Monster Refining System

Chapter 1436: caveat

"Hehe, what are you talking about?"

The situation of the helper father at this moment is not much better than that of summer. When he talks, blood is still flowing down the corner of his mouth.

He smiled slightly, but that smile, combined with the blood that had solidified on his face, looked a little sad.

"I really want to say that I am sorry for you and pushed you into the fire pit, but, in the summer, I really didn't think about it. These two old miscellaneous hairs of Jiapi were so worried about me. These billions of years, unexpectedly, still remember my breath."

Having said that, the helper father couldn't help but clenched his fist to prepare for the hammer. However, he exerted a little force, and an extremely fierce force appeared on the chain that had plunged into his body.


The main helper's father spit out blood again, the chain is not a mortal thing, and the main helper's father will be backlashed if he wants to use his strength.


Xia Tian was a little panicked when he saw the gang leader's father, but when he moved a little bit more recently, there was another severe pain in his body.

Involuntarily, Xia Xia also grinned in pain, but he resisted, without saying a word...

And not far from the two, hundreds of meters away from the entrance of Najapi's sect, at this moment, they are already surrounded by onlookers.

"Hey, these two people don't know what the origins are, they were able to make Gapi open the mountain to offer the flag."

"What, don't you know yet?"

"Among these two people, one is the third brother of the Jiapi Sect Master, and the other is that person's disciple."

"The third brother? The third brother is still treated like this?"

"Haha, don't you know, according to Najapi, these three brothers have specially trained a disciple, and they want to come over to find the central system of Jiapi Sect Sect. Moreover, these three brothers have been with Jiapi's palm before. After the disciple was arrested, these three brothers also came to the door to find someone. Unexpectedly, they were also detained..."

"No... Then what's the name of the third brother of Jiapi's head teacher?"

"It seems to be called the helper..."

"Helper? This name is very social when you hear it!"


"My good third brother, you shouldn't have thought that you would have such a day?"

It was also at this time that the group of master fathers received a voice transmission.

Hearing this sound transmission, the helper father sneered.

"Don’t talk nonsense, you will kill if you want to kill, but this summer, it has nothing to do with you and me. I hope you can let him go, and I can tell you responsibly that this summer is not my disciple. It's so simple, you can't offend the people behind him."

"Can't afford to offend?"

Najapi's head teacher sneered when he heard the helper's father's words.

"Are you scaring me?"

"Hehe, my good third brother, do you know why I found out when I came to the seventh universe this summer?"


"You're not dead, I have trouble sleeping and eating!"

"I hope day by day, night by night, I didn't expect that I really brought you to the hope. Haha, if there are too many, I don't want to tell you anymore, you cherish the last few hours of your life... "

After Najapi's head teacher's voice transmission fell into the ears of the helper's father, no matter how the helper father's voice was transmitted, the other party stopped responding.

And the helper father also smiled sadly in his heart.

"Xia Fukun..."

"Did you hear the previous transmission?"

"If you hear, why, summer is dying, and you don't come to help?"

The helper's father took a deep breath, and immediately screamed to the sky.

And hearing the words of the helper's father, Xia Tian also trembled suddenly.

The contradiction between him and Xia Fukun was actually solved many years ago.

He still remembers...

The sentence Xia Fukun said to himself...

"I never said that you are required to bear for me. I am your father. When the sky is falling, I will fight for you."

Thinking of this, Xia Xia couldn't help but smile.


Earlier, he had learned from the gang leader's father that Xia Fukun followed Master Birus to the Third Universe, and since he was next to Master Birus, it was impossible to move freely. It was impossible. Xia Fukun wanted to come back. Can come back.

Therefore, summer did not expect a miracle to happen.

He just gave a wry smile, somewhat mocking himself.


"It's me, so self-righteous..."

"Sorry father, I may, I have to go one step ahead..."

Summer muttered...

And a few hours of time passed extremely fast.


Those onlookers who were onlookers did not leave, and there were a lot of people in the distance.

And this is the intention of Gapi.

Kill people who are disrespectful to Gapi.

Kill someone who is a threat to Gapi.

Declare that the world, Jiapi, is the top power in the world!

It's...a trusted force.

This is a bit commercial, but it does have a very good effect.


After Jiapi's transmission of the sound was transmitted, some powerful men in the neighboring universe also rushed to watch.

But most people don't recognize the helper father. After all, the years are long, even if it is a strong man in the realm of the gods, it is still very few that can really survive billions of years.

Most of them learned the identities of these two people hanging at the gate of Gapizong from others.

After learning about it, their first reaction was that Jiapi’s head teacher was ruthless!

But on the other hand, a cruel person can also win another kind of respect...

In other words, it's awe...

It was also a few hours later.

A high-level group of Najapi appeared at the gate of the Zongmen.

Seeing the Lord's appearance, the crowd of onlookers who were still talking about it also calmed down at this time.

"Haha, you guys, I believe you all have understood the whole story."

"In that case, I don't talk too much nonsense."

"These two people are both people who are hostile to me Gapi. My move is not to challenge other forces or how. It is only to tell those who are unruly towards me Gapi. I, Gapi, is not It's so messy!"


Hearing the words of Japi’s head teacher, in the crowd watching, some forces in the neighboring universe couldn’t help taking a breath. In fact, the words of Japi’s head teacher were saying For them.

And this Jiapi Zhangjiao's cruelty, they can be considered to have seen it.

After all, until now, the headmaster of Jiapi has never mentioned the identity of this gang leader. Even, looking at what the other party meant, it seemed that he was about to directly kill the main father and Xia Tian...


Seeing the strange silence of the crowd, Najapi's head teacher sneered, and immediately said to the two Jiapi strong men who stood in the realm of the big **** behind Xia Tian and the father of the helper.

"Kill it."

The two Jiapi strongmen in the realm of the great heavenly gods knew, and suddenly, on the chain that they were holding in their hands, a touch of formidable power swept towards that summer and the gang leader's father.

Seeing this, it seems that they are preparing to drain all the vitality in the two of them alive...

Let the lives of the two slowly dry up and die...


Xia Xia felt a strong sense of suffocation. The original aura of malaise gradually dissipated. He looked at the helper's father. At this moment, the situation of the helper's father was similar.

And the fathers of the gang saw that the vitality in Xia Xia was about to disappear. She couldn't help but wry smile on her face. At this moment, his situation is similar to that of Xia, let alone saved Xia.

And this time, he did not feel the breath of Xia Fukun in the seventh universe, the last bit of life-saving straw, also completely, fell...

He exhausted his last strength and turned his head.

That look was extremely cold.

"Today, I admit it, but you remember what I said to you, one day, you will regret it..."

"Hehe, regret?"

Jiapi's teacher sneered.

"It looks like it's not enough to let you die like this."

He licked his lips, and immediately said to the two strong men in the realm of the great gods:

"You two, get out and let me come!"

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