Monster Refining System

Chapter 949: Hunting target

"Can disciples kill each other in this sanctuary?"

After the embarrassment, Xia Fukun changed the subject and asked the five-clawed golden dragon.

The five-clawed golden dragon glanced at Xia Fukun with an uncultured expression.

"This sanctuary is not an illusory space, but a real space. Here, those killed will die in real life."

Xia Fukun: "???"

Is he not on the same channel as the Five Claw Golden Dragon? Isn’t it possible that I can kill people here? What did the five-clawed golden dragon answer? ? ?

"Uh, senior, then I will ask in another direction."

Xia Fukun took a breath.

Squeeze a smile:

"In this sanctuary, will the points increase if you kill the holy sons of other forces?"

The five-clawed golden dragon's expression became more and more disdainful.

"will not."


Hearing the explanation of the five-clawed golden dragon, Xia Fukun couldn't help frowning. If it is said that the Heavenly Dao and others of the Great Shrine are for the purpose of hunting down the saint sons of other forces, then he can express his understanding.


If you say no, then, this day and others...

It was also when Xia Fukun was suspicious, on the light curtain, because the few people previously locked down were blasted into scum by the palm of Heavenly Dao, so at this time, the light curtain was transferred to the bodies of the heavenly Dao trio. At this time, in front of the three people of Heaven and Dao, several other saints from other forces appeared.

As before, there was disdain on Tiandao's face.

Without giving those holy sons a chance to breathe, he fell directly with a palm.

The three saints who had just appeared were bombarded into scum without even a single monologue.

"What are the people in this Great Shrine..."

Xia Fukun narrowed his eyes.

If this Tiandao is the same as himself, it is to get the space ring in the hands of others, then it can be regarded as murder and treasure, and he can understand it. But by the way, Heavenly Dao directly killed the other Saints, and then left. He didn't even look at the opponent's space ring. This made Xia Fukun confused.

And this time, although the narration was opened, Heavenly Dao did not speak, and Xia Fukun didn't know what Heavenly Dao was going to do.

Xia Fukun was a little anxious thinking that the two tombstones might have entered this sanctuary.

Where is the strength that Heavenly Dao currently exhibits that the Mountain of God of War had been hit hard at the beginning? Moreover, even if he saw Dao wave a palm across the screen, Xia Fukun felt very uncomfortable. This God, there is weird!

"Senior, can you let me go?"

Xia Fukun frowned.

The five-clawed golden dragon could see that this Xia Fukun played the checkers with him for a day and did not show any special impatience, but after seeing this heavenly Dao, he was anxious to leave.

The five-clawed golden dragon has lived for so long. Although monsters are generally lower in intelligence than humans, they are considered to be old monsters. Upon seeing this, he grinned at Xia Fukun.

"You want to find this person in the light curtain, right?"


Xia Fukun nodded.

"No way."

The five-clawed golden dragon said lightly.


Xia Fukun gritted his teeth, and as soon as he was about to speak, he saw that in the light curtain, Tian Dao and the others had found another lonely son. Just like before, Tian Dao directly smashed the Heavenly Spirit Gai of the Saint Child among the other forces without saying anything.

"The massacre, it's started..."

Tiandao stuck out his tongue and licked his lips. Look in a certain direction. I don't know what's going on, just now, a close-up of Tiandao was returned on the light curtain. Seeing this, Xia Fukun couldn't help taking a deep breath.


This time, the people from the Great Shrine came to participate in the holy war, with the intention of slaughtering all the holy children who entered the sanctuary?

"Senior, offended!"

Thinking of this, Xia Fukun no longer had the intention to entangle the five-clawed golden dragon anymore, and would leave after leaving.

It's just that his body just dissipated, and somewhere in the sky, a dragon claw appeared, and he pressed it down gently. Suddenly, Xia Fukun's body fell out of the void.

"I said, you can't go."

The five-clawed golden dragon said lightly. He also doesn't reason with Xia Fukun, why does the monster be reasonable? right?

"But you don't have to become angry, and I don't mean to play with you."

The claws of the five-clawed golden dragon nodded in the direction of the light curtain.

"Since these people are here for the massacre, their final goal should be the core area of ​​this sanctuary, which is where we are now. Here, there is the holy eye of this sanctuary. Of course, This holy eye can't be obtained by anyone. In addition to strength, more importantly, it is a great opportunity."


The five-clawed golden dragon said this, grinning.

"I am the guardian of this holy eye, don't you think the people on this light curtain are powerful? You can slap a holy son in your mouth with one palm, but when he comes to me, it's just a matter of my paw. Don't be too anxious, just wait for him to come, now, An Anxin accompany me to play checkers!"

Hearing the words of the five-clawed golden dragon, Xia Fukun: "..."

He was able to settle down and play checkers with this five-clawed golden dragon and hell!

Leaving aside the five-clawed golden dragon, he doesn't understand the rules of the checkers. How can anyone play checkers and beating on a marble ball? Doesn't this have poured out all the New Year's Eve dinner last year?

Moreover, now it is not only the other saints who are within the hunting range of Heaven...

The tombstone of Fulinmen and Xue Qian were also within this range.

Xia Fukun knew a little about the strength of Heavenly Dao before. The performance of the War God Mountain alone is definitely not comparable to Xue Qian and Tombstone. Now he is not there, and the strength shown by this Heavenly Dao is obviously stronger than before. In this way, if Tombstone and Xue Qian meet Heavenly Dao, then maybe...

Xia Fukun was extremely anxious.

Don't look at him laughing and joking on the surface, but Xia Fukun is still very concerned and nervous when it really touches the interests of people around him and the safety of their lives.

Gritting his teeth, Xia Fukun looked at the five-clawed golden dragon in front of him.

"Senior, can your light curtain flow into the entire sanctuary? I want to see who else enters the sanctuary. My companion may also become the hunting of the saint son of this great temple. Goal..."

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