xiangpa snorted coldly, and immediately flicked his hand, passing between Master Birus and Xia Fukun.

Lord Birus narrowed his eyes when he saw the elephant leave the passage.

"Xia Fukun, I just said that, I hope Xiangpa can fight with me first, but what you said just now made him impatient.

"Hehe, it's okay, Lord Billus."

Xia Fukun smiled.

"That Master Xiangpa wants to kill me tenderly, it is not a matter of a while, but now I am not the soft persimmon that anyone can knead at will, Master Xiangpa wants my life. It also depends on whether he has that ability. But when my hundred-headed monsters in the realm of the gods entangled the Master Xiangpa, Master Birus, please find the right time to kill Master Xiangpa Up."

Upon hearing Xia Fukun's words, Lord Billus narrowed his eyes.

This Xia Fukun did not swell to the point that a hundred beasts in the realm of the great gods could obliterate the elephant pavilion.

He nodded at Xia Fukun.

Immediately, he sighed and said:

"You let go of your hands and feet. Although it may not be possible, you can rest assured that you can't die in this arena."

"Thank you, Lord Billus."

When Xia Fukun heard Lord Billus' words, there was a warm feeling in his heart, and he clasped a fist.

And seeing Xia Fukun like this, Lord Birus also sighed in his heart: Boy, the person you want to thank is not me. You are the one who fancy, if the elephant pa really doesn't care about killing you, at that time, without me, someone will naturally take action. It’s just—I don’t know who, who arranged you to participate in this competition, and why...

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