Monster Refining System

Chapter 938: A little puzzled

Xia Fukun: "..."

Is it so good?

I yelled a yellow hair casually, but the other party told me. I, you can’t afford it, I’m Chen Duxiu, and my father is the governor of Shengzhou...

Xia Fukun's blood collapse...

He glanced at Chen Duxiu awkwardly.

"Hehe, I don't mean to look down on it, I just think Duxiu Brothers has a problem with hip-hop music."

"Huh? Then you yell at me."

It was the first time Chen Duxiu heard someone say that he didn't understand hip-hop music thoroughly. Can this be tolerated? You can do it, you can do it, you can't bb what!

Xia Fukun looked at the young people who were unkind. To tell the truth, he waved his hand, and all the guys in the realm of the gods didn't know where they were flying. But there is no way, now I am in someone else's territory! Xia Fukun was not yet confident that he could defeat the existence of a **** emperor's realm. After all, the human power of the **** emperor realm, the power of the nebula in his body, has basically rushed to more than nine digits...

After taking a deep breath, Xia Fukun forced a smile.

"Since the Duxiu brothers are kindly invited, then I will have an impromptu rap at will."

Xia Fukun said, his eyes swept around. Saw a bowl of noodles in front of Chen Duxiu. The eyes lit up right now.

"Yo! Hey! Man!"

"Look, this bowl is big and round!"

"Look here it is long and wide!"


Around, all those yellow and green hairs were suffocated.

So, is this hip-hop music? Are they ignorant?

Xia Fukun recalled the popular single of a certain Chinese pop singer in his mind, hummed a random, and then gestured to Chen Duxiu's party.

"Almost that's it!"

After saying this, I didn't expect that there was a thunderous applause around me!

"Brother, what's your name?"

Then Chen Duxiu saw Xia Fukun's eyesight, so he was sure that Xia Fukun should not be a native of Shengzhou. Just kidding, although there are many locals, there are only a few people in their hip-hop circle, and he can read his name when he sees it. But this Xia Fukun is obviously not from the hip-hop circle of Shengzhou.

Chen Duxiu used to think that he was already a top-notch master in hip-hop. He didn't expect that there were people outside the world, and there were days outside the world. Xia Fukun's simple lyrics expressed the essence of the big bowl of wide noodles to the fullest. Isn't this the highest state of their hip-hop world?

"Uh, no, I am from the third domain."

Xia Fukun said.

"The third domain? Want to come to that is Fulinmen's brother?"

There are only locals in the holy state, but before each holy war starts, there will be some sons and elders of different forces entering the holy state. Counting the days, the time for those disciples from the top ten regions to enter the Holy State is just these two days.


Xia Fukun nodded.

"Unexpectedly, Fulinmen has already elevated hip-hop music to this level!"

The yellow hairs, green hairs and so on are all looking at Xia Fukun with glowing eyes.

Xia Fukun was also fascinated. He just watched Elder Xu register there, and came over and chatted in a boring way. I didn't expect this group of locals to let themselves go.

"Dude, should you accept us as disciples? We want to be like you and come with open mouths."

Xia Fukun: "..."

After pondering for a while, Xia Fukun coughed and said:

"How about this,"

"You also know that we are about to deal with jihad soon. If you are accepted as apprentices, I don't have time to teach you."

"Holy war?"

Hearing Xia Fukun's words, Huang Mao and Lu Mao laughed at that time.

Chen Duxiu was even more disdainful.

Xia Fukun was confused. What, is jihad not worth mentioning in the eyes of these people?

"You don’t know what this holy war opened up is the sanctuary. That sanctuary was opened by our brother Duxiu and his father. If you accept us as disciples, hehe, really, brother Duxiu let his father first It’s okay to open the sanctuary for you. In this way, you can enter the sanctuary a few days earlier."

Xia Fukun: "???"

He glanced at Chen Duxiu.

"Is there still such an operation?"


Chen Duxiu nodded.

"Our Chen family guards the sanctuary. Even if you enter by yourself, my father doesn't need to act. I will open a small hole for you and you will be able to enter."

Xia Fukun: "..."

He immediately felt sorry for the disciples of those other forces.

Why don't you learn a skill when you go out?

If those people also order hip-hop rap or something, then maybe it's not them who entered first!

"But if I go in first, will I not be there anymore when I return to the opening ceremony of the holy war?"

Xia Fukun hesitated. If he were not there, then Fulinmen would be equivalent to only two holy sons coming. By then, according to the regulations, Fulinmen would lose the qualification to enter the sanctuary.

"What's the matter with this? Dude, don't forget that this is the Holy State, okay? The rules of the Holy State are our Chen family's final say. In other words, our Chen family is the heaven of this Holy State! "

Chen Duxiu rolled his eyes at Xia Fukun.

How was Xia Fukun’s aura when she sang the big bowl of wide noodles just now? Why are you kneading so indecisively now?


To be honest, Xia Fukun moved a little bit.

He licked his lips.

"I'll go and explain to the people in our sect first."

"Okay, you remember, don't tell anyone else, or I won't have a good relationship with my father."

"To understanding."

Xia Fukun nodded, and ran towards Elder Xu and the others with some excitement.

"What? You have to leave first if you have something?"

When Elder Xu and his entourage heard Xia Fukun's words, their eyes widened at the time. This holy war is about to start. Is this Xia Fukun going to leave? What are you doing?

"Well, don't worry, I have arranged everything, no problem."

Xia Fukun grinned and said.


Originally, Elder Xu, Tombstone, and Xue Qian all refused, but it was useless to refuse, and they couldn't beat Xia Fukun!

In other words, Xia Fukun just came to inform them, not to discuss with them...

Xia Fukun was not wasting time, and after finishing speaking, he passed to the yellow and green hairs.

Seeing Xia Fukun leaving behind, Elder Xu took a deep breath:

"The old man just heard that Xia Fukun and the colorful-haired Sanzhou local youths said something about hip-hop rap..."

"Is this hip-hop rap so attractive..."

Tombstone and Xue Qian looked at each other. A little puzzled.

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