Monster Refining System

Chapter 890: what relationship?


If Xia Fukun was present at this moment, he would definitely feel a little familiar.

the reason is simple.

At this moment, this huge beast shadow protruded from the ground.

Appears red...

The whole body is red, and the whole body is covered with fiery red scales. A pair of beast eyes is even more like burning a flame. And in the mouth that kept opening and breathing, there was a black light shining, as if it could swallow all things in this world.

The terrifying aura of the demons in the realm of the nine-headed **** emperor that could not move was continuously released from its body.

And the nine six-colored blessed places of the previous riots merged together at this moment.

After the nine six-color orbs were fused together, there was an extra touch of red among them...


After this huge monster appeared, it roared. Suddenly, the nine-headed monsters in the realm of the **** emperor, including the chaotic monsters, buried their heads deeper, and none of them dared to touch this huge monster with their eyes.

The breath of the Quasi-God Realm crushed all their monsters.

After this huge monster beast appeared, he looked at the nine monster beasts in the Divine Emperor Realm that were crawling on the ground. With a wave of his claws, he directly grasped the monster closest to it, and then, I put it directly into my mouth.


The monster beast in the middle stage of the **** emperor had no time to make any resistance, and was directly swallowed by this mysterious monster beast.

It was also after swallowing this monster beast of the middle stage of the **** emperor, there were more mysterious lines on the fiery red scales of this mysterious monster beast. These lines wander around the body of this mysterious monster.

"A bunch of trash."

"Unexpectedly, this mountain of God of War has made such a mess."

After the mysterious monster beast swallowed the monster of the **** emperor realm, it seemed to be full, his eyes coldly glanced at the remaining eight-headed monster of the **** emperor realm, and said in a dissatisfied tone.

"King...The God of War Mountain was opened by the third realm and other realm of the gods."

A monster in the Divine Emperor Realm not far from the mysterious monster couldn't help but smile bitterly, and explained.

Hearing the words of the former, the mysterious monster directly waved its claws, and immediately, the monster of the **** emperor realm appeared under its claws, and was firmly pressed to the ground, unable to move.

Upon seeing this, the other monsters in the Divine Emperor Realm couldn't help taking a breath, but they didn't dare to look at the mysterious monsters.

"So, have all the gods entered the God of War Mountain?"

"If you didn't enter, is it your negligence?"

"This War God Mountain, if I remember correctly, it was those forces that used it as a place for disciples to experience and gain opportunities. A bunch of disciples made you so downhearted. What are you telling me about the realm of the gods?"

The claws of the mysterious monster beast secretly strained.

In the realm of the **** emperor, the monster beast that was still invincible couldn't help crying in pain.

"Are all the humans who entered the God of War be expelled?"

The mysterious monster glanced at the remaining monsters in the Divine Emperor Realm.


None of the other monster beasts spoke, but Chaos hesitated for a while, just about to speak. I saw the mysterious monster beast "Huh".

Immediately afterwards, I saw the opponent's mouth open, and a powerful suction came from his mouth.

In almost an instant, a figure was forced to be drawn in front of this mysterious monster and the monster in the realm of the eight-headed **** emperor.


Seeing this human figure that suddenly appeared in front of him, sweat burst out on the forehead of the Chaos Monster Beast.

Because this human being captured by their "king" was Xia Fukun who had been temporarily spared just now.

It didn't expect that this Xia Fukun had already let him go for a while, and this guy didn't even rush away, so he would come together to watch the fun?

Is it all right now? Caught by their king!

Hehe, you know, their king, but what cruel things are done! This Xia Fukun is reasonable, it's over!

Knowing this a long time ago, it would be better to just give him a paw and swallow it.

Not only was this Chaos Monster Beast sad, but Xia Fukun was also extremely depressed.

He felt that he was already very low-key.

When he felt this mysterious monster appear, he already wanted to escape. It's just that the coercion of this mysterious monster beast caused him to be unable to move even a few miles away. Finally, this coercion was slightly taken away, but I did not expect that I was discovered, and I directly pulled my body over so unreasonably...


The mysterious monster glanced at Xia Fukun. I don't know why, it smelled a familiar smell on Xia Fukun's body.

"Why this human body..."

The mysterious monster squinted its huge eyes.

"What is your relationship with Tun Tun?"

Xia Fukun: "???"

He was still thinking about what to do. Because the opponent was at least a monster that was more powerful than the realm of the **** emperor, Xia Fukun wondered what method he had to use to escape. After being caught, Xia Fukun also lowered his head and did not dare to look up at the king of monsters in the God of War Mountain.

But now Xia Fukun was fascinated when he heard what the other party said.

Tun Tun?

What Tun Tun?

Xia Fukun raised his head in confusion.

I was so happy at that time!

In front of him, the monster king of God of War Mountain, isn't it... the Heaven-swallowing Underworld Beast that had gone away when he left the Seventeen Regions before? !


Xia Fukun shook his head.

The size of the Sky-Swallowing Underworld Beast was not as big as the monster beast in front of him. Moreover, this monster beast seemed to be much older than the Sky Swallowing Underworld Beast. Moreover, the breath of the other party has already surpassed the realm of the **** emperor. How could it be the Sky Swallowing Underworld Beast?

After hesitating, Xia Fukun asked rhetorically.

"What is your relationship with Tun Tun?"

Upon hearing Xia Fukun's words, the mysterious monster smiled.

"I'm special. It's his father, what do you think I have to do with him?"


Did Xia Fukun buy it? Thousands of calculations, not counting the monster king of the God of War Mountain, it turned out to be a Heaven-Swallowing Nether Beast...Moreover, he was still the father of his previous head...

This be honest, it was a coincidence.

"What is your relationship with Tun Tun?"


The mysterious monster frowned, it felt wrong! This is obviously asking Xia Fukun's question. Why did this guy come up with a rhetorical question?

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