Monster Refining System

Chapter 894: Difficult to persist

What Xia Fukun never expected was.

The original battle spirit that seemed to be fixed in mid-air, when he jumped up, it also rose...


Xia Fukun was surprised and came out in Japanese.


This Zhanpaku is playing tricks on himself deliberately, right?

The monster beast in the realm of the **** emperor can't beat it by himself, and he can't deal with a battle soul?

Thinking of this, Xia Fukun's body accelerated, and instantly appeared behind that Zhan Pao. Then, with a stretched hand, he firmly grasped the Zhan Pao, which was about the size of a palm of his hand, in his palm.


What Xia Fukun didn't expect was.

On this battle spirit, it turned out to be special. What a thorn.

It's like a durian, a hard batch.

There was a red light on the Zhanpaku before, and the lines were scattered outside, causing Xia Fukun to have not found it yet. Now, after this catch, the barb on that Zhanpaku directly pierced Xia Fukun's palm.

Colorful blood flows out slowly.

Dyeing this battle soul into a colorful color.

At this time, Xia Fukun returned to the stone platform.

After all, this place is among the seven colors of blessed land, Xia Fukun didn't dare to care too much.

It was also after he sat down cross-body. He suddenly found out.

Above the battle spirit in his hand, there was an unstoppable scorching force.


Xia Fukun felt the hot hand of this Zhanpaku, but he gritted his teeth. He knew that if he let go at this time, it would be equivalent to giving up the Zhanpaku...

It's also this moment--

When Xia Fukun insisted firmly.

What Xia Fukun didn't notice was that on the entire stone platform, waves of mist rose up.




Two roars came from the sky of the two jade dragons.

Among the seven colors of blessed land, the whole earth is trembling.

The galaxy formed by the power of the nebula also surged up at this moment.

That surge was constantly beating on Xia Fukun's body, and the entire stone platform seemed to be submerged by the galaxy formed by the power of this nebula.

And the two jade dragons, which were originally petrified, also showed cold light in their eyes at this moment. In his mouth, the light that was about to move seemed to spread out at any time.

"Godson... everything is up to you."

The situation in the Seven Colors of the Fortune Land, the mysterious monster beast is naturally clear. After all, he is the guardian monster of the Seven Colors of Fortune Land. He also knew what was happening in the Seven Colors of Fortune Land.

And now, the situation in these seven colors of blessed land does not mean that Xia Fukun has won the battle spirit. Rather, this Xia Fukun is undergoing the baptism and test of that battle spirit.

If it can survive, then Xia Fukun will be the master of this battle spirit.

If it can't survive, then Xia Fukun is likely to fall into this seven-colored blessed land.

of course--

The latter is also aimed at ordinary humans who intrude into this seven-colored blessed land.

This mysterious monster said that he would save Xia Fukun's life, and he would definitely save Xia Fukun's life.

If in the end this Xia Fukun still can't hold it, he can't persist. Then it will also shoot. However, if that were the case, this Xia Fukun could only miss the battle spirit, and he would have lost the opportunity to conquer this battle spirit for the rest of his life.

Among the Seven Colors of Blessed Land...

The deep dragon roar rang out.

I saw the two jade dragons surrounding Xia Fukun, and hundreds of feet of white majestic torrents spewed out in the air. After those torrents sprayed out, they braved the cold air, and when they reached the top of the stone platform, the white torrents appeared. With Senhong's arrogance, it is like magma. All were sprayed on Xia Fukun's body.

It was almost instantaneous.

These torrents replaced the power of the nebula in the galaxy and covered Xia Fukun's body.


A sorrowful scream came from Xia Fukun's mouth.

To be honest, Xia Fukun still rarely makes such a tragic cry. Even when Xia Fukun was reshaped by the colorful beam of light before, he had never released such a screaming scream.

At this moment, when the torrent of magma poured on Xia Fukun's body, even after the cyan pseudo-wildness was displayed, the surface of Xia Fukun's body was falling in large swaths.

On the stone platform among the galaxies, Xia Fukun's expression was extremely distorted and hideous.

It seemed as if he was suffering from some kind of huge pain that he couldn't bear.

On the surface of its body, the skin and flesh were continuously corroded by the torrent of magma sprayed from the mouths of the two jade dragons.

In his body, the colorful blood seemed to evaporate and rise continuously under this intense high temperature. Finally, at the part of Xia Fukun's heart, the colorful blood in his body gathered into something like teardrops. Suspended in the position of the heart.

At this moment, although Xia Fukun insisted on, but this persistence seemed to have no effect at all.

Soon, Xia Fukun fell into a state of fainting. It's just that the body still maintains the posture of sitting cross-legged.

The two jade dragons on top of Xia Fukun's head continued to spray a torrent of magma toward Xia Fukun's body as if he did not know he was tired.

If this situation were to continue, Xia Fukun's body would be completely destroyed if he couldn't hold on for a long time. At that time, it is estimated that even the mysterious monster beast will be weakened.

"It looks like it still doesn't work. The requirements of this battle soul are too high."

The mysterious monster sighed, preparing to enter the seven-colored blessed land to rescue Xia Fukun.

It was also when its body had just entered the Seven Colors of Blessed Land.

A gleam of silver light bloomed in the entire seven-color blessed land...

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