Monster Refining System

Chapter 906: Harvest

Xia Fukun had never known before, what it meant to be happy.

Now, he realized it.

Happy this...

It was the Demon Swallowing Beast that sucked the ancient dragons in this ancient dragon space, and then suppressed it. Xia Fukun took advantage of these ancient dragons to pay all of them into his own world gourd without paying attention.


The whole process was done in one go, seamlessly.

Including the father's side, they didn't notice it.

In this way, a week passed quickly.

In this ancient dragon space, the last two ancient dragons appeared in front of Xia Fukun and this earth swallowing monster.

These two ancient dragons were all in the realm of the **** king, and for the current Xia Fukun, it was a weak group, because the realm of the **** king basically no longer existed as Xia Fukun's opponent.

After the two ancient dragons appeared, they leaned and hugged each other. He looked at Xia Fukun and the Earth-Swallowing Monster Beast that had returned to the appearance of a small beast with horror.

They don't understand.

What happened in this ancient dragon space.

How did it break into a monster of the Sky Swallowing clan and a human in the non-trial period?

Moreover, these two guys seem to be in harmony with each other, and they work together well?

At the beginning, the two ancient dragons were really puzzled, but when the earth-swallowing monster said a word, it became even more puzzled.

"Godson, these are the last two ancient dragons in this space. Look, what's the matter? Put it away first or?"


A sky-swallowing monster calling a human godson?

These two ancient dragons are also in the realm of the king of gods, and they don't have the ability to think like other monsters. But when they thought about it, they found that they couldn't think a little bit with such a big head!

At this moment, Xia Fukun also turned back to the monster swallowing beast: "Godfather."

Two-headed ancient dragon: "..."

"God, I think that these two ancient dragons should stay in this ancient dragon space. After all, this is the space created by the master father, we can't take them all, or else I will suffer if he turns back and gets angry. The ancient dragons happen to have one male and one female. Otherwise, let them work harder and reproduce more. Maybe they can breed a little more ancient dragons. When they are mature, we can come over and harvest."

Hearing Xia Fukun's words, the Demon Swallowing Beast glanced at the two ancient dragons in the Divine King Realm in front of him.

"However, I'm afraid that these two ancient dragons in the realm of the gods will not be able to bear the bones. After all, they are only in the realm of the gods."

"Hehe, don't worry about this godfather."

Xia Fukun took out several large boxes from the space bracelet.

He knew that the dragon was born with yin, but he didn't know how long the ancient dragon lasted. But it doesn't matter.

When he was on the Jiuyou Continent earlier, he asked Chang Yuxuan to summon many good things. For example, what brother and so on, before forcibly sold a part, there is still a part in the space bracelet. Xia Fukun himself didn't use this stuff anymore. But he is willing to dedicate and dare to sacrifice.

Looking at the ancient dragon in front of him, he slapped the opponent with two slaps.

"open mouth!"

Xia Fukun glared at each other and said coldly.

The ancient dragon in the realm of God King: "???"

How is this human being fat four? Everyone is in the realm of the King of Gods, why are you yelling at me?

But there was no way, it looked at the monster beast behind Xia Fukun, and could only open the dragon's mouth honestly.


Along with a dragon roar, Xia Fukun smelled a strong stench.

Xia Fukun was fascinated at the time.

Doesn't this ancient dragon brush his teeth? Why is there such a big smell of garlic in your mouth? Did you eat the leek box last meal?

Xia Fukun was not a person with ink marks. He took apart a box of Brother W in twos and threes and threw them all into the mouth of the ancient dragon in the realm of the **** king.

Why do you say that humans are the greatest creatures in the world?

This brother W is useful for humans and whether it is useful for monsters like ancient dragons. Xia Fukun didn't know before, but he just tried to try.

But he didn't expect that this box of Brother W was thrown into this ancient dragon's mouth, and this ancient dragon's eyes turned scarlet.

Regardless of Xia Fukun and the Demon Swallowing Beast on the side, they passed directly at the female ancient dragon on the side.

The scene was fierce.

Xia Fukun was covering his forehead, but he didn't expect this dragon to be so unreasonable. Didn't the ancient dragon who didn't see the mother want to cater to it at all?

"God, let's go. It seems that our plan will be implemented soon. This ancient dragon space is full of ancient dragons. It is just around the corner!"


Swallowing Monster Beast swallowed its saliva and glanced at the fierce two-headed ancient dragon. To be honest, it also wanted to try the medicine Xia Fukun took out, but, to be honest, even if it ate it. Brother, I don't know who to play with!

Under the sun...

Even if Xia Fukun is added to the Swallowing Clan, there are only three...

Moreover, all three are public.

It can't eat anymore. Brother W goes to Xia Fukun, or to Na Tun Tun, his own son, right?

Helpless, sad reminder.

This most savage and primitive behavior could not be released by this swallowing monster.

"Xia Fukun, time is almost up, you prepare, I will summon you out."

It was also at this time that in Xia Fukun's heart, the voices of the master fathers rang.

"God father, you are going to enter the heaven and earth gourd, the master fathers are going to summon me out."


The Demon Swallowing Beast nodded.

Although it is invincible under the gods. However, the existence of the **** no.1 like Bangzhu Dad still dare not provoke him. After hearing Xia Fukun's words, it slipped directly into the heaven and earth gourd.

It's also this time--

Xia Fukun roughly calculated his income.

There are almost 1.3 million ancient dragons in this ancient dragon space.

This earth-swallowing monster directly swallowed more than 800,000 ancient dragons a few days ago. The remaining more than 500,000 heads were in Xia Fukun's heaven and earth gourd.

In other words, in this ancient dragon space, there is only...

In front of Xia Fukun, the two ancient dragons in the realm of the **** king were doing shame.

"Great harvest."

Xia Fukun grinned, and at this time, his body slowly dissipated in this ancient dragon space.

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