Monster Refining System

Chapter 930: I can't help you?

The first floor of Treasure Pavilion.

The father of the gang master no longer knows when he appeared here.

He looked at the faces of the small vendors who set up the street stalls with horrified expressions. At the moment, I caught one person casually.

"what's the situation?"

Bangzhu's father has disappeared for so long, not everyone still knows Bangzhu's father. After all, some people here are probably not tens of millions of years old.

"I don't know! It seems to be an earthquake."


The helper father was stunned for a moment.

Can this Fulinmen Earthquake? Isn't this a joke?

Just throwing away the small vendor, Bangzhu's father went to the second floor, but on this second floor, many people already knew Bangzhu's father. Seeing the helper's father kiss him, the faces of these disciples showed fear.

Some people are even guessing.

This stuff...

Isn't it a helper father? Maybe, just look alike? ?

The father of the helper had already guessed a rough idea in his heart, so he didn't linger on the lower floors.

Soon, his figure came to the fourteenth floor of the treasure chest.

It was also here that he saw the tombstone and Xue Qian staying here.

"You two, what are you doing here?"

The helper father frowned. Subconsciously, he regarded the two people of Tombstone and Xue Qian as being for Xia Fukun.

"Hehehe... Father, helper, you see what you said, we came to the Treasure Pavilion, of course we are here to practice..."

The tombstone replied without a smile.

"The holy war is about to begin, and we must go all out to practice."

Helper father: "..."

He can believe that this is a ghost!

After glaring at the tombstone and Xue Qian, he helped the master father go directly to the fifteenth floor of the treasure pavilion.

In the fifteenth floor of this Treasure Treasure Pavilion, only Elder Sha was present.

Help the master father glance at each other.

"Is someone going up to the sixteenth floor before?"

Elder Sha was still wondering how he would answer if he turned his head back if the senior officials asked him. As a result, I suddenly heard such a sound ringing in my ears, and my body was suddenly excited.

"Bang...Bang lord...Bang lord father..."

The elders haven't finished speaking yet, they just fainted in darkness.

Because he doesn't know how to face these master fathers!

In his opinion, it was mostly that Xia Fukun had an accident on the sixteenth floor, so this group of master fathers came to Xingshi to question the crime.

After all, Xia Fukun also said that he is the godson of the father's helper...

Helper father: "..."

Seeing Elder Ha who fainted in front of him, he took a deep breath.

"In these years, the elders of Fulinmen have such a quality..."

When talking to Elder Ha just now, he didn't even urge the power in his body. In other words, Elder Ha fainted simply because he saw him.

Own, is it so scary or how?

He kicked Elder Ha to the side with his feet, and his father frowned on the sixteenth floor of the treasure chest.

The red pool on the sixteenth floor of the Treasure Pavilion was made by the help of the master’s father, but the catfish essences in it were not. The catfish essences were born by drawing on the power of the heart-fire unicorn nebula. But the father of the catfish is more or less aware of the existence of these catfish essences, but in the eyes of the father of the catfish, those catfish essences are no different from ordinary catfish, so he didn't care too much.

In addition, the teleportation array between the sixteenth and seventeenth floors of the treasure pavilion is still at the bottom of the red pond. These catfish spirits can be regarded as guarding the sixteenth floor of the treasure pavilion for him.

When the body of the helper’s father entered this red pond, the catfish spirits felt the existence of the helper father, one by one, all jumped out of the red pond, madly pumping vinegar and jumping on the ground. .

The helper father didn't care about this, and suddenly came to the bottom of this red pond.

The crystal palace at the bottom of the Red Pool, which is the same as the East China Sea Dragon Palace, is known to the father of the gang leader.

But this time, the Crystal Palace, the helper father didn't even see it, he saw a teleportation formation at the bottom of the red pond.

The father of the helper was at a loss.

Where is the Crystal Palace? ?

So where did the big crystal palace go? ? ?

"Xia! Fu! Kun!"

The helper's father's teeth tickled with anger, and with a squeeze of his fist, his body directly swept into the teleportation formation.

Soon, the seventeenth floor of the Treasure Pavilion.

Xinhuo Qilin felt this familiar breath and slowly raised his head.

"Where is Xia Fukun?"

The gang leader's father didn't talk nonsense with this heart-warming unicorn, but asked indifferently in his voice.


The heart-fired Qilin is very proud, this group of master fathers caught it here, can it still show the master father's face?

At the moment, his paw slapped and his head twisted to the side.

When the helper father saw this, he was fascinated at the time.

Is this little monster beast even making a face with himself?

"Are you tired?"

The helper's father asked lightly, he didn't even lift his palm, it was just a thought. Suddenly, on the iron chains that imprisoned the heart-fire unicorn, the flashing spots turned, and the terrifying aura was all injected into the heart-fire unicorn.


Xinhuo Qilin's body twitched crazily, and even rolled his eyes.

"I was wrong, I was wrong!"

"Wrong, wrong, wrong!"

"sorry Sorry!"

Heart-fired Qilin begged for mercy one after another, and snorted coldly to help the master father.

"It's been too long to clean up your skin, right?"

"Then Xia Fukun, where did he go? Did he come alone, or did he?"

In the sixteenth floor of the previous treasure chest, there was a monster in the realm of the emperor, and the helper father knew it. And with Xia Fukun's strength, even if he broke through to the realm of the gods, for a while, it would be difficult to deal with a monster in the realm of the gods. So in the eyes of the helper father, that Xia Fukun might have a helper.

Thinking that Xia Fukun could hide all the ancient dragons in the ancient dragon space before, and only left two ends for him, he pondered for a while and felt that Xia Fukun might have any hole cards.

"Oh, you said that human being, he went to the eighteenth floor. I didn't know if he came by himself or who he came with. You know, I moved a lot when I was sleeping, and I took a nap. Kung Fu he broke into the teleportation array."

Hearing Xinhuo Qilin's words, the master father's fist squeezed "Kaka".

God him. Ma Ma's sleeping movements are wide.

"Do you know what you are?"

Help the master father glance at the heart-fire Qilin.

"Do you think that you are a quasi-god auspicious, I can't help you?"

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