Monster Refining System

Chapter 1457: Desperate Order

"In that case, this holy pill is equivalent to your son?"

Xia Fukun rolled his eyes and asked at the Dan Ling system.

"Hey, you can say the same."

The Dan Ling system smiled and replied.

Xia Fukun: "..."

"Then you just told me to swallow it?"

Dan Ling system: "emmmm......"

How can you go around and get yourself in?

"The great heaven and earth skill of the gluttonous system is the Devouring Heaven and Earth. Although I have already practiced it almost, it is still a bit difficult to add this devouring heaven and earth to the Divine Rank skill."

"With the bonus of the sacred pill, I can guarantee the success rate, but if it doesn't..."

"Actually, there is another way."

The Dan Ling system smiled at Xia Fukun and said.

"any solution?"

Xia Fukun was stunned for a moment. Is there a way to tell this stuff?

"The Bliss System."

The Dan Ling system refers to the Bliss system.

"What does it have to do with me? I can't redeem the holy pill."

The Bliss System saw that the Dan Ling system pointed to itself, and said quickly.

"I didn't ask you to exchange the sacred pill. You forgot, your bliss system can not only refine monsters, but this pill can also be refined."

"Although the sacred pill is difficult to refine, I can mass produce the celestial pill. I only need the Bliss system to refine these celestial pill. Maybe, I can refine the sacred pill. Come."

After the Dan Ling system had finished speaking, Xia Fukun glanced at the Bliss system.

"Brother Lian, do you still have this method? Why didn't you tell me before?"

Bliss system: "emmm......"

"Actually, I had forgotten before. It was because I heard Dan Ling say that, I realized it, it seems that there is such a thing."

"Then you can refine everything in this world?"

Xia Fukun's eyes lit up.

"Basic, yes."

Bliss System nodded and glanced at Xia Fukun.

"But, don't give me a bunch of weird things to refine."

"Hehe, don't worry, it won't!"

Xia Fukun grinned.

It is also at this time.

Xia Fukun turned his head and glanced at the Dan Ling system.

"Let's not talk about anything else, you can get the Tianpin pill first."

"How much do you want?"

The pill system breathed a sigh of relief, as long as you don't make the holy pill by yourself, you can say as much as you want this day.

"How many do you have?"

Xia Fukun was taken aback for a moment. Is this pill system so confident?

"Haha, is this still looking down on people or how? You say the number!"

The Dan Ling system spoke with disdain.

Speaking of making pill, he said second, no one would dare to say first.

"So awesome?"

When Xia Fukun heard the tone of the Dan Ling system, there was indeed something!

At the moment, Xia Fukun showed a smile.

And seeing Xia Fukun's smile, the Dan Ling system subconsciously felt bad.


Xia Fukun pondered for two seconds before saying:

"Let's play with a few million pieces first?"

Dan Ling system: "..."

Ha ha! What about playing around?

How many millions more?

The pill for this day is also hard to find outside with a lot of money.

"Delete the 4D, I will get you five hundred first..."

The pill system didn't ask how much Xia Fukun wanted. This product was too scary as soon as he opened his mouth. He quickly refined 500 Celestial Pills, and sweat also appeared on the forehead of this pill system.

It can be seen that it is not easy for him to refine 500 Celestial Pills in one breath.

And this, if seen by the alchemist in this world, the cliff will be shocked...

The sacred pill was already a legendary existence to them, and they had never seen it before.

The same is true of Tianpin Pills.

Heavenly grade pills are not only useful for those who are strong in the realm of heavenly gods, but also useful for those who are strong in the ancestral realm!

Moreover, countless alchemists have put all their pursuits on the heaven-grade pill.

But now, this pill system, once shot directly, is five hundred...

How annoying is this?

This is the difference between talent and hard work...

Some people say that after working hard, you will be able to reap the crystallization...

But sometimes, after hard work, all you can gain...only sweat...

What genius is 99% hard work and 1% inspiration. In Xia Fukun's view, it was all nonsense.

Some people can become different through the hard work of the day after tomorrow, but no matter what, he can't become a genius...

"How many Celestial Pills are needed to refine the Holy Grade Pills?"

When the Dan Ling system heard Xia Fukun's words, he hesitated.

"Hundreds and 100s, let's try this..."

Xia Fukun threw those hundred Heavenly Grade Pills to the Bliss System.

The Bliss system included it in the system.

Soon, Xia Fukun noticed it in his mind.

It takes a week to refine these heavenly pill.

This was much longer than the previous Xia Fukun's refining some monsters.

But I want to come too.

This week has been very short...

If other alchemists knew about it, they would probably vomit blood and die. This is too bullying!

Those alchemists, even those called geniuses, many, in refining the lowest-level treasure pill, may have to control the fire for seven or forty-nine days.

Take Taishang Laojun in the ancient mythology on the earth earlier, Taishang Laojun is an alchemist, but with that product, even the lowest-level treasure pill can not be refined.

"There is still a week...I don't know what to do."

Xia Fukun narrowed his eyes, a little embarrassed.

Speaking of going back to the Divine Tool Village and waiting, it seemed to him a bit too boring.

Speaking of cultivation, one's own realm now depends on the divine rank skills to promote, in simple terms, the higher the star level of the divine rank skills that you can refine, then your own strength will be driven to increase.

But now, if you want to display the ten-star divine product skills, you must get the holy product pill. Because of forceful integration in this way, if it fails, Xia Fukun will inevitably be hit hard.

"Actually, you can go to the Third Universe."

"The Third Universe?"

Xia Fukun was taken aback for a moment.

Looking at the pill system in front of him, I was a little confused.

"In the Third Universe, there is a brand called Supu Ling, which can lock the pill energy, increase the pill energy, and strengthen the pill yang."

"If there is this dazzling order when bliss is refining the pill, then, of course, you can get twice the result with half the effort! Maybe, you can easily refine the holy pill."

After listening to the Dan Ling system, Xia Fukun narrowed his eyes.

"The Third Universe..."

Speaking of which, in this third universe, Xia Fukun really wanted to go for a while, for no other reason. Xia Fukun, the owner of the stone chamber, didn't know who it was, but the Lord of Ice, that is, the owner of the Ice System, went with him. Such words...

The third universe, perhaps, can find some clues...

"Then, go to the Third Universe..."

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