Monster Refining System

Chapter 917: What strength?

It was also at this time that the big catfish had already arrived above Xia Fukun's head.

Without giving Xia Fukun the slightest "preparation" time, he swallowed Xia Fukun in his mouth in one bite. Then, a carp slammed into the red pool again in a "piu" posture.

Xia Fukun didn't know what the big catfish had eaten before, but at this moment, he smelled a stench from the other party's stomach. Moreover, there was an inexplicable liquid in the belly of this big catfish. This liquid seemed to have a corrosive effect, and Xia Fukun's shoes were corroded.

"Grass, the coconut shoes just worn by labor and management!"

Xia Fukun's angry face turned blue.

Although he is not on the earth, he has some dressing habits. He still likes to use the dressing habits on earth, for example, wearing canvas shoes, basketball shoes, coconut shoes and so on.

The coconut shoes he wears are also authentic products identified by a famous app on an app. They are very expensive! Now that it melted directly, Xia Fukun's heart was bleeding.

"Looking back, if Zhang Ziling or something hasn't left the earth, I have to let them bring me something."

Xia Fukun frowned. Although the mobile phone in the space bracelet has certain treasure apps, it is impossible to write the delivery address in the third domain or something, right? This courier can't deliver it either!

Originally, Xia Fukun was about to go violently, but feeling that his body was sinking continuously following the big catfish, Xia Fukun still resisted the violent go. He wanted to see where this big catfish could sink. I also want to see what kind of cave sky is at the bottom of this red pool.

"Godson, in fact, we can swallow a lot of things into our own power."

It was also at this time, the Demon Swallowing Beast said abruptly.

"and so?"

Xia Fukun was taken aback for a moment.

He didn't know what the Demon Swallowing Beast was saying to himself at this time.

"Don't you think the liquid around you is smelly? You can swallow all the liquid..."

Xia Fukun: "..."

To be honest, he can't do such a disgusting thing, okay!

Rolling his eyes, Xia Fukun coughed and said:

"It's such a godfather, I think I can bear it a bit."

"Well, I just make a suggestion. If you can bear it, then please do as you like."

The Demon Swallowing Beast said lightly.

Xia Fukun turned his gaze to other places without a smile.

Although the belly of this big catfish was completely dark, with Xia Fukun's current strength, even in the dark, he could clearly see the surrounding situation.

He saw that there was something like a heart in the body of this big catfish, which was twitching frantically.

With curiosity, Xia Fukun walked over, and then tore off this thing like the heart.


After this heart-like thing was torn off by Xia Fukun, a human face appeared from this "heart"! No, it should be said that it is a fish face! What appeared on this heart was the face of this big catfish. At this moment, this face was also extremely distorted and glaring at Xia Fukun savagely.

"Damn it! Put my heart back on me!"

The fish face shouted at Xia Fukun.



Xia Fukun was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the thing in his hand was really the heart of this big catfish! He sneered.

"If you let me pretend to go back, I will pretend to go back. Then I'm very shameless? Besides, didn't you swallow me up? Are you threatening me?"

As Xia Fukun said, he found some ancient masterpieces from the space bracelet, gold or plum. Then he took out a lighter like a trick.

I was going to set these famous books on fire, but the big catfish seemed to have no oxygen in its belly. I don't know what happened. The flame ignited by the lighter went out as soon as it appeared.

Xia Fukun saw this and threw the lighter aside.

"Do you think I have no other fire?"

After sneering, a flame of more than three meters high appeared on Xia Fukun's palm.

As soon as the flame appeared, it directly hit the root of the big catfish.

Xia Fukun could feel the big catfish's body twitching crazily in the red liquid, but he stepped on the meat in the big catfish's body and didn't move at all. This flame is the real fire of Samadhi that Xia Fukun learned from the demon refining system. He directly ignited those ancient masterpieces with the real fire of this Samadhi. Then I didn't know where to find a few wooden shelves, and directly pierced the heart of this big catfish with a heart-warming heart.

"Damn it! What are you going to do!"

This big catfish, anyhow, also exists in the realm of gods, if the heart is pierced, it will be directly gg, it would be too unreasonable. Therefore, at this moment, even if the fish face on the heart has been pierced by seven or eight holes, the heart still roars at Xia Fukun.

"you guess?"

Xia Fukun sneered and put the wooden shelf on top of the Samadhi Real Fire. To be honest, this big catfish, if it is grilled with an ordinary flame, it may not be cooked properly. But the real fire of this Samadhi is different. Especially the Samadhi real fire replaced by the demon refining system.

Soon, there was a smell of meat from the heart of this big squid.


"Damn human!"

"You quickly let me go, otherwise, our king won't let you go!"

"The king? You still have a king?"

Xia Fukun sprinkled cumin and chili powder on the big squid. Asked while facing the heart of the big squid.

"Nonsense! Otherwise, do you think I am a solitary animal?"

"Hey?! Wait, what are you throwing on me!"

The big catfish is stunned, this Xia Fukun, why is it fat, and the seasoning is not enough, why even the sesame oil is poured on it? ? ?

"Your king, what strength is it?"

Xia Fukun's heart throbbed with "puff and puff".

Although he had booked the seven-headed **** emperor's monster in the heaven and earth gourd, it would be good if it could be more. Looking back, the demon refining system came back, maybe he refining a few monsters of the **** emperor realm, and he also reached the **** emperor realm in minutes?

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