Monster Refining System

Chapter 1471: Leave no room for

"Wipe! Who! Get out of me!"

At this time, the protective cover disappeared, and the men and women in the cover took out the clothes from the space container and quickly put on them.

After all, there are other people around who are watching, how bad it is to be scarlet and white!

After the man finished roaring, the woman next to him pulled his arm and said:

"Don't yell, if my guy comes back and learns about our affairs, it's over!"

Hearing the woman's words, the man sneered.

"Why don't you drop the bag after inquiring about it? Besides, isn't it true that no one sees it here?"

Those servants and subordinates who had just crawled out of the ruins in the City Lord's Mansion who were still looking at the two people turned their eyes away.

The wife of the city lord who asked for inquiries was so sloppy and attracted bees and butterflies everywhere. It was no longer a matter of one day or two.

This package asks, as the city lord, he always has to go out for three or two days or something, so in these three or two days, there will always be some different men appearing in this city lord mansion.

And this time, he was a strong man in the realm of the gods.

Facing the strong and ordinary people in the realm of the gods, they naturally take a detour, even if they are the servants of the City Lord's Mansion, but in these years, it is not easy to live, who will be nosy?

"According to me, we are so broad day, that's exciting!"

The man smiled and hugged the woman, and put it in his arms.


The beautiful woman snorted, rolled her eyes at the other party, and immediately pointed to Xia Fukun beside her.

"Then someone is watching!"

The man frowned, and his interest disappeared suddenly. He turned his head and glanced at Xia Fukun, and found that Xia Fukun was looking at himself and the woman in amazement, and immediately gave a cold snort.

"Little boy, I'm tired of life and crooked, right? What to look at? Looking at it will blow your head!"

Xia Fukun was also happy when he heard what the man said.


"I thought you were asking about it, for a long time, you are here to steal meat!"

Xia Fukun's words are very straightforward.

As soon as the man heard it, his face became gloomy.

"Give you a face, right?"

At the moment, he took out a treasured sword from the space container. With a flash of thought, the treasured sword fell towards Xia Fukun.

The strong in the realm of the gods is terrifying!

Of course--

What he didn't expect was...

The treasured sword didn't even cut it off, but he turned his head back and cut it towards himself.


That day the strong man in the realm of God coldly snorted.

Want to disperse the treasure sword.


He did not expect...

On the treasure knife, there was a silver halo.


The treasure knife directly chopped off the man's head...

The powerhouse of the dignified Heavenly God Realm... unexpectedly did not even resist at all, and fell straight away...


The face of the beautiful woman on the side was spilled.

The beautiful woman was stunned for a moment...

I wanted to scream, but found that I couldn't even scream.

At this time, Xia Fukun also walked towards her.

"Well, I've helped that bag to inquire about it once. He accepted me a kindness, and in return, he told me something. It's not too much, right?"

Xia Fukun pondered for a while, suddenly felt.

In this way, the visual impact is not enough.

So, he walked in front of the beautiful woman.

The beautiful woman looked at Xia Fukun with horror.

She wanted to scream, but her voice was blocked by Xia Fukun, and she couldn't scream at all.

She was just a cultivation base in the realm of the **** king, and in front of Xia Fukun in the ancestral realm, she naturally couldn't do anything.

And Xia Fukun also stretched his hand to the other's shoulder and pulled hard.

"Tear and pull—"

Accompanied by a tearing sound came.

Most of the beautiful woman's clothes were torn down. Fair skin, naked and exposed.

Xia Fukun coughed.

I have to say that the looks and figure of this beautiful woman are all top-notch.

Coupled with her identity, the wife of the city lord's mansion, how to say this, can be regarded as the local snakehead level.

This made Xia Fukun think of...

It has been very popular for a while on Earth...

Auntie, I don’t want to work hard anymore...

I have to say, this beautiful woman-level aunt, who can stop this...

Controlling his restless heart, Xia Fukun grinned at the beautiful woman.

"Sorry, I want to restore the scene."

As Xia Fukun said, he was about to squat down and tore off the clothes of the man in the Heavenly God Realm who had just been beheaded.

It's also this time--

Outside that city lord's mansion.

An exclamation came.


"This, this, what's the matter?"

When hearing this voice, Xia Fukun was stunned for a moment, and turned his head, just in time to see that a stupefied figure appeared behind him.

And seeing Xia Fukun, then seeing that beautiful woman, that figure, fire burst out in his eyes.

"Little thief! How dare you run to Grandpa's house and commit the crime!"

With that said, the figure rushed directly towards Xia Fukun.

Xia Fukun: "..."

Harm, after a long time, I was actually misunderstood?

"It's not like that, you made a mistake."

Xia Fukun explained.

"Stop talking nonsense with me, I will kill you!"

The figure ripped its throat and patted Xia Fukun with a palm.

Xia Fukun didn't dare to fight back. After all, this bag of inquiries was only in the realm of the gods. If he looked back and dig out, wouldn't the other party be cold?

Therefore, Xia Fukun just avoided the palm of the other party.

Seeing that I was slapped with anger and was so easily evaded by the other party, the owner of the figure also snorted, and immediately took off his clothes and put them on the beautiful woman. .

"Madam, I blamed me for being late, are you not surprised?"

"Hehe, yeah, I'm not surprised."

Xia Fukun satirized on the side.

The beautiful woman's mouth was sealed by him before, but now it is also opened. He wanted to see what this beautiful woman could say.

After the beautiful woman realized that she was able to speak, she hurriedly started crying:

"Husband, where have you been!"

"This thief knocked down the city lord’s mansion. Fortunately, Elder Liu from the outside world came to visit you, and I was saved from death. However, Elder Liu died tragically at the hands of this thief, and the thief still wanted to do that unruly thing against me. Oh, my husband, if you come a step late, I am afraid that this white body will not be clean."

Can you tolerate it after inquiring about this? Smoke is all over his head. His eyes were full of murderousness, looking at Xia Fukun.

"Boy, today, you must die."

When Xia Fukun heard it, she was happy.

"Do you not leave any room when you pretend to be compared?"

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