Monster Refining System

Chapter 1446: Qiangqiqiqiang

"Stubbornly stubborn, reaping the consequences..."

At this moment, that lingering old voice appeared again that day and earth.

And this time, the master of that old voice also showed his figure.

Astonished, it turned out to be an illusory figure full of whiteness.

"The master once said that anyone who enters this space must stay."

At this moment, in the eyes of this white illusory figure, there was a touch of fierceness.

He came to the front of Xia Fukun and the gluttonous, bliss system.

The palms stretched out flat.

A horrible force appeared on his palm...

Without the slightest hesitation, this terrifying force swept toward the three of them...


It was almost instantaneous.

The figure of the gluttonous system and the bliss system dissipated in place.


That damaging power came to Xia Fukun again...


This time, that Xia Fukun did not dissipate in place like this.

The opposite of--

That Xia Fukun's body trembled suddenly.


The black and purple power outside the body surface, after buzzing and shaking for a while, turned out to be directly inhaled by Xia Fukun.

"this is……"

The Senbai figure looked at Xia Fukun in front of him in shock.

"Should he be what the master said..."

Sen Bai figure took a deep breath.

It's also this time--

His body became more and more illusory.

He lowered his head and glanced at his hands that had become somewhat illusory.

Can't help muttering to himself.

"Master...I, finally waiting for the person you are waiting for..."

"It's just that I can't follow you anymore...To this day, I waited for too long, too long..."

The muttering voice gradually disappeared, and along with the disappearance of the voice, the illusory figure also disappeared in this space.

It was also after Na Senbai's figure disappeared, that Xia Fukun's closed eyes suddenly trembled.


Opened in vain...

What appeared in the eye socket was a dark purple light...

It's just that the light is fleeting, and the moment's effort disappears without a trace.

At this time, Xia Fukun also lowered his head and glanced at his hands.

"I just... have I experienced something..."

"Brother Lian... the gluttonous system, it seems that I can't even reach it..."

Xia Fukun inspected the situation inside his body, and found that at this moment, there was nothing abnormal in his body.

If you insist on saying that there is something abnormal... Then, it is probably...


In your own body.

The dozen or so systems that originally belonged to him, at this moment, have all disappeared without a trace.

"Is it the ghost of this space..."

Xia Fukun's gaze fell on the only stone gate in this space at this moment.

He knew that if he left like this, and not to mention whether he could leave safely, even if he could, then after he left this space, he would not be able to find the Bliss System and the other systems in his body. Up...

and so--

If you want to retrieve the Bliss System, the Gourmet System, and other systems, Xia Fukun can only open this stone door.


I thought that this stone gate was guarded by a secret force.

I had to be cautious when I had a system, and I needed the gluttonous system to protect the law before I could approach the stone gate. At this moment, I don’t even have the system in my body. Can I successfully open the gate?

Xia Fukun took a deep breath.

He glanced around tentatively.

Take a tentative step forward.


At this time, there was a piece of silence around.

The old voice no longer appeared.

Xia Fukun tried to take another big step.

Still silent...

"If you don't take action anymore, I have to run it?"

Xia Fukun asked tentatively.

Still no response...

"Oh, my time, shouldn't it be that secret guardian and the systems in my body have all gone?"

Xia Fukun was a little speechless.

Because at this time, whether it is the power of the bloodline or the power of the chosen son that day, everything is safe and sound in my body at this time...

Compared with the previous ones, only those systems are missing.

After confirming that there was no one around, Xia Fukun rushed towards the stone gate.

Almost instantly, he appeared in front of the stone gate.

At this moment, there was still no attack coming towards him.

Xia Fukun gritted his teeth.

He pressed directly on the stone gate.

Before, there were weird black and purple powers on the stone gate.

He was also afraid that he had triggered the black and purple power again, but from the current situation, it seemed that the black and purple power did not appear again...


Xia Fukun squinted his eyes. He couldn't guess what happened here during the time he was in a coma.

Somewhat astonished, he shook his head, and immediately, Xia Fukun gritted his teeth and tried hard.


That huge stone gate... No reaction at all...

"Damn, do you use pull?"

Xia Fukun was a little embarrassed. According to his power, even a planet can be pushed at this moment, not to mention this stone gate, this stone gate is big, can it be bigger than a planet?

Xia Fukun tried to pull it out again, but found that Shimen still didn't react at all.

"Is it a spell?"

Xia Fukun gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, and said to the Shimen:

"Open Sesame!"

Shimen does not move...

Xia Fukun: "..."

He is a little bit poor...

It was also at this time--

The careful Xia Fukun looked carefully at the stone gate...

Only then did I find out--

At the top of the stone gate, there is a tweet.

And on the side of the tweet... there is an arrow pointing to the right...

Xia Fukun was taken aback for a moment.

"Oh my time, is it so advanced?"

He was a little embarrassed, but still tried to put his hand on the stone gate, and then pushed it to the right.

It's also this time--

That Shimen "creaked"...

The whole trembled violently, and immediately, it was really pushed by Xia Fukun...

It was also at this time that the light leaking from the crack in the door almost blinded Xia Fukun's eyes. Fortunately, Xia Fukun was prepared. He took out a pair of sunglasses from the space bracelet and put it on.

"Hehe, I want to see, what's the matter behind you Shimen!"

Xia Fukun sneered, and after pushing away a hole that could allow her body to enter, she swept away in the light...

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