Monster Refining System

Chapter 1462: Don't learn well!

The time for alchemy is one day.

Within a day.

There is no limit to the types of pills that can be refined, and the final champion is determined by quality.

Xia Fukun felt that this kind of rule was actually good.

After all, you don't need to be as troublesome as the promotion game, you only need one round of competition to choose the strong and weak, the champion.

And one day, for most alchemists, is enough to refine the pill that they want.

Xia Fukun looked at the people around him busy, took out a cigarette from the space container, took it, and walked to the edge of a stone platform of an alchemist on the side.

"Man, what pill do you practice?"

The alchemist saw that it was Xia Fukun and frowned, but he didn't dare to say anything about Xia Fukun. After all, Xia Fukun's strength had already been demonstrated just now.

Although the alchemist himself is also a cultivator, they still look down on pure cultivators.

In his opinion, this Xia Fukun was just a novice Xiaobai who didn't understand anything at all.

Otherwise, although this day is not short, it is not that simple to refine high-quality pill.

This Xia Fukun, it should be at this time that he started to work hard and began to make alchemy!

How could it be like this, walking around like a okay person?

At the moment, the alchemist snorted coldly, but he didn't pay attention to Xia Fukun.

And seeing the other person like this, Xia Fukun went upstairs and struck the other person's neck.

"No, why didn't you hear me when I was talking to you? I asked what you were doing!"

Alchemist: "..."

When he was practicing before, the teacher told him.

Some people, if you can't afford to provoke, you just stay away!

He listened at the time.

So he couldn't provoke him, so he ignored Xia Fukun and avoided Xia Fukun.

I didn't expect...

What the teacher said is useless...

Some people here, the more you avoid them, the more they think you are bullying.

Of course--

Xia Fukun is not such a person either.

Whether he avoids or does not avoid it, as long as he wants to provoke you, he will provoke to the end...

"Alchemy... Senior, can't you see it?"

The alchemist was a bit speechless.

"Hey, don't do it, chat with me for a while?"

Alchemist: "???"

What does Xia Fukun mean? !

If you don't know how to refine pill, you have to drag yourself? ? ?

"I will tell you."

Xia Fukun put his mouth close to the other party's ear.

"I will definitely be the champion in a while. At that time, I only need the decisive order, and the rest, all the rewards will be given to you. You will chat with me for a while. You have gained a lot! Really, anyway, I see you. In this way, even if the pill is refined, it is estimated that it will not be ranked."

The alchemist in front of Xia Fukun: "???"

first of all……

Xia Fukun wants to distribute the rewards to him, he is very grateful...

But what does Xia Fukun mean in the second half of the sentence? !

Why is it like you, and the pill that you practiced is not in the rankings?

Doesn't this look down on people? !

Right now, this alchemist snorted coldly.

"Senior, what are you going to talk about?"

Xia Fukun: "..."

He coughed and said casually:

"I heard that in your Third Universe, all the powers of the gods are evaluated based on the theme?"

"Yes. Senior, aren't you from the Third Universe?"

The alchemist was stunned for a moment, but quickly reacted.

There were only a few strong ancestors in the Third Universe, and he had never heard of one of them so young in front of him, so Xia Fukun was definitely not a strong ancestor in the Third Universe.

And if this is the case, then it is normal for him to ask himself this.

"Then have you heard of the Lord of Ice?"

Xia Fukun asked the alchemist.

"The Lord of Ice?"

The alchemist was stunned for a moment.

"I've heard of the Lord of Blue Wind, the Lord of Thunder, and the Lord of Flames, but to be honest, Senior, I haven't heard of the Lord of Ice. What's wrong, Senior, this Lord of Ice has a feast with you. Huh?"

"It's not a holiday, just want to know something."

Xia Fukun replied.

"In this case, senior, you can ask the third universe package!"

"Inquire about it?"

Xia Fukun was taken aback for a moment.

Is there such a profession in this third universe?

"That's right! Ask about that package, title: Lord of Forces."

Xia Fukun: "..."

What rank is this item?

Why is it the master of things?

Besides, it's hard, isn't it a curse?

He coughed.

"Do you know everything about this package?"

"Basically, he knows everything about the third universe."

"Moreover, even though Baoqian is only the dominant power, but the number of years he has been in the Third Universe may be—"

The alchemist quietly pointed to the surrounding area.

"Longer than this Pill Hall has existed."

Upon hearing this alchemist's words, Xia Fukun narrowed his eyes.

In that case, the master of this matter, maybe, I really know about the Lord of Frost!

At the moment, Xia Fukun licked his lips.

"Okay, don't worry, what I promised you just now will be fulfilled later."

The alchemist hurriedly clasped a fist at Xia Fukun.

"Senior is polite..."

Just as Xia Fukun said, even if this alchemy master has spared no effort and tried his best, it is estimated that the refined pill will not be ranked, but Xia Fukun is a strong ancestral realm after all, and there is a heavenly alchemy furnace, if Xia Fukun If you can refine alchemy, you should be sure to win the championship.

This champion, in addition to the winning order, has a very rich reward. This alchemist felt that it should be no problem for him to bet like this.


After Xia Fukun returned to his position.

Everyone found...

The alchemist who had been madly preparing to make alchemy, actually followed Xia Fukun's appearance, sitting on the edge of his alchemy furnace with a cigarette in his mouth...

At the moment, the face of the great elder changed.


"Too shameful!"

"This kid doesn't seek to improve himself, but he wants to lead others to harm?!"

An elder on the side heard this and quickly said:

"Elder, do you want to disqualify that guy from the competition?"

He pointed to the alchemist, Xia Fukun must not dare to disqualify him from the competition.

But it's still okay to use this ordinary little alchemy master to kill the chicken and the monkey.


However, after he finished speaking, the great elder snorted coldly.

"You didn't see that the alchemist didn't make alchemy after the kid finished his visit? Didn't you go now, didn't you slap him in the face?"

"Although I don't know his alchemy level, I can feel his strength. I am afraid that he still needs to be above the master."

"You provoke him, doesn't it mean that you set up a terrible enemy for the pill palace?"

"Then what to do?"

The elder didn't expect that he would smack the horse's leg with a flattery, and said with a wry smile.

"Wait and see, fortunately, only one person is bewitched by him."

The Great Elder sighed.

It's also this time.

More than half of a day has passed...

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