Monster Refining System

Chapter 1467: My Heavenly Pill

"I, rub! What a lunatic!"

On the square, when those alchemists saw Xia Fukun's actions, they even exploded directly.

Are you kidding me?

That's Thunder!

A hundred feet of thunder!

Can this be directly imported? ? ?

"It's over. This kid is stronger than the big elder. If he really fights, he may be able to carry it, but he pretends to be like this, I feel that he is really going to be struck by lightning..."

Watching that thunderbolt slashed towards Xia Fukun's body.

Everyone was palpitating.

It seems...

Pretending to be struck by lightning is not a lie...

Looking at Xia Fukun's actions.

Some sighed, some helpless, some... gloated.

It was also at this time--

The seven-color thunder descended and directly entered Xia Fukun's body.

And Xia Fukun's body suddenly swelled.

"Are you going to explode and die..."

Those alchemists didn't dare to get out of the air and stared at Xia Fukun.

It's also this time...

Xia Fukun chewed twice.

Immediately, his eyes lit up.


"It seems that the thunder from the outside world tastes much more delicious than the thunder in my pill space."

Xia Fukun licked his lips and said with a faint smile.

Around, deathly silence...

Everyone looked at that Xia Fukun in astonishment, swallowing the thin and thick thunder, and then pretending to say...

It smells...


"It turns out that if you have the strength, you can pretend to be like this..."

The alchemist who was previously bewitched by Xia Fukun and did not participate in the alchemy, looked at Xia Fukun above the void and murmured in surprise.

It was also when everyone was shocked...

Another thundercloud appeared.

Just like before, a seven-colored thunder roared out from the thundercloud, and then...

Swallowed by Xia Fukun...


Another thundercloud...

Another seven-color thunder...


Swallowed by Xia Fukun...

So... looped n times...

On the square of the alchemy competition, the alchemists were already numb...

They have even forgotten how many times that thundercloud has appeared.

How many times did the seven-color thunder appear again...

That Xia Fukun, how many seven-colored thunders swallowed...

On the square, an alchemist pulled a colleague next to him.

"Dude... Did that guy refine a lot of Seven-Colored Heavenly Pills?"

The colleague on the side glanced at each other, then raised his head to look at the sky, his eyes were full of confusion...


Tianpin pill...

It's still a seven-color celestial pill...

Is it as simple as they refining Yunnan Baiyao?


The vast thunder calamity of this seven-color medicine pill can be... eaten as food? ? ?

At this moment, it's not just these ordinary alchemists who are surprised.

The great elder of the Dandian also looked confused...

All the disciples, deacons, elders, and senior leaders of Nadan Palace...all looked confused.

The appearance of Xia Fukun...

Subverted their understanding of pill.

Subverted, the alchemy in their hearts...

With such a handiwork and reasonableness, the head of their alchemy temple, I am afraid, is far less than...

at least……

The head teacher of their alchemy hall encountered the seven-color thunder, and could only flee, and couldn't, swallow it as food...


The thunderclouds in the sky gradually dissipated, and Xia Fukun also fell to the ground with unfinished thoughts.

He looked at the elder Dandian who had already been astonished in front of him.

Smiled and patted the other person on the shoulder.

At this time, the pill system had returned to Xia Fukun's body, and the control of Xia Fukun's body was regained by Xia Fukun.

Xia Fukun patted the shoulder of the great elder Nadandian.

Said with a smile:


"Hehe, you are still far behind."

"However, don't be discouraged."

"Although your strength is not as good as others, but God is fair."

Xia Fukun grinned.

"It's possible, 80%, maybe, your alchemy is not as good as others?"


After Xia Fukun finished speaking, the great elder of the alchemy hall sprayed out blood...

And Xia Fukun also smiled and walked to the front of his alchemy furnace, preparing to put away his alchemy furnace.

It's also this time...

The alchemist on the entire square surrounded Xia Fukun like a tide.

I don't care about the people in the Dandian nearby, as if they were air. Hang them outside.

Xia Fukun frowned when he saw this formation.

"What are you doing? Do you want to fight?"

The few alchemists who were closer to Xia Fukun quickly waved their hands with a wry smile.

"Senior, you laughed, how are we your opponents!"

"Then what are you doing?"

Xia Fukun was taken aback for a moment.

"Hey, senior, I have never seen a heavenly pill before, and I still think, senior, show us your heavenly pill, palms."

When Xia Fukun heard it, she was happy.

"Then the great elder of the Pill Hall just came out after practicing the Heaven Pill?"

"Hey, senior, you didn't say anything just now, that double color ball is nothing but rubbish, how can it be compared with the real Tiandan!"

Upon hearing the other party's words, Xia Fukun narrowed his eyes, and patted the other party's shoulder.

"Young man, you are very promising!"

The alchemist smiled.

"Senior praised! Then can you give the big guy the palm of your refined Heavenly Pill?"

Xia Fukun smiled.

Shaking his head...


Everyone: "..."

"However, if you insist on seeing it, it's okay, but you have to give tickets."

"What is the ticket?"

When these alchemists heard that, Xia Fukun was willing to show them the Heavenly Pill he refined, and immediately asked anxiously.

"Tickets, haha, it's a good thing. If you don't give me any good, why should I show you the Heavenly Pill I refined?"

Upon hearing Xia Fukun’s words, none of the people felt that Xia Fukun was stinky and shameless. These alchemists had pursued the alchemy to a crazy degree...

Xia Fukun said so, they still feel that...

Uh... Uh huh? It makes sense!


Every alchemy master threw all kinds of heaven, material and earth treasures towards Xia Fukun.

"Senior! This is my Thousand Spirit Grass, which can only grow one every thousand years! It is the top alchemy medicinal material!"

"Senior! This is the yin and yang pill that I bought at a high price!"

"Senior! This is my space ring, and everything in it belongs to you!"

There is a saying that the higher the price gets.

When the later alchemists heard, damn, this spatial ring was given away? At the moment, one by one also threw their own space containers to Xia Fukun.

Xia Fukun looked confused, but he didn't expect to have such a big response when he said a word.

With a smile, he accepted all the treasures and space containers.

Xia Fukun's face showed a bright smile like a chrysanthemum.

"Well, well, I will open it to you to see how the Heavenly Pill I refined is like."

Xia Fukun said, snapped his fingers, and suddenly, the pill furnace exchanged by the Bliss system suddenly opened...

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