Monster Refining System

Chapter 1444: Rushed!

As Xia Fukun's whole body stepped into the mysterious space, the temperature that had become accustomed to Yuan himself suddenly turned cold.


Xia Fukun narrowed his eyes.

That Vishe boy didn't lie to himself.

I originally thought that after I took away the ice system, the temperature of this space should slowly warm up.


The ice system is just a cover.

This space under this extremely cold place is the real highlight!

I don’t know how long it took to dive, but what appeared in front of Xia Fukun was an independent space with a bit of darkness and silence. I don’t know how many years of silence in this space. The whole space is filled with ancient vicissitudes. taste.

Xia Fukun's gaze slowly swept across the space in front of him. The place where he entered was empty and there was nothing strange. His brows were slightly frowned, and his figure cautiously slowed down.

I don't know how much time has passed.

Xia Fukun's footsteps suddenly stopped, his eyes fixed on a distant place, where, faintly, a group of light emerged.

Looking at the light group, Xia Fukun hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth and flew away, and as he gradually approached the light group, he also caught his eye on the situation within the light group.

That is a stone gate, a huge stone gate!

The stone gate stood quietly in this vast space, as if eternal, and on the stone gate, an ancient, wild-like aura, slowly diffused from it, rippling between the heaven and the earth.

Xia Fukun stared blankly at the Shimen in front of him.

Standing in front of the magnificent stone gate, Xia Fukun was like an ant. Unconsciously, there was a surge of awe in his heart, but immediately afterwards, he suddenly noticed that there was some vigilance in his heart. It was just a stone gate that even connected him. There is a kind of impulse that is difficult to control, this place is really strange and unpredictable.

"Behind this stone gate, it should be the truth..."

Xia Fukun took a deep breath. Looking at the Shimen in front of him, squinting his eyes, although his heart is beating frantically at this moment.


He knew that at this time, he had no choice...


Just when Xia Fukun was about to push this huge stone gate...

An icicle made of cold ice bloomed quietly from under Xia Fukun's feet.

"this is…"

Xia Fukun bounced away instantly, but his scalp had already exploded in an instant.

"Intruder, die."

It's also this time—

A long voice rang in this space.

This voice is extremely old, and I don't know how long it has been. It feels like it comes from ancient times.

"Haha, the intruder died?"

Xia Fukun sneered.

I have already come here, now let me just turn my head and leave. I'm sorry, this is not Xia Fukun's style!

Thinking of this, Xia Fukun called out the boy again.

"Xiaobi, go and try who is doing tricks behind this."

Na Vishe boy shook his head subconsciously.

Just kidding, the aura of the owner of that voice just now was so powerful, even if he was in Xia Fukun's body, he already felt the terrifying power.

That kind of power, the feeling that it gives people, has long surpassed the ordinary ancestral realm powerhouse...

And himself, but the realm of the gods.

This Xia Fukun let herself be a trial, isn't this letting herself die?

"Stop talking nonsense! If you let you go, just go, talk to you and you can't listen, right?"

"Hehe, if someone else kills you, I can resurrect you, but if I want to die you tenderly, you won't even be resurrected!"

Xia Fukun raised his fist and threatened Na Vishe boy.


Na Pishetong yelled sadly, but he had no choice but to bite the bullet and head towards the stone gate.


It was also at this time that the old voice that had appeared before sounded again.

at the same time-


An icicle fell from the sky.

The body of Na Pishetong was directly suppressed under the icicle.

He died of anger.

There is no resistance at all.

What shocked Xia Fukun was...

Originally, the magic sound bats and other monsters can return to their bodies after they die. After all, these are refined from the bliss system, so they will return to the bliss system after death. Then, you only need to wait for the cooling cd After the time has passed, it can be resurrected unharmed.


In this mysterious space...

When Na Visabha died, he died directly, and he did not return to his bliss system...

"My next time, Brother Lian, didn't you say that this boy, Pishe, is so amazing, he can level up or something, why, he was smashed to death by an icicle?"

Xia Fukun was also drunk. If he hadn't refined this boy, then he would still have several monsters. Even if he hadn't been promoted to the ancestral realm with him, at least he would be in the realm of the gods. Isn't this a loss?

"Uh, here, something weird..."

The Bliss System didn't know what to say, indeed, the surrounding situation was a little beyond his imagination!

"Now what?"

Xia Fukun took a deep breath.

Xia Fukun didn't know how the icicle appeared, and even Xia Fukun didn't even notice where the old figure's deity was hidden that day.

The opponent's strength must at least exceed his own, otherwise, it won't be like this.

"There is no way, you can only try to break through, don't you have a gluttony system, the icicles come out, let the gluttony system directly swallow it up!"

"Elysium, you have a good idea."

The gluttonous system gave a cold snort.

It's okay to let him eat something else. If he eats such a big icicle, won't he have diarrhea?

"Otherwise, gluttony, do you have a better way?"

Bliss system asked the gluttonous system back.


The gluttonous system is too lazy to speak.

At this time, Xia Fukun also pointed at the gluttonous system:

"Then please."

"Alright, alright, who asked me to take advantage of your kid."

There was a cigarette hanging from the mouth of the gluttonous system, and he said to Xia Fukun.

It’s strange to say that the surrounding environment is extremely cold. It stands to reason that even the flames can’t be ignited. However, this gluttonous system is able to swallow clouds and mist in such an environment... even the cigarettes. It hasn't been wiped out...

There really are so many methods of this central system!

Xia Fukun squinted his eyes. It seemed that this gluttonous system still had many functions that he hadn't told himself. As a central system, he should not only be able to swallow the world and everything as simple as that.

"Then, rush!"

Xia Fukun gritted his teeth, looked at the huge stone gate close to him, took a deep breath, and immediately, his body ejected toward the stone gate like a bolt of lightning!

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