Monster Refining System

Chapter 900: Xia Fukun is out

"Hi, helper father, long time no see!"

When he heard this voice, he helped the main father's whole person to be excited, and opened his eyes to realize that Xia Fukun was intact behind him.

Those other saints, disciples, etc., came out of the God of War Mountain, either injured or looked very embarrassed. But looking at Xia Fukun's appearance, it seems that he took a bath and changed his clothes in the God of War Mountain?

This stuff is special. Did you go on vacation?

Moreover, the helper's father is also sharp-eyed, he can tell at a glance.

When Xia Fukun was in the ancient dragon space, he had just broken into the early stage of the **** king. At that time, Xia Fukun was still a little unstable. But now, Xia Fukun has reached the realm of the late Divine King Great Perfection...

They worked desperately and came back with a wound from the God of War Mountain.

On Xia Fukun's side, he went for a walk in the God of War Mountain, but he was promoted two levels in a row?

Unable to help, the helper father frowned.

"Have you refined that battle soul?"

When the main father's father was talking with Xia Fukun, there was a wave of energy around him. Obviously, he helped the main father's father to set up the barrier, and the rest of the people couldn't hear the content of the conversation between them.


Xia Fukun nodded.

He also saw this, so he wanted to take out the battle spirit, but he didn't expect that the battle spirit would not come out. Even if he said to **** the other party, the other party would not come out.

"Zhanpaku is inherently afraid of the system, let alone the first system in my body. This is a level of suppression. It doesn't come out, but it's normal."

Seeing Xia Fukun’s face to get a Zhanpaku, the helper’s father coughed and explained.


Xia Fukun nodded, so he didn't take that battle soul at all.

"The God of War Mountain disappeared before, do you know what happened?"

Xia Fukun was the last one to come out of the God of War Mountain, and as soon as he came out, he came behind him, and the helper father was also decisive, and immediately laid the barrier. So, even though many people had seen Xia Fukun just now, at this moment, they could only see the barrier laid by the helper's father, and they didn't know what happened in the barrier.

Xia Fukun didn't know whether the main fathers of this group were credible, but he felt that these main fathers should not harm him. After all, with the strength of helping the main father's father, to kill himself, it really only needs a simple look.

So, Xia Fukun told the leader's father about the situation inside. However, Xia Fukun didn't say anything about the relationship between himself and the Demon Beast.

"You said, you have a magical tool that can store the God of War Mountain in it?"

The helper father frowned.

Even he has never heard of any divine tool that can bring the holy land in the domain into it. You know, the holy land is comparable to the existence of the system! And each system is not comparable to the artifact.


Xia Fukun glanced at the helper father.

To be honest, he was the first time he saw the ignorance of Gangzhu's father. I couldn't help but feel a little dark.

I thought that the guy who had the first system was well-versed, but I didn't expect that there were times when I was confused.

"What do you think?"

The father of the helper slapped Xia Fukun's head with a slap.

"What's the name of your artifact?"

The helper's father asked.

"This one……"

Xia Fukun hesitated. Isn't this group of master fathers thinking something carefully?

"Heaven and Earth Gourd."

However, Xia Fukun always thought that this heaven and earth gourd was something made by the demon refining system. Therefore, he felt that the third system could make things, and the master of the first system should not be too concerned about it, so, After hesitating, he said it honestly.

"Heaven... Earth... Calabash?"

A touch of astonishment flashed through the gang leader's father's otherwise unremarkable expression.

"So that's it..."

He muttered to himself for a long time, only then did he change his expression seriously and said to Xia Fukun:

"This matter of heaven and earth gourd, in the future, you and anyone will not mention it, understand?"

"This world gourd, is there any good thing?"

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Xia Fukun curiously asked the helper's father.

"This is not the time you should know this."

The helper's father glanced at Xia Fukun, and then said:

"However, one thing I can tell you is that this heaven and earth gourd is not a product of the Bliss system. I think it should have been taken away from the first domain by the previous Bliss system. Unexpectedly, it actually made you a kid in the end. "


Xia Fukun was just about to say something more. I saw that the leader's father had cancelled the enchantment. After opening his mouth, nothing was said after all.

"Okay, you go to Tsing Yi first. You are a disciple, standing with me, it's not appropriate."

The helper father waved his embroidered robe and said.

"Why is it inappropriate?"

Xia Fukun asked wonderingly.

Isn't everyone all human? Is this standing together hindering you or something?

"Mom. Why are you talking more nonsense than your son?"

After the helper father finished speaking, with a wave of his embroidered robe, Xia Fukun's body flew directly to the side of Master Tsing Yi.

Xia Fukun's face was stunned. In his mind, he still circulated the words of the helper father: How come you have more nonsense than your son?

What do you mean by the helper father? Has he seen summer?

Involuntarily, Xia Fukun's mind had one question after another. But he also knew that if the helper's father didn't want to say it, even if he asked, he wouldn't be able to ask anything.

"Junior Brother Xia Fukun, how is it?"

It was also at this time that Tombstone and Xue Qian came over. Although both of them were injured, they still did not hinder walking, as long as they rested for a while.

"That's it."

Xia Fukun was annoying now, and answered casually.

Tombstone, Xue Qian: "???"

So what is the answer in Xia Fukun's answer? ? ?

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