Monster Refining System

Chapter 1475: Pin hope

"My lord the Great Demon... We followed you. Although we are suffering a bit, we are at least willing from the bottom of our hearts. However, what kind of people from the Blood Palace killed so many of our companions, the Great Demon. My lord, I also hope that you can help Ah Da and others to rescue them and avenge the dead villagers!"

The Ada woman, the woman who was talking, knelt down towards Xia Fukun.

When the dozens of villagers around saw this, they also bowed down towards Xia Fukun.

Those villagers who were captured must have something to do with them.

Those who died are also related to them.

So at this moment, their hearts are full of hatred for the Blood Palace.

Xia Fukun looked at these villagers and couldn't help sighing.

He is not easy to say, that blood palace, in fact, he can't handle it...

If you say that, if you don't say face, your heart will definitely be gone.

"Don't worry, I will go to the Blood Palace to see what is going on."

Xia Fukun glanced at the villagers in front of him.

"Don’t kneel anymore, get up, I don’t guarantee if anyone of them will come back to see when I go to the Blood Palace. Just stay in this tunnel. I have a space ring in it. Enough water and food are enough for you to survive in this tunnel for a long time. After I go out, I will add an enchantment to your tunnel. Before I come back, you should not go out, understand?"

"Don't worry, Lord Devil, we know it!"

"We won't mess with you!"

Hearing the words of the villagers of Divine Tool Village, Xia Fukun nodded, and then floated and returned to the ground. As he said, he added a barrier to the tunnel.

However, Xia Fukun was not in a hurry to go to the Blood Palace.

At this moment, he was a little puzzled.

Because if you look at the situation in your journey of reincarnation, this blood palace should be discovered after the person who entered the journey of reincarnation came, but now...

Xia Fukun narrowed his eyes.

Is it possible that because he retained his memory and excavated the artifact village in advance, let the villagers of the artifact village refine the system for him, so that the order has changed?

It seems that the bag did not fool himself.

Don't say that I haven't been there hundreds of millions of years ago. Just now, the fate of many people has changed.


Xia Fukun gave a wry smile, no choice but to head towards the blood palace.

And this time, in that blood palace.

"What about the system you refined?"

A gloomy figure was looking in front of her, the hundreds of figures that had been hung up.

And if Xia Fukun is here at this moment, he will recognize it at a glance...

This figure is not someone else, it is the Lord of the Fifth Hall of the Blood Palace... Murong Yunhai.

Same as before. The lord of the three halls in front of the Blood King's palace was out of sight and disappeared.

And the lord of the fourth hall is another cultivating demon.

Either in retreat, or on the way to retreat.

Therefore, in this Blood Palace, the big and small things are basically the final decision of the Lord Murong Yunhai of the Fifth Hall.

And Murong Yunhai was also cultivating when he accidentally saw a vision of heaven and earth coming from the Divine Tool Village.

At the beginning, Murong Yunhai didn't feel anything.

After all, it is normal for a system to appear in this world.

Besides, at his level, ordinary systems are no longer attractive to him, unless it is the central system, but the central system is not so easy to see.

Moreover, when their Blood Palace was established, the lord of the first three halls set the rules.

Their blood palace is already strong enough.

From ancient times to the present, and even in the future, there is no power that can threaten their blood palace, so they are forbidden to go out hunting other people's resources.

So at the beginning, Murong Yunhai didn't have much reaction when he saw that heaven and earth vision.



Same place.

One after another, there were visions of heaven and earth.

At this time, Murong Yunhai couldn't sit still a bit.

Although the rules of the Blood Palace are there, he is now the speaker of the Blood Palace!

Therefore, Murong Yunhai took a few people to the place where the vision appeared that day, that is, the magical tool village.

After arriving at the Artifact Village, he was fascinated.

He originally thought that those systems were wild...

But I never thought that those systems were artificial!

In their first universe, there is such an artifact village, this artifact village, can actually create a system? !

At the moment, Murong Yunhai seemed to have discovered a treasure.

However, when they took the villagers from the Sacred Tool Village back, the villagers of the Sacred Tool Village actually resisted.

Hehe, Murong Yunhai was naturally not so kind, and even sat down to reason with them, so after suppressing the fight, he brought the villagers from the artifact village back to the Blood King Palace.

However, what Murong Yunhai didn't expect was.

The bones of the villagers in this Sacred Tool Village are so hard that they have been brought to the Blood Palace for several days. It doesn't matter if they refuse to hand over those systems, and they refuse to build systems for themselves.

"Hehe, it looks like it's no longer enough to tell you a good deal."

Na Murong Yunhai snorted coldly, his eyes swept over the villagers of the divine artifact village who had been hung in front of him, and immediately fell on Na Da's body.

"If I guessed correctly, you should be the leader of these people, right?"

"Haha, in this way, I will give you a choice."

"I will give you one day to think about it. Starting from tomorrow, I will not hand over the system or build a system for my blood palace. Every day, I will kill one of you here. It is already evening, a few hours, It should be enough for you to think."

"At midnight, I am looking for you, hoping you can give me a satisfactory explanation."

"If you can't satisfy me, then you die first."

Murong Yunhai sneered, and with a wave of his sleeves, he led people away.

After seeing Murong Yunhai gone, the villagers in Divine Tool Village also smiled bitterly.

"The village chief, what should I do..."

"This Blood Palace, it doesn't seem to be annoying either..."

"Huh! Stop it!"

Ah Da's eyes were red.

"I am not loyal to the Great Demon Lord, but because when the people from the Blood Palace went to our Sacred Tool Village to arrest us, they indiscriminately killed innocent people. I will ask you, your family, whether there are people who died tragically in this Blood Palace. In your hand?"

Upon hearing what Ah Da said, all the villagers fell silent, one by one, with red eyes.


When Murong Yunhai went to catch them, he killed a lot of people...

And there are only a few people in Divine Tool Village, and almost everyone is connected...

"I just don't know, Lord Great Demon King, where did we go? Did you abandon us? If Lord Great Devil comes back, I don't know, will you come to rescue us..."

Ah Da sighed, he didn't know anything about this matter.

But at this time, he can only pin all his hopes on Xia Fukun...

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