Monster Refining System

Chapter 940: how come

"Ha ha?"

Chen Yizhi was fascinated when he heard what he said.

"You ran over at such a big night, are you making a joke with me? Can a murder happen in Shengzilou?"

"It's true, Lord Governor!"

Those few people are going to die in a hurry. This Chen Yizhi is still so sharp.


Chen Yizhi's face instantly became gloomy.

Shengzi Building was built by him.

It is used to entertain the saint sons and elders of various forces who come to participate in the holy war.

This Shengzi Building has existed for almost tens of millions of years.

There has never been a murder.

"Who died?"

"Are they the employees in Shengzi Building?"

Chen Yizhi asked tentatively.

It would be much better if it were the employees in Shengzi Building.

"It's not..."

Those few people started to speak with a pale face.

"That is?"

Chen Yizhi is also going to die in a hurry, these few servants can't see the situation clearly or how to drop? Can't you understand the question after a long time?

"The third domain...Fu Linmen. Elder Xu Changqing."


Chen Yizhi's whole body was shocked when he heard the words Fu Linmen in the Third Domain. Then, the powerful aura rushed out of his body directly, and then, his body shape swept away, directly knocking these few people into flight, almost instantaneous effort, this Chen Yizhi came to Shengzilou.

At this moment, the Saint Child Building was also surrounded by the people of Shengzhou City. Impenetrable.

When I saw Chen Yizhi coming, a voice came from the group of people surrounding the corpse of Elder Xu:

"Lord Chen Zhou is here, let's let it go, everyone."

After this sound was made, most of the surrounding figures dispersed, only two young figures were still squatting on the spot.

But no one dared to say anything about them.

At this moment, the bodies of these two figures are full of boiling murderous aura.

These two are not others, but Tombstone and Xue Qian.

Speaking of. They came back to participate in the holy war for the first time, and as a result, the leader of the elder died.

If it was their son who died in the sanctuary because of insufficient strength, no one would say anything. But now, the jihad hasn't started yet, their leader of Fulinmen died first? Is this plausible? ! what? !

"what happened?"

Chen Yizhi walked behind the tombstone and Xue Qian with a sullen face. Behind the two of them, there is still a strong man in the realm of the **** emperor, and this strong man is also confused at the moment.

"I don't know, I have been guarding in this Saint Child Building, and I didn't feel any energy fluctuations in the fight. Moreover, the people of Fortune Lammen are also in their own suites. I don't know how Elder Xu died. ."

Chen Yizhi frowned when he heard the words of the strong man in the Divine Emperor Realm, and came to Xue Qian and the tombstone.

These two people, he can be regarded as old acquaintances.

Because they didn't know how many times they had come to participate in the holy war.

"I understand your feelings, but you first let me see what is the cause of the death of Elder Xu."

Xu Changqing, in Chen Yizhi's impression, seems to have been the leader of Fulinmen a long time ago, but since he was sent to the outer door, he never came to Shengzhou. I didn't expect to encounter such misfortune after coming this time.

"Master Chen, we have only one meaning."

Xue Qian and the tombstone stood up and glanced at Chen Yizhi.

Although Chen Yizhi was the top powerhouse in the realm of Dzogchen in the later stage of the **** emperor.


At this moment, in the eyes of the two of them, there was no slightest retreat or cowardice.

Just kidding, their Fortune-Limmen people left the third realm and immediately died an elder. Isn't this slapping them in the face severely?


I don't know why, the tombstone always feels.

Fortunately, Xia Fukun didn't know where he went right now.

If we let Xia Fukun know that this elder Xu is dead.

It is estimated that Xia Fukun would have to demolish this Saint Child Building.

If Xia Fukun doesn't understand, he will feel that the other party is very perverted, all kinds of digging and searching, and he also likes to get cheap. But after you really understand Xia Fukun, you will find out.

He, like many people, also likes to protect the calf.

This Elder Xu is one of the few existences in Fulinmen that Xia Fukun has a good relationship with. Now unexplainably dying in this holy state...

"Don't worry, I will find out whoever has something to do in this Shengzilou."

Chen Yizhi knew that Fulinmen's people must be in a bad mood right now.

After patted the tombstone and Xue Qian's shoulder, Chen Yizhi frowned and knelt down, put his hand on the corpse of Elder Xu, and closed his eyes.

Just for an instant, Chen Yizhi's body trembled, and then suddenly opened his eyes.

"What's the matter with the governor?"

Upon seeing this, the strong man in the Divine Emperor Realm on the side quickly asked with a voice transmission.

"It's okay..."

Chen Yizhi shook his head.

Then he took a meaningful look at the corpse of Elder Xu.

Just now he was planning to collect the memories of Elder Xu, but what he didn't expect was...

In this elder Xu's memory, there is actually only that full of fear, the infinite fear like the abyss. No picture appeared.

Chen Yizhi has lived for so many years, and to be honest, this is the first time he has encountered such a strange thing.

"Look at other places first."

Chen Yizhi sighed inwardly, then grabbed Elder Xu's hand, looked at Elder Xu's palm, which was covered with calluses, and frowned immediately.

As an elder, this elder Xu should also be a blessed existence in Fulinmen. But I didn't expect to return the calluses. It seems that there is a problem with the calluses on this hand!

Thinking of this, Chen Yizhi glanced at the tombstone and Xue Qian beside him, and hooked them.

Tombstone and Xue Qian looked at each other, thinking that Chen Yizhi had discovered something.

After the two approached, Chen Yizhi whispered mysteriously:

"I just found out that you Elder Xu has calluses on your hands. Do you know how this calluses came from?"

Chen Yizhi's voice was very soft, as if he was whispering. After hearing what Chen Yizhi said...

Tombstone, Xue Qian: "..."

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