Monster Refining System

Chapter 1440: The origin of the Bliss system

"Father, if your nine-star magic skills are completely exploded, the surrounding universe..."

After returning to Universe Thirty-two, Xia took a breath and said to Xia Fukun with some worry.

The explosion of a universe will definitely affect the neighboring universe...

"Hehe, don't worry, I've already saved a hand long ago. There is my barrier outside the seventh universe, so it won't affect the surrounding universe."

Xia Fukun smiled and said.

At the same time, the seventh universe...

Along with Xia Fukun's departure with Xia Fukun and the father of the gang leader, that nine-star magical skill completely set off a wave of terrifying power. This power raged in the entire seventh universe and swept...

It was almost an instant effort to fill the entire seventh universe, and then, the entire seventh universe seemed to have been ignited.

Everywhere, the space is beginning to collapse...

Everywhere, there are vortexes surging in the sky...

Everywhere, terrifying power is overflowing towards the outside world...

However, it is precisely because the seventh universe is slightly smaller than the other universes, and there is Xia Fukun's enchantment around it, so after Xia Fukun's power exploded.

Those forces, when they touched the barrier of Xia Fukun, caused waves of waves on that barrier.

However, the barrier was not able to be broken.


The aftermath of the explosion eased.

And in the seventh universe, the calmness of the past has also been restored, and the surrounding enchantment power has also slowly disappeared...


The seventh universe at this moment seemed to merge with the surrounding stars.

It's not that body anymore...

In other words...

From then on, the seventh longer...

Thirty-two universes...

Xia Fukun returned to Fulinmen with Xia Xia and the father of the gang leader.

I don’t know why, this blessing gave Xia Fukun a sense of belonging...

After the two settled down, Xia Fukun found the helper father again.

"I saw you as if you had a question and wanted to ask me. I don't know what you want to ask? You might as well say it and see if I can help you out."

Xia Fukun glanced around, and after confirming that there was no one around, he said to the helper father:

"Papa, I want to know, where did you come from, the Bliss system?"

When Xia Fukun asked these words, it was obvious that the eyes of those master fathers flickered...

"Ahem, good point, suddenly asked what this is doing? The Bliss system, isn't it yours now?"

At this moment, the helper father, because of the Piro’s system, seems to have improved his mental state a lot, and even, because of the regaining of the system, the helper father is still thinking whether he is looking back. Also try to sprint Conferred God?

After all, if it fails, it is not in vain to go through this world.

And if it succeeds, then this group of master fathers will be more capable of defending these thirty-two universes.

"Papa, I hope you can tell me where you come from, this bliss system is very important to me."

Xia Fukun took a deep breath and asked the helper father.


This matter is indeed very important to him.

Previously, Master Quan Wang said that the Bliss system came from another parallel world, and Xia Fukun also asked the Bliss system, but the Bliss system itself was not particularly clear.

In fact, some of the things shown in the previous Bliss system have indeed verified this point.

For example...

When Xia Fukun harvested the ice system, the Bliss system said that the strong gods of the third universe were all called masters. For example, the original owner of the ice system is the owner of ice.

However, after Xia Fukun went to the Third Universe, he discovered that things were not the same as the bliss system said.

What the bliss system says is completely incompatible with reality.


If the bliss system is talking about the third universe of another parallel world...

So, all of this can make sense...

"It's really important..."

The helper father took a breath, smiled bitterly at Xia Fukun, and asked.

"Well, in other words, it is important not only to me, but also to the world."


The helper's father sighed, and then slowly said:

"in fact……"

"This ice system does not come from other universes, but from these thirty-two universes..."


Xia Fukun stared at the helper father with wide eyes.

"But the helper father... Didn't you come to the Thirty-Two Universes under the pursuit of Lord Birus and your two brothers... If you say so, the timeline is not right... "

Xia Fukun expressed doubts.

"Listen to me, don't interrupt me."

The father of the helper glared at Xia Fukun, and immediately continued:

"I was indeed an ancestral realm powerhouse before the pursuit of Lord Birus..."

"But...that's also because I've been to Thirty-two Universes before..."

"The Bliss System is obtained from these thirty-two universes. I have not lied about this."

"Otherwise, do you think why I was chased and killed, and I went from Universe Seven to Universe Thirty-two so remote? Isn't it a bit of a coincidence?"

"and so……"

Xia Fukun took a deep breath and looked at the helper father in front of him.

"Papa, do you mean that you found the Bliss System in Universe Thirty-two before, and then you went to Universe Seven. After being hunted down, you came back to Universe Thirty-two?"

"Well, that's what it means."

The helper father nodded, this Xia Fukun, finally sorted out...

However, looking at the helper’s father nodding, Xia Fukun asked again:

"Then, was there anything abnormal when this Bliss system was obtained? Also, where was it found in these thirty-two universes?"

Hearing the question raised by Xia Fukun again, the helper father frowned.

"You suddenly asked... to be honest, for a while, I didn't think very clearly, but I can probably think of..."

"This bliss system was found in an extremely cold place at the time, and when I got this bliss system..."

The helper's father squinted his eyes, and immediately seemed to be lost in memory. After a long while, he said:

"It seems that there is an extremely powerful aura, right!"

The helper's father suddenly lit up, and then he said:

"This bliss system was found in a cave in the extremely cold land. The cave was very deep. When I took the bliss system, I felt a strong breath, so I didn't dare to go deeper. Including that after reaching the ancestral realm, I did not dare to go to that ghost place again..."

"An extremely cold place?"

Xia Fukun looked at the helper father in front of him in amazement, what the other party said...that...

Isn’t the place where the Bliss System is...

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