Monster Refining System

Chapter 892: Ready

Some people think they are dead, but he is still alive.

Some people think they survived by a fluke, but in fact he is already dead.

Just like this chaotic monster. A second ago, it was happily dying, thinking that Xia Fukun had pleaded for him, and he would survive the death. But what I didn't expect was that in the next second, Xia Fukun actually said to the mysterious monster beast that he would kill himself first, and then pack himself up?

Oh, this special. Did you treat yourself as a takeaway?

The Chaos Monster Beast originally wanted to express his thoughts, but helplessly, before he could say this, the mysterious Monster Beast listened to Xia Fukun's meaning and slapped it to death.

Not long ago, it was awe-inspiring, and it fought the Chaos Monster Beast in the Divine Emperor Realm, the first among the powers of the top ten domains. There is no resistance at all.

The monsters around couldn't help but "gululu" swallowing saliva.

They didn't even think that Xia Fukun, a human being, could still recognize their king as godfather! ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

In this way, Xia Fukun became their prince, right?

Unexpectedly, the eyes of these monsters looking at Xia Fukun became tense. This is the first time they will be so nervous when they look at a guy in the Divine King Realm. No way, who made this Xia Fukun their prince?

And when the Chaos Monster Beast was slapped to death by a claw of the mysterious Monster Beast, Xia Fukun took the body of the Chaos Monster Beast into the Heaven and Earth Gourd without saying a word.

It was also at this time, the mysterious monster said:

"Godson, if I didn't guess wrong, you came here because of chance, right?"

"Well, yes godfather."

Xia Fukun was also catchy now.

The supreme powerhouse in the realm of the gods is temporarily unable to ingratiate himself with it. It's always okay to indulge in a beast in the realm of quasi-gods, right?

If this is the case, in the future, as long as you don't provoke those big bosses in the realm of heavenly gods, below the realm of heavenly gods, isn't you walking sideways?

After all, in the absence of a system, this Quasi-God Realm is already at the end of its peak!

"You may have also discovered that I am the guardian monster beast of the seven blessed land."

The mysterious monster glanced at Xia Fukun, and said faintly.


Xia Fukun nodded.

"And in this God of War Mountain, the most precious thing is not a chance, nor a treasure of heaven and earth, but the holy land of this third realm, that is, the heart of the Holy Land in the God of War Mountain-Zhanpai."

Hearing the words of the mysterious monster, Xia Fukun narrowed his eyes.

He didn't speak any more nonsense, but waited for the next words of this mysterious monster. Because he knew that since this mysterious monster had taken the initiative to raise this point, it was natural that there must be the following. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


The mysterious monster just glanced at Xia Fukun, then continued:

"I am guarding the blessed land of seven colors. Generally speaking, if you humans come over, I will definitely not let you in. The soul of battle has no effect on us monsters, but it is great for you humans. Chance. If it were other people, I would definitely not let them in, but you are different."

"First, you have the power of the blood of my Swallowing Clan in your body, which is equivalent to being a member of my Swallowing Clan. Secondly, you call me a godfather again, because of the emotion and the reason, I want to let you in. These seven colors of blessed land."


"The fighting spirit in these seven colors of blessed land is not so easy to win. You have to be prepared for failure. Once you feel that you can't bear it, you should contact me as soon as possible and I will help you send it out."

"Don't worry, godfather."

Xia Fukun's eyes lit up.

He didn't expect that his relationship with the Sky Swallowing Underworld Beast would help him so much.

At the beginning, when this mysterious monster was sucked in, Xia Fukun thought that he was dead. But the subsequent evolution of the plot really made him unresponsive for a while.

"Well, besides, if you can successfully take away the spirit of war, this mountain of war will be automatically closed. At that time, we will say goodbye temporarily."

Hearing what the mysterious monster said so sad, Xia Fukun gritted his teeth. If he could take this mysterious monster away, wouldn't he have an extra layer of help? In the realm of quasi-gods, what a powerful gold medalist is this?

"Godfather, haven't you thought about leaving this God of War Mountain?"

"go away?"

The mysterious monster smiled faintly.


"This War God Mountain has limitations. We monsters cannot do without this War God Mountain. Because there is no space container to hold us."


At this point, the mysterious monster is a bit fascinated.

"How did you pretend that chaos was just now?"

Xia Fukun forced a smile:

"I have a magic weapon, it can be regarded as a divine weapon. It can carry everything in the world. If you want to install your godfathers, it shouldn't be a problem..."

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Hearing Xia Fukun's words, this mysterious monster couldn't help sticking out his tongue and licking his lips.

"If that's the case... that's kind of interesting."

"Believe, many people don't want me to leave this holy land."

Having said that, the mysterious monster hesitated again.

"However, the prerequisite is that you have to successfully obtain that battle spirit. If you can't get that battle spirit, I still cannot do without this battle spirit mountain.


Xia Fukun nodded.

Now, the burden on his shoulders is heavier.

That battle soul can not only increase his strength, but also bring him opportunities.


If he can get that Zhan Soul, then he can leave with this mysterious monster and others. At that time, even if there is no demon refining system, with a wave of his hand, he will still be able to pop out a group of demon beasts in the realm of God Emperor to sell his life for him.

In his eyes, a flame full of fighting spirit lit up.

"God father, I'm ready!"

"it is good!"

The mysterious monster nodded, and at the moment when his claws waved, Xia Fukun's body disappeared in place.

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