Monster Refining System

Chapter 936: Finally understand

After completing the Heavenly Dao, under the control of the Yunliao Palace Master, the "Heavenly Dao" also wore a silver mask again.

The disciples who participated in the holy war in the Grand Shrine also rushed to the Holy State under the leadership of the elders of the Grand Shrine.

But at this moment, the Xia Fukun and his party led by Elder Xu did not know that at this moment, their biggest opponent, Tian Dao, had already changed a person.

On that day, before entering the forbidden land, Dao had a nebula power of almost 50 million.

After coming out of the forbidden area, the power of the nebula was almost saturated to about 60 million.

Although for this reason, Tiandao also paid some.

such as--

One's own wisdom.

But this kind of beast-like existence, to be honest, is already extraordinarily difficult.

And now.

That day Dao's body was dominated by the Yunliao Palace Master, and this degree of difficulty naturally increased even more.

It can be said that before this, the top of this holy war was Xia Fukun.

But now that I have participated in these things, to be honest, I am really a little bit incomprehensible...

On the Ark of Time and Space.

Elder Xu was sweating profusely, and the small oar in his hand kept sliding.

"Elder Xu, are we Fulinmen already so poor? Can't we be equipped with an automatic canoe? Why do we have to manually force it?"

Xia Fukun squatted beside Elder Xu with some curiosity and asked.

Elder Xu glanced at the side, and one person was holding a cell phone in his hand, playing with the tombstone of the landlord and Xue Qian.

During this period of time, the tombstone has been promoting the Doudizhu culture in Fulinmen, but it has only promoted Xue Qian for a long time. The other disciples, as soon as they didn't have a mobile phone in their hands, it was too troublesome to get a card or something. Secondly, they are different from Xue Qian and Tombstone.

Both of the highest peaks among the Fulinmen disciples have already arrived, but none of them have yet!

He, Ma Ma, can still be like Tombstone and Xue Qian, who usually fights the landlord with a mobile phone like a okay person? You know, the disciples of the inner sect are all positive, okay?

Everyone is okay to enter the Fulinmen with a cultivation heart?

Tombstone and Xue Qian are in the fight against the landlords, at least they can be regarded as having things on hand.

This Xia Fukun is nothing short of it.

Holding a watermelon in his hand for a while, and an apple for a while. If you’re busy, don’t help, just ask yourself if you’re tired, why don’t you get an automatic paddle or something!

to be frank--

Elder Xu regretted a bit.

He and Ma Ma knew this earlier, so what did he do with this effort?

Isn't this job thankless?

When I thought that after the jihad was over, I still had to spend a day and a night, Elder Xu felt very sad.

But he didn't dare to say, he didn't dare to ask.

Because even though he is an elder, he can't afford to provoke any of the three disciples pulled by this boat!

"Why don't you take a rest, Elder Xu?"

Xia Fukun really couldn't stand it anymore. There was a piece of black hole around this, and there was no scenery in the space tunnel to appreciate.

After hearing Xia Fukun's words, Elder Xu also showed a touch of heartfelt relief on his face.

He knew it!

I didn't look away!

This Xia Fukun is indeed a disciple chosen by himself!

The wooden oar in hand loosened.

Elder Xu stood up and wiped his sweat.

"Xia Xia, when you swing your oars, the boat pushes away the waves. This way you can keep the hull all the way forward."

Xia Fukun: "???"

He just be polite and let Elder Xu rest for a while. What does Elder Xu mean?

Are you going to let yourself paddle him?

Xia Fukun couldn't help but sneered.

"Elder Xu, I think you have misunderstood."

"I mean, you take a break first, and your hands are not sore after a while, and then you will row. Do you want me to row for you? What do you think!"

Xia Fukun said, rolled his eyes, and walked directly to the tombstone and Xue Qian's side.

"Online! The three of us fight the landlords together!"


The tombstone and Xue Qian's eyes lit up. Three people fighting the landlord in three rows, that is definitely more interesting than tombstone and Xue Qian matching two robots in a row.

And seeing Xia Fukun hit the tombstone and Xue Qian's side, Elder Xu was also desperate...

"Xia Fukun..."

Elder Xu gritted his teeth and spit out this name that he will never forget for a lifetime. After taking a deep breath, he continued to slid the paddle honestly.

Inside the mouth, the sound of joy in hardship came out slowly:

"Let's swing the oars and the boat pushes the waves away..."

one day one Night.

All day and night.

Elder Xu's hands were almost cramping, and a group of talents came to the second domain.

"Elder Xu! It's not here yet! Our phones are almost out of power for playing!"

Xia Fukun said impatiently.


Elder Xu's eyelids twitched.

So he, he, and he, who enjoy Qingfu, still have too many opinions?

If he couldn't beat the three of Xia Fukun, he would have gone violently, okay?

Another half of the day passed.

The group of talents gradually saw the plane space where the Holy State was located.

"Everyone, get ready, we will be here soon."

Elder Xu saw that he was almost at his destination, put down the paddle, wiped the sweat from his forehead and exhaled. This holy war will last for a period of time. During this period, he can relax a bit, and he doesn't need to be so tired during these two days.

Think about what the Master Tsing Yi said is right, he is also very old, why should he suffer such a crime?

Seeing Elder Xu put down the wooden oars, Xia Fukun and his party also walked over.

Xia Fukun picked up the wooden oar.

Elder Xu breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Xia Fukun was doing superficial work, at least he could relieve himself.


Elder Xu hadn't finished his breath before he could see Xia Fukun drew out the wooden paddle and knocked it on his head.

"Elder Xu, why are you fat four? Hope is right ahead, and the end point is right ahead. Why do you stop at this time? Don't hurry up? Let's rest when we arrive in Shengzhou!"

"Yes! Elder Xu, have you forgotten our Fulinmen slogan?!"

"Persistence is victory! Persevere again, good!"

At this moment, the two people of Tombstone and Xue Qian are only looking forward to Xia Fukun's horse.

No way, who would let Xia Fukun's current strength open up a lot of them?

When Elder Xu heard what the three of Xia Fukun said, he fell into silence.

He finally understood.

Why did Tsing Yi teach before?

Work **** yourself...

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