Monster Refining System

Chapter 902: A little excited

After Yun Liao, the lord of the Grand Shrine, said these words, he left the third realm with the embarrassed group of people in the Grand Shrine.

As for this, the gang leader's father did not hinder him.

What he didn't understand was where Yun Liao's confidence came from to challenge himself.

Including the God of War Mountain in this third domain, and the holy war battlefield that is about to open.

In these places, if he helps the main father really want to enter them, it is not impossible. It's just that if he enters it, it may change some laws of heaven and earth, so he is unwilling to let the disciple in him take that risk.

He threw the four heavenly artifacts thrown by Yunliao to the head of Qingyi.

"These things, when you turn around, give them to those who have done a lot to me."

After saying this, helping the master father glanced at the leaders of the top forces in the other domains that were still stunned in the same place.

"And you guys, it's almost time to watch the play, should we go back to each house?"

"Oh oh oh... okay, okay."

Those supreme powerhouses in the realm of the gods only reacted after hearing the words of the helper's father.

In fact, when their disciples came out of the God of War Mountain, they could already leave. It's just that the excitement of the Great Shrine and Fulinmen may not be seen once in tens of millions of years. Now that the excitement is over, it's time to leave.

These masters knew that they had nothing to do with the leader's father. I had no choice but to talk to my helper father and then smiled bitterly at the head teacher of Tsing Yi:

"Tsing Yi, if this is the case, we will leave first. See you again before the start of the holy war."

"it is good."

Master Tsing Yi nodded.

What Yun Liao said earlier is correct, the holy war will start in less than two months. Including them, it is time to make some preparations.

After all the people from other areas had left, Master Tsing Yi glanced at Xia Fukun.

"That Zhan Soul is in your hands, right?"

In fact, it was not only the master of Tsing Yi, but the powerhouses in the Celestial Realm around him more or less noticed the changes in Xia Fukun. The system in their bodies is extremely sensitive to the heart of the holy land like Zhanpaku.


Xia Fukun did not lie, and nodded in reply.

"Good job."

The palm of Tsing Yi teaches a smile in his eyes.

"During the hunting battle before, I owed you a request, and now you take the Holy Land Heart of the Third Realm for me, and I owe you another promise. What do you need me to do? Huh?"

After Palmer Tsing Yi had finished speaking, he saw that Xia Fukun's face changed slightly. As if he had thought of something, he quickly said:

"Hehe, don't worry, since this battle soul has been refined by you, it is yours, and we naturally won't want yours."

"That's good……"

Xia Fukun murmured.

Just now, when the Master Tsing Yi said that he had obtained the heart of the Holy Land of the third realm for the blessing of the blessing, he still screamed in his heart.

He thought that the battle spirit he had finally obtained had to be confiscated, and he was relieved after receiving the assurance from the head of Tsing Yi.

"Nothing else, just thinking, if I can, before the holy war starts, can I enter the ancient dragon space again?"

Xia Fukun asked the head teacher of Tsing Yi.

"What are you doing in Gulong Space?"

Because the earth-swallowing monsters and others were all staying in the ground gourd that day, even the helper father didn't notice that there was a quasi-god monster in Xia Fukun's body.

"Hehe, I just went to see..."

Xia Fukun didn't expect that when he asked such a sentence, the fathers of the gang leaned forward.

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"It's useless to tell Tsing Yi about this. You have to tell me. The ancient dragon space was created by me, and the ancient dragons inside were also raised by me."

The helper's father said happily.

Xia Fukun: "..."

This group of master fathers are also stinky enough, haven't they all heard their own words? He also said to talk to him. Do you want to say it again?

"Then... Master Dad, can I enter the ancient dragon space again before the holy war starts?"


Help the main father to speak with a smile.

Xia Fukun's heart: wqn. Ml. Gb (because it will harmonize, so some words are added with symbols)

Is this simply rejecting yourself? Let yourself ask what you are doing again.

"However, if you can tell what you are going to do when you enter the ancient dragon space, I might be in a good mood and open it up for you."

Xia Fukun sneered in her heart when she heard the words of the helper's father.

Can I tell the other party that I want to feed the Devouring Monster Beast in the past? But speaking of it, Xia Fukun was a little embarrassed at first, but the more the helper father was like this, the more he felt that he was not as embarrassed.

When the time comes, if the monster beast that swallows the earth swallows all the ancient dragons in the ancient dragon space, he will say that he doesn't know anything.

"I just want to revisit the old place. I had a feeling of breaking through in the ancient dragon space. After getting the soul of war, my strength has improved to the realm of the late **** king's great perfection. I also want to see and enter that Gulong space, can you break into the realm of gods in this more than one month time..."


After Xia Fukun said this, the head teacher of Tsing Yi and the father of the gang leader took a breath.

Does this guy really think that God Realm is so easy to improve?

How long has it been since Xia Fukun entered Fulinmen? He has reached the Great Perfection of the late God King from the realm of the gods. Now I am talking about sprinting into the realm of the gods.

Even the helper father and Tsing Yi's head teacher, they all looked at Xia Fukun like a monster.

Xia Fukun's remarks are half true and half false, and it is not easy to distinguish between true and false.

"Forget it, the ancient dragon space is nothing. You will get the spirit of war. This is considered a benefit for you. However, I only open it for you for a week. You can only be in the ancient dragon space. Stay for a week."

"it is good!"

Xia Fukun's eyes lit up.

With the strength of the Devouring Monster Beast, let alone a week or a day, it is estimated that it will be able to swallow the ancient dragons inside.


After suffering, those Fulinmen disciples who participated in the hunting battle are now. After all, when they enter the ancient dragon space again to participate in the hunting battle, they may find that in that ancient dragon space, there is not a single hair of the ancient dragon left hahaha!

Thinking of this, Xia Fukun is not only ashamed, but also a little excited, I don’t know why...

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